On 2022-Jul-19, at 15:45, Warner Losh <i...@bsdimp.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 19, 2022, 2:42 PM Glen Barber <g...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> . . .
>> My concern with this is kern.geom.part.mbr.enforce_chs is always '1' on
>> the builders, which effectively means all arm builds will fail every
>> time.  I think we need to get to the actual root of the problem here,
>> versus applying band-aids to a shark bite.
> I think this is the actual problem. While such pedantry can be useful for 
> ancient picky BIOSes, these days only the LBA fields of the MBR are used. And 
> the fake BIOS geometry is crazy weird. We can likely tweak it to be more 
> friendly. 
> Why is it == 1 on the builder? If people want things aligned gpart has an 
> option for years iirc to do that. And we want that off for the builds.

Would it seem appropriate to use a week (this week?) to do all
the snapshot builds with the builders all set to have
kern.geom.part.mbr.enforce_chs=0 and see what breaks, if anything?
(Sort of a snapshot exp run.)

More than just the SBC images might be involved for
kern.geom.part.mbr.enforce_ch consequences, for all I know.

> Warner
> P.s. the last BIOS that I had to deal with where this mattered was a 133MHz 
> pentium PC104 board in 2002 or 2003.

Mark Millard
marklmi at yahoo.com

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