The branch main has been updated by glebius:


commit f1fb051716625d29d9dea599c6d7d20d773fe6e3
Author:     Gleb Smirnoff <>
AuthorDate: 2022-08-30 22:09:21 +0000
Commit:     Gleb Smirnoff <>
CommitDate: 2022-08-30 22:09:21 +0000

    divert(4): maintain own cb database and stop using inpcb KPI
    Here go cons of using inpcb for divert:
    - divert(4) uses only 16 bits (local port) out of struct inpcb,
      which is 424 bytes today.
    - The inpcb KPI isn't able to provide hashing for divert(4),
      thus it uses global inpcb list for lookups.
    - divert(4) uses INET-specific part of the KPI, making INET
      a requirement for IPDIVERT.
    Maintain our own very simple hash lookup database instead.  It
    has mutex protection for write and epoch protection for lookups.
    Since now so->so_pcb no longer points to struct inpcb, don't
    initialize protosw methods to methods that belong to PF_INET.
    Also, drop support for setting options on a divert socket.  My
    review of software in base and ports confirms that this has no
    use and unlikely worked before.
    Differential revision:
 share/man/man4/divert.4 |   5 +-
 sys/netinet/ip_divert.c | 310 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 2 files changed, 132 insertions(+), 183 deletions(-)

diff --git a/share/man/man4/divert.4 b/share/man/man4/divert.4
index cfe1a31486c9..18da54ee9fc9 100644
--- a/share/man/man4/divert.4
+++ b/share/man/man4/divert.4
@@ -159,10 +159,9 @@ with the correct value.
 Packets written as incoming and having incorrect checksums will be dropped.
 Otherwise, all header fields are unchanged (and therefore in network order).
-Binding to port numbers less than 1024 requires super-user access, as does
-creating a
+Creating a
+socket requires super-user access.
 Writing to a divert socket can return these errors, along with
 the usual errors possible when writing raw packets:
diff --git a/sys/netinet/ip_divert.c b/sys/netinet/ip_divert.c
index 0cecbbd0d15d..7e0a09bd8e3a 100644
--- a/sys/netinet/ip_divert.c
+++ b/sys/netinet/ip_divert.c
@@ -86,6 +86,14 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #define        DIVSNDQ         (65536 + 100)
 #define        DIVRCVQ         (65536 + 100)
+ * Usually a system has very few divert ports.  Previous implementation
+ * used a linked list.
+ */
+#define        DIVHASHSIZE     (1 << 3)        /* 8 entries, one cache line. */
+#define        DIVHASH(port)   (port % DIVHASHSIZE)
+#define        DCBHASH(dcb)    ((dcb)->dcb_port % DIVHASHSIZE)
  * Divert sockets work in conjunction with ipfw or other packet filters,
  * see the divert(4) manpage for features.
@@ -124,9 +132,6 @@ SYSCTL_VNET_PCPUSTAT(_net_inet_divert, OID_AUTO, stats, 
struct divstat,
 #define        DIVSTAT_INC(name)       \
     VNET_PCPUSTAT_ADD(struct divstat, divstat, div_ ## name, 1)
-VNET_DEFINE_STATIC(struct inpcbinfo, divcbinfo);
-#define        V_divcbinfo                     VNET(divcbinfo)
 static u_long  div_sendspace = DIVSNDQ;        /* XXX sysctl ? */
 static u_long  div_recvspace = DIVRCVQ;        /* XXX sysctl ? */
@@ -134,39 +139,31 @@ static int div_output_inbound(int fmaily, struct socket 
*so, struct mbuf *m,
     struct sockaddr_in *sin);
 static int div_output_outbound(int family, struct socket *so, struct mbuf *m);
- * Initialize divert connection block queue.
- */
-INPCBSTORAGE_DEFINE(divcbstor, "divinp", "divcb", "div", "divhash");
-static void
-div_init(void *arg __unused)
-       /*
-        * XXX We don't use the hash list for divert IP, but it's easier to
-        * allocate one-entry hash lists than it is to check all over the
-        * place for hashbase == NULL.
