The branch main has been updated by kevans:


commit 33ad990ce974be50abdc25427b0f365699d83a34
Author:     Kyle Evans <>
AuthorDate: 2022-01-27 18:02:17 +0000
Commit:     Kyle Evans <>
CommitDate: 2022-02-22 22:06:02 +0000

    cp: fix -R with links
    The traversal was previously not properly honoring -H/-L/-P.  Notably,
    we should not have been resolving symlinks encountered during traversal
    when either -H or -P are specified.
    Sponsored by:   Klara, Inc.
    Reviewed by:    bapt
    Differential Revision:
 bin/cp/cp.c             | 23 ++++++++++++++----
 bin/cp/tests/ | 64 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 83 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/cp/cp.c b/bin/cp/cp.c
index 4328b89cfd7a..7156c7f10742 100644
--- a/bin/cp/cp.c
+++ b/bin/cp/cp.c
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ static char emptystring[] = "";
 PATH_T to = { to.p_path, emptystring, "" };
 int fflag, iflag, lflag, nflag, pflag, sflag, vflag;
-static int Rflag, rflag;
+static int Hflag, Lflag, Rflag, rflag;
 volatile sig_atomic_t info;
@@ -100,11 +100,10 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
        struct stat to_stat, tmp_stat;
        enum op type;
-       int Hflag, Lflag, ch, fts_options, r, have_trailing_slash;
+       int ch, fts_options, r, have_trailing_slash;
        char *target;
        fts_options = FTS_NOCHDIR | FTS_PHYSICAL;
-       Hflag = Lflag = 0;
        while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "HLPRafilnprsvx")) != -1)
                switch (ch) {
                case 'H':
@@ -271,6 +270,22 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+/* Does the right thing based on -R + -H/-L/-P */
+static int
+copy_stat(const char *path, struct stat *sb)
+       /*
+        * For -R -H/-P, we need to lstat() instead; copy() cares about the link
+        * itself rather than the target if we're not following links during the
+        * traversal.
+        */
+       if (!Rflag || Lflag)
+               return (stat(path, sb));
+       return (lstat(path, sb));
 static int
 copy(char *argv[], enum op type, int fts_options, struct stat *root_stat)
@@ -443,7 +458,7 @@ copy(char *argv[], enum op type, int fts_options, struct 
stat *root_stat)
                /* Not an error but need to remember it happened. */
-               if (stat(to.p_path, &to_stat) == -1)
+               if (copy_stat(to.p_path, &to_stat) == -1)
                        dne = 1;
                else {
                        if (to_stat.st_dev == curr->fts_statp->st_dev &&
diff --git a/bin/cp/tests/ b/bin/cp/tests/
index 3220b45b4438..36d64900f4bb 100755
--- a/bin/cp/tests/
+++ b/bin/cp/tests/
@@ -43,6 +43,21 @@ basic_body()
        check_size baz 4
+atf_test_case basic_symlink
+       echo "foo" > bar
+       ln -s bar baz
+       atf_check cp baz foo
+       atf_check test '!' -L foo
+       atf_check -e inline:"cp: baz and baz are identical (not copied).\n" \
+           -s exit:1 cp baz baz
+       atf_check -e inline:"cp: bar and baz are identical (not copied).\n" \
+           -s exit:1 cp baz bar
 atf_test_case chrdev
@@ -130,12 +145,61 @@ matching_srctgt_nonexistent_body()
        atf_check -e not-empty -s not-exit:0 stat foo/dne/foo
+       extra_cpflag=$1
+       mkdir -p foo/bar
+       ln -s bar foo/baz
+       mkdir foo-mirror
+       eval "cp -R $extra_cpflag foo foo-mirror"
+atf_test_case recursive_link_dflt
+       recursive_link_setup
+       # -P is the default, so this should work and preserve the link.
+       atf_check cp -R foo foo-mirror
+       atf_check test -L foo-mirror/foo/baz
+atf_test_case recursive_link_Hflag
+       recursive_link_setup
+       # -H will not follow either, so this should also work and preserve the
+       # link.
+       atf_check cp -RH foo foo-mirror
+       atf_check test -L foo-mirror/foo/baz
+atf_test_case recursive_link_Lflag
+       recursive_link_setup -L
+       # -L will work, but foo/baz ends up expanded to a directory.
+       atf_check test -d foo-mirror/foo/baz -a \
+           '(' ! -L foo-mirror/foo/baz ')'
+       atf_check cp -RL foo foo-mirror
+       atf_check test -d foo-mirror/foo/baz -a \
+           '(' ! -L foo-mirror/foo/baz ')'
        atf_add_test_case basic
+       atf_add_test_case basic_symlink
        atf_add_test_case chrdev
        atf_add_test_case matching_srctgt
        atf_add_test_case matching_srctgt_contained
        atf_add_test_case matching_srctgt_link
        atf_add_test_case matching_srctgt_nonexistent
+       atf_add_test_case recursive_link_dflt
+       atf_add_test_case recursive_link_Hflag
+       atf_add_test_case recursive_link_Lflag

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