The branch main has been updated by adrian:


commit 9df53d07e6bce5d38fca860367da546f6a420a90
Author:     Adrian Chadd <>
AuthorDate: 2021-12-14 18:01:08 +0000
Commit:     Adrian Chadd <>
CommitDate: 2021-12-26 12:18:53 +0000

    clk: add call for nodes to get the programmed/decided frequency passed back
    The existing call can only really be used for a node wishing to
    configure its parent, but as we don't pass in a pointer to the freq,
    we can't set it to what it would be for a DRY_RUN pass.
    So for clock nodes that wish to try setting parent frequencies to see
    which would be the best for its own target frequency, we really do need
    a way to call in and pass in a flag /and/ a pointer to freq so it can be
    updated for us as the clock tree is recursed through.
    Reviewers: manu
    Approved by: manu
    Subscribers: imp
    Differential Revision:
 sys/dev/extres/clk/clk.c | 35 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 sys/dev/extres/clk/clk.h |  2 ++
 2 files changed, 31 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/dev/extres/clk/clk.c b/sys/dev/extres/clk/clk.c
index f4284fcd59ba..2be233c465a9 100644
--- a/sys/dev/extres/clk/clk.c
+++ b/sys/dev/extres/clk/clk.c
@@ -965,8 +965,8 @@ clknode_get_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t *freq)
        return (0);
-clknode_set_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t freq, int flags,
+static int
+_clknode_set_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t *freq, int flags,
     int enablecnt)
        int rv, done;
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@ clknode_set_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t freq, 
int flags,
        /* Check for no change */
-       if (clknode->freq == freq)
+       if (clknode->freq == *freq)
                return (0);
        parent_freq = 0;
@@ -1003,7 +1003,7 @@ clknode_set_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t freq, 
int flags,
        /* Set frequency for this clock. */
-       rv = CLKNODE_SET_FREQ(clknode, parent_freq, &freq, flags, &done);
+       rv = CLKNODE_SET_FREQ(clknode, parent_freq, freq, flags, &done);
        if (rv != 0) {
                printf("Cannot set frequency for clk: %s, error: %d\n",
                    clknode->name, rv);
@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@ clknode_set_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t freq, 
int flags,
        if (done) {
                /* Success - invalidate frequency cache for all children. */
                if ((flags & CLK_SET_DRYRUN) == 0) {
-                       clknode->freq = freq;
+                       clknode->freq = *freq;
                        /* Clock might have reparent during set_freq */
                        if (clknode->parent_cnt > 0) {
                                rv = clknode_get_freq(clknode->parent,
@@ -1028,7 +1028,8 @@ clknode_set_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t freq, 
int flags,
        } else if (clknode->parent != NULL) {
                /* Nothing changed, pass request to parent. */
-               rv = clknode_set_freq(clknode->parent, freq, flags, enablecnt);
+               rv = _clknode_set_freq(clknode->parent, freq, flags,
+                   enablecnt);
        } else {
                /* End of chain without action. */
                printf("Cannot set frequency for clk: %s, end of chain\n",
@@ -1039,6 +1040,28 @@ clknode_set_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t freq, 
int flags,
        return (rv);
+clknode_set_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t freq, int flags,
+    int enablecnt)
+       return (_clknode_set_freq(clknode, &freq, flags, enablecnt));
+clknode_try_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t freq, int flags,
+    int enablecnt, uint64_t *out_freq)
+       int rv;
+       rv = _clknode_set_freq(clknode, &freq, flags | CLK_SET_DRYRUN,
+           enablecnt);
+       if (out_freq != NULL)
+               *out_freq = freq;
+       return (rv);
 clknode_enable(struct clknode *clknode)
diff --git a/sys/dev/extres/clk/clk.h b/sys/dev/extres/clk/clk.h
index 3ddf8fc574de..5daf3c0731ee 100644
--- a/sys/dev/extres/clk/clk.h
+++ b/sys/dev/extres/clk/clk.h
@@ -115,6 +115,8 @@ struct clknode *clknode_find_by_id(struct clkdom *clkdom, 
intptr_t id);
 int clknode_get_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t *freq);
 int clknode_set_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t freq, int flags,
     int enablecnt);
+int clknode_try_freq(struct clknode *clknode, uint64_t freq, int flags,
+    int enablecnt, uint64_t *out_freq);
 int clknode_enable(struct clknode *clknode);
 int clknode_disable(struct clknode *clknode);
 int clknode_stop(struct clknode *clknode, int depth);

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