On 2022-11-10 at 09:18 EST, Baptiste Daroussin <b...@freebsd.org> wrote:
On Thu, Nov 10, 2022 at 09:01:06AM -0500, Matteo Riondato wrote:

A few rough corners I still see:

1) sendmail_cert_create should perhaps be set to NO in rc.conf, or the call to sendmail_cert_create() in rc.d/sendmail should also depend on some form of sendmail being enabled. The former action seems easier.

Don't know, this has always been like this for a while.

Yeah, I see pros and cons of changing it, so not touching it may be wise =)

2) the role of rc.d/othermta is quite bizarre, especially now that it checks for a non-existing script (/etc/rc.sendmail). I wonder whether it should be retired, together with the rc.conf variable mta_start_script (which now is set to a non-existing script). It feels like a relic from a long gone past.


It is a relic from the past (unused for 20 years)

Glad we agree. I should probably start following arch@ again. =)

3) the comments on some of the sendmail_* variables in rc.conf mention a generic "MTA", but perhaps they should say "sendmail", as that's not the one-and-only MTA.

I am open to proposals/patches

(Can't promise cut and paste will work correctly)

diff --git a/libexec/rc/rc.conf b/libexec/rc/rc.conf
index 50fed07df1..b5d908e38b 100644
--- a/libexec/rc/rc.conf
+++ b/libexec/rc/rc.conf
@@ -596,21 +596,21 @@ allscreens_kbdflags=""    # Set this kbdcontrol mode for 
all virtual screens
                        # Script to start your chosen MTA, called by /etc/rc.
 # Settings for /etc/rc.d/sendmail:
-sendmail_enable="NO"   # Run the sendmail inbound daemon (YES/NO/NONE).
+sendmail_enable="NO"   # Start a inbound/outbound sendmail daemon 
                        # If NONE, don't start any sendmail processes.
 sendmail_pidfile="/var/run/sendmail.pid"       # sendmail pid file
 sendmail_procname="/usr/sbin/sendmail"         # sendmail process name
-sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -bd -q30m" # Flags to sendmail (as a server)
+sendmail_flags="-L sm-mta -bd -q30m" # Flags to sendmail (as inbound/outbound 
 sendmail_cert_create="YES"     # Create a server certificate if none (YES/NO)
-#sendmail_cert_cn="CN"         # CN of the generate certificate
-sendmail_submit_enable="NO"    # Start a localhost-only MTA for mail submission
+#sendmail_cert_cn="CN"         # CN of the generated certificate
+sendmail_submit_enable="NO"    # Start a localhost-only sendmail for mail 
 sendmail_submit_flags="-L sm-mta -bd -q30m -ODaemonPortOptions=Addr=localhost"
-                               # Flags for localhost-only MTA
-sendmail_outbound_enable="NO"  # Dequeue stuck mail (YES/NO).
-sendmail_outbound_flags="-L sm-queue -q30m" # Flags to sendmail (outbound only)
-sendmail_msp_queue_enable="NO" # Dequeue stuck clientmqueue mail (YES/NO).
+                               # Flags for localhost-only sendmail
+sendmail_outbound_enable="NO"  # Start an outbound-only sendmail (YES/NO).
+sendmail_outbound_flags="-L sm-queue -q30m" # Flags to outbund-only sendmail
+sendmail_msp_queue_enable="NO" # Start a clientmqueue runner sendmail (YES/NO).
 sendmail_msp_queue_flags="-L sm-msp-queue -Ac -q30m"
-                               # Flags for sendmail_msp_queue daemon.
+                               # Flags for clientmqueue runner sendmail
 sendmail_rebuild_aliases="NO"  # Run newaliases if necessary (YES/NO).


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