The branch main has been updated by jhb:


commit 530e725d8e9ba118ace2f75f010657a4fe4222a6
Author:     John Baldwin <>
AuthorDate: 2022-03-10 23:50:26 +0000
Commit:     John Baldwin <>
CommitDate: 2022-03-10 23:50:26 +0000

    iscsi: Support unmapped I/O requests in the default initiator.
    - Add icl_pdu_append_bio and icl_pdu_get_bio methods.
    - When ICL_NOCOPY is used to append data from an unmapped I/O request
      to a PDU, construct unmapped mbufs from the relevant pages backing
      the struct bio.
    - Use m_apply with a helper to compute crc32 digests on mbuf chains
      to handle unmapped mbufs.  Since m_apply requires PMAP_HAS_DMAP
      for unmapped mbufs, only support unmapped requests when PMAP_HAS_DMAP
      is true.
    Reviewed by:    mav
    Differential Revision:
 sys/dev/iscsi/icl_soft.c | 210 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 199 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/dev/iscsi/icl_soft.c b/sys/dev/iscsi/icl_soft.c
index 8547a70ea535..5cef995c7698 100644
--- a/sys/dev/iscsi/icl_soft.c
+++ b/sys/dev/iscsi/icl_soft.c
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
 #include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/bio.h>
 #include <sys/capsicum.h>
 #include <sys/condvar.h>
 #include <sys/conf.h>
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #include <sys/sx.h>
 #include <sys/uio.h>
 #include <vm/uma.h>
+#include <vm/vm_page.h>
 #include <netinet/in.h>
 #include <netinet/tcp.h>
@@ -129,7 +131,9 @@ static icl_conn_new_pdu_t   icl_soft_conn_new_pdu;
 static icl_conn_pdu_free_t     icl_soft_conn_pdu_free;
 static icl_conn_pdu_data_segment_length_t
+static icl_conn_pdu_append_bio_t       icl_soft_conn_pdu_append_bio;
 static icl_conn_pdu_append_data_t      icl_soft_conn_pdu_append_data;
+static icl_conn_pdu_get_bio_t  icl_soft_conn_pdu_get_bio;
 static icl_conn_pdu_get_data_t icl_soft_conn_pdu_get_data;
 static icl_conn_pdu_queue_t    icl_soft_conn_pdu_queue;
 static icl_conn_pdu_queue_cb_t icl_soft_conn_pdu_queue_cb;
@@ -149,7 +153,9 @@ static kobj_method_t icl_soft_methods[] = {
        KOBJMETHOD(icl_conn_pdu_free, icl_soft_conn_pdu_free),
+       KOBJMETHOD(icl_conn_pdu_append_bio, icl_soft_conn_pdu_append_bio),
        KOBJMETHOD(icl_conn_pdu_append_data, icl_soft_conn_pdu_append_data),
+       KOBJMETHOD(icl_conn_pdu_get_bio, icl_soft_conn_pdu_get_bio),
        KOBJMETHOD(icl_conn_pdu_get_data, icl_soft_conn_pdu_get_data),
        KOBJMETHOD(icl_conn_pdu_queue, icl_soft_conn_pdu_queue),
        KOBJMETHOD(icl_conn_pdu_queue_cb, icl_soft_conn_pdu_queue_cb),
@@ -362,16 +368,21 @@ icl_pdu_receive_ahs(struct icl_pdu *request, struct mbuf 
**r, size_t *rs)
        *rs -= request->ip_ahs_len;
+static int
+mbuf_crc32c_helper(void *arg, void *data, u_int len)
+       uint32_t *digestp = arg;
+       *digestp = calculate_crc32c(*digestp, data, len);
+       return (0);
 static uint32_t
-icl_mbuf_to_crc32c(const struct mbuf *m0)
+icl_mbuf_to_crc32c(struct mbuf *m0, size_t len)
        uint32_t digest = 0xffffffff;
-       const struct mbuf *m;
-       for (m = m0; m != NULL; m = m->m_next)
-               digest = calculate_crc32c(digest,
-                   mtod(m, const void *), m->m_len);
+       m_apply(m0, 0, len, mbuf_crc32c_helper, &digest);
        digest = digest ^ 0xffffffff;
        return (digest);
@@ -390,7 +401,7 @@ icl_pdu_check_header_digest(struct icl_pdu *request, struct 
mbuf **r, size_t *rs
        /* Temporary attach AHS to BHS to calculate header digest. */
        request->ip_bhs_mbuf->m_next = request->ip_ahs_mbuf;
-       valid_digest = icl_mbuf_to_crc32c(request->ip_bhs_mbuf);
+       valid_digest = icl_mbuf_to_crc32c(request->ip_bhs_mbuf, ISCSI_BHS_SIZE);
        request->ip_bhs_mbuf->m_next = NULL;
        if (received_digest != valid_digest) {
                ICL_WARN("header digest check failed; got 0x%x, "
@@ -537,7 +548,8 @@ icl_pdu_check_data_digest(struct icl_pdu *request, struct 
mbuf **r, size_t *rs)
         * calculation is supposed to include that, we iterate over
         * the entire ip_data_mbuf chain, not just ip_data_len bytes of it.