-        */
-       in_pcbinfo_init(&V_divcbinfo, &divcbstor, 1, 1);
-static void
-div_destroy(void *unused __unused)
+struct divcb {
+       union {
+               SLIST_ENTRY(divcb)      dcb_next;
+               intptr_t                dcb_bound;
+#define        DCB_UNBOUND     ((intptr_t)-1)
+       };
+       struct socket           *dcb_socket;
+       uint16_t                 dcb_port;
+       uint64_t                 dcb_gencnt;
+       struct epoch_context     dcb_epochctx;
-       in_pcbinfo_destroy(&V_divcbinfo);
+SLIST_HEAD(divhashhead, divcb);
-static bool
-div_port_match(const struct inpcb *inp, void *v)
-       uint16_t nport = *(uint16_t *)v;
+VNET_DEFINE_STATIC(struct divhashhead, divhash[DIVHASHSIZE]) = {};
+#define        V_divhash       VNET(divhash)
+VNET_DEFINE_STATIC(uint64_t, dcb_count) = 0;
+#define        V_dcb_count     VNET(dcb_count)
+VNET_DEFINE_STATIC(uint64_t, dcb_gencnt) = 0;
+#define        V_dcb_gencnt    VNET(dcb_gencnt)
-       return (inp->inp_lport == nport);
+static struct mtx divert_mtx;
+MTX_SYSINIT(divert, &divert_mtx, "divert(4) socket pcb lists", MTX_DEF);
+#define        DIVERT_LOCK()   mtx_lock(&divert_mtx)
+#define        DIVERT_UNLOCK() mtx_unlock(&divert_mtx)
  * Divert a packet by passing it up to the divert socket at port 'port'.
@@ -177,12 +174,9 @@ divert_packet(struct mbuf *m, bool incoming)
 #if defined(SCTP) || defined(SCTP_SUPPORT)
        struct ip *ip;
-       struct inpcb *inp;
-       struct socket *sa;
+       struct divcb *dcb;
        u_int16_t nport;
        struct sockaddr_in divsrc;
-       struct inpcb_iterator inpi = INP_ITERATOR(&V_divcbinfo,
-           INPLOOKUP_RLOCKPCB, div_port_match, &nport);
        struct m_tag *mtag;
@@ -275,27 +269,26 @@ divert_packet(struct mbuf *m, bool incoming)
        /* Put packet on socket queue, if any */
-       sa = NULL;
-       /* nport is inp_next's context. */
-       nport = htons((u_int16_t)(((struct ipfw_rule_ref *)(mtag+1))->info));
-       while ((inp = inp_next(&inpi)) != NULL) {
-               sa = inp->inp_socket;
+       nport = htons((uint16_t)(((struct ipfw_rule_ref *)(mtag+1))->info));
+       SLIST_FOREACH(dcb, &V_divhash[DIVHASH(nport)], dcb_next)
+               if (dcb->dcb_port == nport)
+                       break;
+       if (dcb != NULL) {
+               struct socket *sa = dcb->dcb_socket;
                if (sbappendaddr_locked(&sa->so_rcv,
                    (struct sockaddr *)&divsrc, m, NULL) == 0) {
-                       sa = NULL;      /* force mbuf reclaim below */
+                       m_freem(m);
                } else {
-               /* XXX why does only one socket match? */
-               INP_RUNLOCK(inp);
-               break;
-       }
-       if (sa == NULL) {
-               m_freem(m);
+       } else {
+               m_freem(m);
@@ -422,23 +415,12 @@ static int
 div_output_outbound(int family, struct socket *so, struct mbuf *m)
        struct ip *const ip = mtod(m, struct ip *);
-       struct mbuf *options;
-       struct inpcb *inp;
        int error;
-       inp = sotoinpcb(so);
-       INP_RLOCK(inp);
        switch (family) {
        case AF_INET:
-               /*
-                * Don't allow both user specified and setsockopt
-                * options, and don't allow packet length sizes that
-                * will crash.
