In message <>, Mike Karels 
> On 22 Sep 2022, at 7:14, Gregory Byshenk wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 21, 2022 at 04:42:32PM -0500, Mike Karels wrote:
> >
> >> Ditto on the finger memory.  And I tried this:
> >>
> >> mike@backup$ nc mail 25
> >> 220 Service ready
> >> helo
> >> 500 Command missing Carriage Return
> >>
> >> telnet also accepts a service name instead of a port number (part of t=
> he
> >> finger memory).
> >
> > I understand the finger memory. Sometimes at $job I still type
> > 'telnet' on machines that I know do not have a telnet client.
> >
> > But a 'nc -t <hostname> <port>' should solve the problem you
> > show above. It does for me, in any case.
> It does not; the result is the same.  The man page does not
> say anything about newline handling with -t; not sure what
> it is supposed to do.
> I also note that nc doesn=E2=80=99t pass control characters like
> ^D and ^C.
> Responding to an earlier message: telnet should remain in
> base, not moved to a port.

Another idea that just occurred to me while reviewing some code is, should 
we adopt the NetBSD telnet (and optionally telnetd)? Telnet is not the most 
interesting software to work on and is easily forgotten, not to mention 
we're all busy working on other more useful projects. NetBSD somewhat more 
active maintenance of telnet/telnetd would free up FreeBSD resources. I've 
been toying with the idea of possibly net/netbsd-telnet and 
net/netbsd-telnetd ports. But if we feel replacing FreeBSD telnet/telnetd 
with NetBSD versions might free up some resources, it's worth pondering and 
discussing replacing what we have in src with the NetBSD versions.

Though our contrib/telnet was a vendor import at some point. Where did we 
get it from? Does that upstream still exist?

Seems logical to me that for software in its twilight years we may be 
better off collaborating with other BSDs to reduce effort needed to 
maintain such software.

Just throwing it out there for people to think about this weekend.

Cy Schubert <>
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