The branch main has been updated by emaste:


commit f99cc5a38947e80c41bfa28855291ac5a2e41fea
Author:     Ed Maste <>
AuthorDate: 2022-04-14 19:17:07 +0000
Commit:     Ed Maste <>
CommitDate: 2022-04-14 19:17:36 +0000

    sysent: regen after 52a1d90c8bfe, posix_fadvise in capmode
 sys/compat/freebsd32/freebsd32_sysent.c | 2 +-
 sys/kern/init_sysent.c                  | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/compat/freebsd32/freebsd32_sysent.c 
index c7ebc9a9d3ae..ee9630ff3783 100644
--- a/sys/compat/freebsd32/freebsd32_sysent.c
+++ b/sys/compat/freebsd32/freebsd32_sysent.c
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@ struct sysent freebsd32_sysent[] = {
        { .sy_narg = AS(rctl_add_rule_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)sys_rctl_add_rule, .sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = 
SY_THR_STATIC },    /* 528 = rctl_add_rule */
        { .sy_narg = AS(rctl_remove_rule_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)sys_rctl_remove_rule, .sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = 
SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 529 = rctl_remove_rule */
        { .sy_narg = AS(freebsd32_posix_fallocate_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)freebsd32_posix_fallocate, .sy_auevent = AUE_POSIX_FALLOCATE, .sy_flags = 
SYF_CAPENABLED, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },        /* 530 = 
freebsd32_posix_fallocate */
-       { .sy_narg = AS(freebsd32_posix_fadvise_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)freebsd32_posix_fadvise, .sy_auevent = AUE_POSIX_FADVISE, .sy_flags = 0, 
.sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },   /* 531 = freebsd32_posix_fadvise */
+       { .sy_narg = AS(freebsd32_posix_fadvise_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)freebsd32_posix_fadvise, .sy_auevent = AUE_POSIX_FADVISE, .sy_flags = 
SYF_CAPENABLED, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 531 = 
freebsd32_posix_fadvise */
        { .sy_narg = AS(freebsd32_wait6_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)freebsd32_wait6, .sy_auevent = AUE_WAIT6, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = 
SY_THR_STATIC },   /* 532 = freebsd32_wait6 */
        { .sy_narg = AS(cap_rights_limit_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)sys_cap_rights_limit, .sy_auevent = AUE_CAP_RIGHTS_LIMIT, .sy_flags = 
SYF_CAPENABLED, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },     /* 533 = cap_rights_limit */
        { .sy_narg = AS(freebsd32_cap_ioctls_limit_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)freebsd32_cap_ioctls_limit, .sy_auevent = AUE_CAP_IOCTLS_LIMIT, .sy_flags = 
SYF_CAPENABLED, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },     /* 534 = 
freebsd32_cap_ioctls_limit */
diff --git a/sys/kern/init_sysent.c b/sys/kern/init_sysent.c
index 141de42aef35..392fe231604e 100644
--- a/sys/kern/init_sysent.c
+++ b/sys/kern/init_sysent.c
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ struct sysent sysent[] = {
        { .sy_narg = AS(rctl_add_rule_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)sys_rctl_add_rule, .sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = 
SY_THR_STATIC },    /* 528 = rctl_add_rule */
        { .sy_narg = AS(rctl_remove_rule_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)sys_rctl_remove_rule, .sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = 
SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 529 = rctl_remove_rule */
        { .sy_narg = AS(posix_fallocate_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)sys_posix_fallocate, .sy_auevent = AUE_POSIX_FALLOCATE, .sy_flags = 
SYF_CAPENABLED, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },        /* 530 = posix_fallocate */
-       { .sy_narg = AS(posix_fadvise_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)sys_posix_fadvise, .sy_auevent = AUE_POSIX_FADVISE, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt 
= SY_THR_STATIC },   /* 531 = posix_fadvise */
+       { .sy_narg = AS(posix_fadvise_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)sys_posix_fadvise, .sy_auevent = AUE_POSIX_FADVISE, .sy_flags = 
SYF_CAPENABLED, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 531 = posix_fadvise */
        { .sy_narg = AS(wait6_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)sys_wait6, 
.sy_auevent = AUE_WAIT6, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },   /* 532 
= wait6 */
        { .sy_narg = AS(cap_rights_limit_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)sys_cap_rights_limit, .sy_auevent = AUE_CAP_RIGHTS_LIMIT, .sy_flags = 
SYF_CAPENABLED, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },     /* 533 = cap_rights_limit */
        { .sy_narg = AS(cap_ioctls_limit_args), .sy_call = (sy_call_t 
*)sys_cap_ioctls_limit, .sy_auevent = AUE_CAP_IOCTLS_LIMIT, .sy_flags = 
SYF_CAPENABLED, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },     /* 534 = cap_ioctls_limit */

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