-                */
-               if ((((ip->ip_hl << 2) != sizeof(struct ip)) &&
-                   inp->inp_options != NULL) ||
-                   ((u_short)ntohs(ip->ip_len) > m->m_pkthdr.len)) {
-                       INP_RUNLOCK(inp);
+               /* Don't allow packet length sizes that will crash. */
+               if (((u_short)ntohs(ip->ip_len) > m->m_pkthdr.len)) {
                        return (EINVAL);
@@ -450,7 +432,6 @@ div_output_outbound(int family, struct socket *so, struct 
mbuf *m)
                /* Don't allow packet length sizes that will crash */
                if (((u_short)ntohs(ip6->ip6_plen) > m->m_pkthdr.len)) {
-                       INP_RUNLOCK(inp);
                        return (EINVAL);
@@ -460,44 +441,13 @@ div_output_outbound(int family, struct socket *so, struct 
mbuf *m)
 #ifdef MAC
-       mac_inpcb_create_mbuf(inp, m);
+       mac_socket_create_mbuf(so, m);
-       /*
-        * Get ready to inject the packet into ip_output().
-        * Just in case socket options were specified on the
-        * divert socket, we duplicate them.  This is done
-        * to avoid having to hold the PCB locks over the call
-        * to ip_output(), as doing this results in a number of
-        * lock ordering complexities.
-        *
-        * Note that we set the multicast options argument for
-        * ip_output() to NULL since it should be invariant that
-        * they are not present.
-        */
-       KASSERT(inp->inp_moptions == NULL,
-           ("multicast options set on a divert socket"));
-       /*
-        * XXXCSJP: It is unclear to me whether or not it makes
-        * sense for divert sockets to have options.  However,
-        * for now we will duplicate them with the INP locks
-        * held so we can use them in ip_output() without
-        * requring a reference to the pcb.
-        */
-       options = NULL;
-       if (inp->inp_options != NULL) {
-               options = m_dup(inp->inp_options, M_NOWAIT);
-               if (options == NULL) {
-                       INP_RUNLOCK(inp);
-                       m_freem(m);
-                       return (ENOBUFS);
-               }
-       }
-       INP_RUNLOCK(inp);
        error = 0;
        switch (family) {
        case AF_INET:
-               error = ip_output(m, options, NULL,
+               error = ip_output(m, NULL, NULL,
                    ((so->so_options & SO_DONTROUTE) ? IP_ROUTETOIF : 0)
@@ -509,8 +459,6 @@ div_output_outbound(int family, struct socket *so, struct 
mbuf *m)
        if (error == 0)
-       if (options != NULL)
-               m_freem(options);
        return (error);
@@ -579,11 +527,9 @@ div_output_inbound(int family, struct socket *so, struct 
mbuf *m,
 static int
 div_attach(struct socket *so, int proto, struct thread *td)
-       struct inpcb *inp;
+       struct divcb *dcb;
        int error;
-       inp  = sotoinpcb(so);
-       KASSERT(inp == NULL, ("div_attach: inp != NULL"));
        if (td != NULL) {
                error = priv_check(td, PRIV_NETINET_DIVERT);
                if (error)
@@ -592,85 +538,90 @@ div_attach(struct socket *so, int proto, struct thread 
        error = soreserve(so, div_sendspace, div_recvspace);
        if (error)
                return error;
-       error = in_pcballoc(so, &V_divcbinfo);
-       if (error)
-               return error;
-       inp = (struct inpcb *)so->so_pcb;
-       inp->inp_ip_p = proto;
-       inp->inp_flags |= INP_HDRINCL;
-       INP_WUNLOCK(inp);
-       return 0;
+       dcb = malloc(sizeof(*dcb), M_PCB, M_WAITOK);
+       dcb->dcb_bound = DCB_UNBOUND;
+       dcb->dcb_socket = so;
+       DIVERT_LOCK();
+       V_dcb_count++;
+       dcb->dcb_gencnt = ++V_dcb_gencnt;