-       valid_digest = icl_mbuf_to_crc32c(request->ip_data_mbuf);
+       valid_digest = icl_mbuf_to_crc32c(request->ip_data_mbuf,
+           roundup2(request->ip_data_len, 4));
        if (received_digest != valid_digest) {
                ICL_WARN("data digest check failed; got 0x%x, "
                    "should be 0x%x", received_digest, valid_digest);
@@ -821,7 +833,8 @@ icl_pdu_finalize(struct icl_pdu *request)
        pdu_len = icl_pdu_size(request);
        if (ic->ic_header_crc32c) {
-               digest = icl_mbuf_to_crc32c(request->ip_bhs_mbuf);
+               digest = icl_mbuf_to_crc32c(request->ip_bhs_mbuf,
+                   ISCSI_BHS_SIZE);
                ok = m_append(request->ip_bhs_mbuf, sizeof(digest),
                    (void *)&digest);
                if (ok != 1) {
@@ -842,7 +855,8 @@ icl_pdu_finalize(struct icl_pdu *request)
                if (ic->ic_data_crc32c) {
-                       digest = icl_mbuf_to_crc32c(request->ip_data_mbuf);
+                       digest = icl_mbuf_to_crc32c(request->ip_data_mbuf,
+                           roundup2(request->ip_data_len, 4));
                        ok = m_append(request->ip_data_mbuf, sizeof(digest),
                            (void *)&digest);
@@ -1066,6 +1080,142 @@ icl_soupcall_send(struct socket *so, void *arg, int 
        return (SU_OK);
+static void
+icl_soft_free_mext_pg(struct mbuf *m)
+       struct icl_soft_pdu *isp;
+       M_ASSERTEXTPG(m);
+       /*
+        * Nothing to do for the pages; they are owned by the PDU /
+        * I/O request.
+        */
+       /* Drop reference on the PDU. */
+       isp = m->m_ext.ext_arg1;
+       if (atomic_fetchadd_int(&isp->ref_cnt, -1) == 1)
+               icl_soft_pdu_call_cb(&isp->ip);
+static int
+icl_soft_conn_pdu_append_bio(struct icl_conn *ic, struct icl_pdu *request,
+    struct bio *bp, size_t offset, size_t len, int flags)
+       struct icl_soft_pdu *isp = (struct icl_soft_pdu *)request;
+       struct mbuf *m, *m_tail;
+       vm_offset_t vaddr;
+       size_t mtodo, page_offset, todo;
+       boolean_t mapped;
+       int i;
+       KASSERT(len > 0, ("len == 0"));
+       m_tail = request->ip_data_mbuf;
+       if (m_tail != NULL)
+               for (; m_tail->m_next != NULL; m_tail = m_tail->m_next)
+                       ;
+       MPASS(bp->bio_flags & BIO_UNMAPPED);
+       if (offset < PAGE_SIZE - bp->bio_ma_offset) {
+               page_offset = bp->bio_ma_offset + offset;
+               i = 0;
+       } else {
+               offset -= PAGE_SIZE - bp->bio_ma_offset;
+               for (i = 1; offset >= PAGE_SIZE; i++)
+                       offset -= PAGE_SIZE;
+               page_offset = offset;
+       }
+       if (flags & ICL_NOCOPY) {
+               m = NULL;
+               while (len > 0) {
+                       if (m == NULL) {
+                               m = mb_alloc_ext_pgs(flags & ~ICL_NOCOPY,
+                                   icl_soft_free_mext_pg);
+                               if (__predict_false(m == NULL))
+                                       return (ENOMEM);
+                               atomic_add_int(&isp->ref_cnt, 1);
+                               m->m_ext.ext_arg1 = isp;
+                               m->m_epg_1st_off = page_offset;
+                       }
+                       todo = MIN(len, PAGE_SIZE - page_offset);
+                       m->m_epg_pa[m->m_epg_npgs] =
+                           VM_PAGE_TO_PHYS(bp->bio_ma[i]);
+                       m->m_epg_npgs++;
+                       m->m_epg_last_len = todo;
+                       m->m_len += todo;
+                       m->m_ext.ext_size += PAGE_SIZE;
+                       MBUF_EXT_PGS_ASSERT_SANITY(m);
+                       if (m->m_epg_npgs == MBUF_PEXT_MAX_PGS) {
+                               if (m_tail != NULL)
+                                       m_tail->m_next = m;
