The branch main has been updated by kp:


commit ab238f14544b2415561c4fed674ee360aa8b5860
Author:     Luiz Otavio O Souza <>
AuthorDate: 2021-10-19 11:37:54 +0000
Commit:     Kristof Provost <>
CommitDate: 2021-10-22 07:52:17 +0000

    pf: ensure we have the correct source/destination IP address in ICMP errors
    When we route-to a packet that later turns out to not fit in the
    outbound interface MTU we generate an ICMP error.
    However, if we've already changed those (i.e. we've passed through a NAT
    rule) we have to undo the transformation first.
    Obtained from:  pfSense
    MFC after:      3 weeks
    Sponsored by:   Rubicon Communications, LLC ("Netgate")
    Differential Revision:
 sys/netpfil/pf/pf.c | 103 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 101 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/netpfil/pf/pf.c b/sys/netpfil/pf/pf.c
index 2c625703c5d9..17253373628c 100644
--- a/sys/netpfil/pf/pf.c
+++ b/sys/netpfil/pf/pf.c
@@ -320,6 +320,8 @@ static u_int                 pf_purge_expired_states(u_int, 
 static void             pf_purge_unlinked_rules(void);
 static int              pf_mtag_uminit(void *, int, int);
 static void             pf_mtag_free(struct m_tag *);
+static void             pf_packet_rework_nat(struct mbuf *, struct pf_pdesc *,
+                           int, struct pf_state_key *);
 #ifdef INET
 static void             pf_route(struct mbuf **, struct pf_krule *, int,
                            struct ifnet *, struct pf_kstate *,
@@ -341,6 +343,16 @@ extern struct proc *pf_purge_proc;
 VNET_DEFINE(struct pf_limit, pf_limits[PF_LIMIT_MAX]);
+#define        PACKET_UNDO_NAT(_m, _pd, _off, _s, _dir)                \
+       do {                                                            \
+               struct pf_state_key *nk;                                \
+               if ((_dir) == PF_OUT)                                   \
+                       nk = (_s)->key[PF_SK_STACK];                    \
+               else                                                    \
+                       nk = (_s)->key[PF_SK_WIRE];                     \
+               pf_packet_rework_nat(_m, _pd, _off, nk);                \
+       } while (0)
 #define        PACKET_LOOPED(pd)       ((pd)->pf_mtag &&                       
                                 (pd)->pf_mtag->flags & PF_PACKET_LOOPED)
@@ -446,6 +458,83 @@ pf_addr_cmp(struct pf_addr *a, struct pf_addr *b, 
sa_family_t af)
        return (0);
+static void
+pf_packet_rework_nat(struct mbuf *m, struct pf_pdesc *pd, int off,
+       struct pf_state_key *nk)
+       switch (pd->proto) {
+       case IPPROTO_TCP: {
+               struct tcphdr *th = &pd->hdr.tcp;
+               if (PF_ANEQ(pd->src, &nk->addr[pd->sidx], pd->af))
+                       pf_change_ap(m, pd->src, &th->th_sport, pd->ip_sum,
+                           &th->th_sum, &nk->addr[pd->sidx],
+                           nk->port[pd->sidx], 0, pd->af);
+               if (PF_ANEQ(pd->dst, &nk->addr[pd->didx], pd->af))
+                       pf_change_ap(m, pd->dst, &th->th_dport, pd->ip_sum,
+                           &th->th_sum, &nk->addr[pd->didx],
+                           nk->port[pd->didx], 0, pd->af);
+               m_copyback(m, off, sizeof(*th), (caddr_t)th);
+               break;
+       }
+       case IPPROTO_UDP: {
+               struct udphdr *uh = &pd->hdr.udp;
+               if (PF_ANEQ(pd->src, &nk->addr[pd->sidx], pd->af))
+                       pf_change_ap(m, pd->src, &uh->uh_sport, pd->ip_sum,
+                           &uh->uh_sum, &nk->addr[pd->sidx],
+                           nk->port[pd->sidx], 1, pd->af);
+               if (PF_ANEQ(pd->dst, &nk->addr[pd->didx], pd->af))
+                       pf_change_ap(m, pd->dst, &uh->uh_dport, pd->ip_sum,
+                           &uh->uh_sum, &nk->addr[pd->didx],
+                           nk->port[pd->didx], 1, pd->af);
+               m_copyback(m, off, sizeof(*uh), (caddr_t)uh);
+               break;
+       }
+       case IPPROTO_ICMP: {
+               struct icmp *ih = &pd->hdr.icmp;
+               if (nk->port[pd->sidx] != ih->icmp_id) {
+                       pd->hdr.icmp.icmp_cksum = pf_cksum_fixup(
+                           ih->icmp_cksum, ih->icmp_id,
+                           nk->port[pd->sidx], 0);
+                       ih->icmp_id = nk->port[pd->sidx];
+                       pd->sport = &ih->icmp_id;
+                       m_copyback(m, off, ICMP_MINLEN, (caddr_t)ih);
+               }
+               /* FALLTHROUGH */
+       }
+       default:
+               if (PF_ANEQ(pd->src, &nk->addr[pd->sidx], pd->af)) {
+                       switch (pd->af) {
+                       case AF_INET:
+                               pf_change_a(&pd->src->v4.s_addr,
+                                   pd->ip_sum, nk->addr[pd->sidx].v4.s_addr,
+                                   0);
+                               break;
+                       case AF_INET6:
+                               PF_ACPY(pd->src, &nk->addr[pd->sidx], pd->af);
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               if (PF_ANEQ(pd->dst, &nk->addr[pd->didx], pd->af)) {
+                       switch (pd->af) {
+                       case AF_INET:
+                               pf_change_a(&pd->dst->v4.s_addr,
+                                   pd->ip_sum, nk->addr[pd->didx].v4.s_addr,
+                                   0);
+                               break;
+                       case AF_INET6:
+                               PF_ACPY(pd->dst, &nk->addr[pd->didx], pd->af);
+                               break;
+                       }
+               }
+               break;
+       }
 static __inline uint32_t
 pf_hashkey(struct pf_state_key *sk)
@@ -5937,6 +6026,11 @@ pf_route(struct mbuf **m, struct pf_krule *r, int dir, 
struct ifnet *oifp,
                error = EMSGSIZE;
                if (r->rt != PF_DUPTO) {
+                       if (s && pd->nat_rule != NULL)
+                               PACKET_UNDO_NAT(m0, pd,
+                                   (ip->ip_hl << 2) + (ip_off & IP_OFFMASK),
+                                   s, dir);
                        icmp_error(m0, ICMP_UNREACH, ICMP_UNREACH_NEEDFRAG, 0,
                        goto done;
@@ -6104,9 +6198,14 @@ pf_route6(struct mbuf **m, struct pf_krule *r, int dir, 
struct ifnet *oifp,
                nd6_output_ifp(ifp, ifp, m0, &dst, NULL);
        else {
                in6_ifstat_inc(ifp, ifs6_in_toobig);
-               if (r->rt != PF_DUPTO)
+               if (r->rt != PF_DUPTO) {
+                       if (s && pd->nat_rule != NULL)
+                               PACKET_UNDO_NAT(m0, pd,
+                                   ((caddr_t)ip6 - m0->m_data) +
+                                   sizeof(struct ip6_hdr), s, dir);
                        icmp6_error(m0, ICMP6_PACKET_TOO_BIG, 0, ifp->if_mtu);
-               else
+               } else
                        goto bad;

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