+       DIVERT_UNLOCK();
+       so->so_pcb = dcb;
+       return (0);
 static void
-div_detach(struct socket *so)
+div_free(epoch_context_t ctx)
-       struct inpcb *inp;
+       struct divcb *dcb = __containerof(ctx, struct divcb, dcb_epochctx);
+       free(dcb, M_PCB);
-       inp = sotoinpcb(so);
-       KASSERT(inp != NULL, ("div_detach: inp == NULL"));
-       INP_WLOCK(inp);
-       in_pcbdetach(inp);
-       in_pcbfree(inp);
+static void
+div_detach(struct socket *so)
+       struct divcb *dcb = so->so_pcb;
+       so->so_pcb = NULL;
+       DIVERT_LOCK();
+       if (dcb->dcb_bound != DCB_UNBOUND)
+               SLIST_REMOVE(&V_divhash[DCBHASH(dcb)], dcb, divcb, dcb_next);
+       V_dcb_count--;
+       V_dcb_gencnt++;
+       DIVERT_UNLOCK();
+       NET_EPOCH_CALL(div_free, &dcb->dcb_epochctx);
 static int
 div_bind(struct socket *so, struct sockaddr *nam, struct thread *td)
-       struct inpcb *inp;
-       int error;
+       struct divcb *dcb;
+       uint16_t port;
-       inp = sotoinpcb(so);
-       KASSERT(inp != NULL, ("div_bind: inp == NULL"));
-       /* in_pcbbind assumes that nam is a sockaddr_in
-        * and in_pcbbind requires a valid address. Since divert
-        * sockets don't we need to make sure the address is
-        * filled in properly.
-        * XXX -- divert should not be abusing in_pcbind
-        * and should probably have its own family.
-        */
        if (nam->sa_family != AF_INET)
                return EAFNOSUPPORT;
        if (nam->sa_len != sizeof(struct sockaddr_in))
                return EINVAL;
-       ((struct sockaddr_in *)nam)->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
-       INP_WLOCK(inp);
-       INP_HASH_WLOCK(&V_divcbinfo);
-       error = in_pcbbind(inp, nam, td->td_ucred);
-       INP_HASH_WUNLOCK(&V_divcbinfo);
-       INP_WUNLOCK(inp);
-       return error;
+       port = ((struct sockaddr_in *)nam)->sin_port;
+       DIVERT_LOCK();
+       SLIST_FOREACH(dcb, &V_divhash[DIVHASH(port)], dcb_next)
+               if (dcb->dcb_port == port) {
+                       DIVERT_UNLOCK();
+                       return (EADDRINUSE);
+               }
+       dcb = so->so_pcb;
+       if (dcb->dcb_bound != DCB_UNBOUND)
+               SLIST_REMOVE(&V_divhash[DCBHASH(dcb)], dcb, divcb, dcb_next);
+       dcb->dcb_port = port;
+       SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&V_divhash[DIVHASH(port)], dcb, dcb_next);
+       DIVERT_UNLOCK();
+       return (0);
 static int
 div_shutdown(struct socket *so)
-       struct inpcb *inp;
-       inp = sotoinpcb(so);
-       KASSERT(inp != NULL, ("div_shutdown: inp == NULL"));
-       INP_WLOCK(inp);
-       INP_WUNLOCK(inp);
        return 0;
 static int
-       struct inpcb_iterator inpi = INP_ALL_ITERATOR(&V_divcbinfo,
        struct xinpgen xig;
-       struct inpcb *inp;
+       struct divcb *dcb;
        int error;
        if (req->newptr != 0)
                return EPERM;
        if (req->oldptr == 0) {
-               int n;
+               u_int n;
-               n = V_divcbinfo.ipi_count;
+               n = V_dcb_count;
                n += imax(n / 8, 10);
                req->oldidx = 2 * (sizeof xig) + n * sizeof(struct xinpcb);
                return 0;
@@ -681,39 +632,45 @@ div_pcblist(SYSCTL_HANDLER_ARGS)
        bzero(&xig, sizeof(xig));
        xig.xig_len = sizeof xig;
-       xig.xig_count = V_divcbinfo.ipi_count;
-       xig.xig_gen = V_divcbinfo.ipi_gencnt;
+       xig.xig_count = V_dcb_count;
+       xig.xig_gen = V_dcb_gencnt;
        xig.xig_sogen = so_gencnt;
        error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &xig, sizeof xig);
        if (error)
                return error;