+                               else
+                                       request->ip_data_mbuf = m;
+                               m_tail = m;
+                               request->ip_data_len += m->m_len;
+                               m = NULL;
+                       }
+                       page_offset = 0;
+                       len -= todo;
+                       i++;
+               }
+               if (m != NULL) {
+                       if (m_tail != NULL)
+                               m_tail->m_next = m;
+                       else
+                               request->ip_data_mbuf = m;
+                       request->ip_data_len += m->m_len;
+               }
+               return (0);
+       }
+       m = m_getm2(NULL, len, flags, MT_DATA, 0);
+       if (__predict_false(m == NULL))
+               return (ENOMEM);
+       if (request->ip_data_mbuf == NULL) {
+               request->ip_data_mbuf = m;
+               request->ip_data_len = len;
+       } else {
+               m_tail->m_next = m;
+               request->ip_data_len += len;
+       }
+       while (len > 0) {
+               todo = MIN(len, PAGE_SIZE - page_offset);
+               mapped = pmap_map_io_transient(bp->bio_ma + i, &vaddr, 1,
+                   FALSE);
+               do {
+                       mtodo = min(todo, M_SIZE(m) - m->m_len);
+                       memcpy(mtod(m, char *) + m->m_len, (char *)vaddr +
+                           page_offset, mtodo);
+                       m->m_len += mtodo;
+                       if (m->m_len == M_SIZE(m))
+                               m = m->m_next;
+                       page_offset += mtodo;
+                       todo -= mtodo;
+               } while (todo > 0);
+               if (__predict_false(mapped))
+                       pmap_unmap_io_transient(bp->bio_ma + 1, &vaddr, 1,
+                           FALSE);
+               page_offset = 0;
+               len -= todo;
+               i++;
+       }
+       return (0);
 static int
 icl_soft_conn_pdu_append_data(struct icl_conn *ic, struct icl_pdu *request,
     const void *addr, size_t len, int flags)
@@ -1114,6 +1264,44 @@ icl_soft_conn_pdu_append_data(struct icl_conn *ic, 
struct icl_pdu *request,
        return (0);
+icl_soft_conn_pdu_get_bio(struct icl_conn *ic, struct icl_pdu *ip,
+    size_t pdu_off, struct bio *bp, size_t bio_off, size_t len)
+       vm_offset_t vaddr;
+       size_t page_offset, todo;
+       boolean_t mapped;
+       int i;
+       MPASS(bp->bio_flags & BIO_UNMAPPED);
+       if (bio_off < PAGE_SIZE - bp->bio_ma_offset) {
+               page_offset = bp->bio_ma_offset + bio_off;
+               i = 0;
+       } else {
+               bio_off -= PAGE_SIZE - bp->bio_ma_offset;
+               for (i = 1; bio_off >= PAGE_SIZE; i++)
+                       bio_off -= PAGE_SIZE;
+               page_offset = bio_off;
+       }
+       while (len > 0) {
+               todo = MIN(len, PAGE_SIZE - page_offset);
+               mapped = pmap_map_io_transient(bp->bio_ma + i, &vaddr, 1,
+                   FALSE);
+               m_copydata(ip->ip_data_mbuf, pdu_off, todo, (char *)vaddr +
+                   page_offset);
+               if (__predict_false(mapped))
+                       pmap_unmap_io_transient(bp->bio_ma + 1, &vaddr, 1,
+                           FALSE);
+               page_offset = 0;
+               pdu_off += todo;
+               len -= todo;
+               i++;
+       }
 icl_soft_conn_pdu_get_data(struct icl_conn *ic, struct icl_pdu *ip,
     size_t off, void *addr, size_t len)
@@ -1182,7 +1370,7 @@ icl_soft_new_conn(const char *name, struct mtx *lock)
        ic->ic_name = name;
        ic->ic_offload = "None";
-       ic->ic_unmapped = false;
+       ic->ic_unmapped = PMAP_HAS_DMAP;
        return (ic);

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