-       while ((inp = inp_next(&inpi)) != NULL) {
-               if (inp->inp_gencnt <= xig.xig_gen) {
-                       struct xinpcb xi;
-                       in_pcbtoxinpcb(inp, &xi);
-                       error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &xi, sizeof xi);
-                       if (error) {
-                               INP_RUNLOCK(inp);
-                               break;
+       DIVERT_LOCK();
+       for (int i = 0; i < DIVHASHSIZE; i++)
+               SLIST_FOREACH(dcb, &V_divhash[i], dcb_next) {
+                       if (dcb->dcb_gencnt <= xig.xig_gen) {
+                               struct xinpcb xi;
+                               bzero(&xi, sizeof(xi));
+                               xi.xi_len = sizeof(struct xinpcb);
+                               sotoxsocket(dcb->dcb_socket, &xi.xi_socket);
+                               xi.inp_gencnt = dcb->dcb_gencnt;
+                               xi.inp_vflag = INP_IPV4; /* XXX: netstat(1) */
+                               xi.inp_inc.inc_ie.ie_lport = dcb->dcb_port;
+                               error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &xi, sizeof xi);
+                               if (error)
+                                       goto errout;
-       }
-       if (!error) {
-               /*
-                * Give the user an updated idea of our state.
-                * If the generation differs from what we told
-                * her before, she knows that something happened
-                * while we were processing this request, and it
-                * might be necessary to retry.
-                */
-               xig.xig_gen = V_divcbinfo.ipi_gencnt;
-               xig.xig_sogen = so_gencnt;
-               xig.xig_count = V_divcbinfo.ipi_count;
-               error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &xig, sizeof xig);
-       }
+       /*
+        * Give the user an updated idea of our state.
+        * If the generation differs from what we told
+        * her before, she knows that something happened
+        * while we were processing this request, and it
+        * might be necessary to retry.
+        */
+       xig.xig_gen = V_dcb_gencnt;
+       xig.xig_sogen = so_gencnt;
+       xig.xig_count = V_dcb_count;
+       error = SYSCTL_OUT(req, &xig, sizeof xig);
+       DIVERT_UNLOCK();
        return (error);
@@ -726,13 +683,9 @@ static struct protosw div_protosw = {
        .pr_flags =             PR_ATOMIC|PR_ADDR,
        .pr_attach =            div_attach,
        .pr_bind =              div_bind,
-       .pr_control =           in_control,
        .pr_detach =            div_detach,
-       .pr_peeraddr =          in_getpeeraddr,
        .pr_send =              div_send,
        .pr_shutdown =          div_shutdown,
-       .pr_sockaddr =          in_getsockaddr,
-       .pr_sosetlabel =        in_pcbsosetlabel
 static struct domain divertdomain = {
@@ -775,18 +728,15 @@ div_modevent(module_t mod, int type, void *unused)
                 * XXXGL: One more reason this code is incorrect is that it
                 * checks only the current vnet.
-               INP_INFO_WLOCK(&V_divcbinfo);
-               if (V_divcbinfo.ipi_count != 0) {
+               DIVERT_LOCK();
+               if (V_dcb_count != 0) {
+                       DIVERT_UNLOCK();
                        err = EBUSY;
-                       INP_INFO_WUNLOCK(&V_divcbinfo);
+               DIVERT_UNLOCK();
                ip_divert_ptr = NULL;
-               INP_INFO_WUNLOCK(&V_divcbinfo);
-#ifndef VIMAGE
-               div_destroy(NULL);
                err = EOPNOTSUPP;

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