The branch main has been updated by wulf:


commit 9d04336b615d16faa631da2824ee719683540276
Author:     Vladimir Kondratyev <>
AuthorDate: 2021-09-02 19:33:51 +0000
Commit:     Vladimir Kondratyev <>
CommitDate: 2021-09-02 19:35:27 +0000

    hmt(4): Add support for touchpads with no "button type" or
    "maximum number of contacts" usages.
    Assume touchpad to be a clickpad if it has only internal button.
    Set number of contacts to 5 for touchpads and to 10 for touchscreens.
    Check for fetched report length to avoid reading of stalled data.
    Fixes Dell Precision 7550 laptop.
    Tested by:      Shawn Webb <shawn.webb_AT_hardenedbsd_DOT_org>
    PR:             257992
    MFC after:      2 week
 sys/dev/hid/hmt.c | 28 +++++++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/dev/hid/hmt.c b/sys/dev/hid/hmt.c
index cb7afe7290d0..dcf360bcffba 100644
--- a/sys/dev/hid/hmt.c
+++ b/sys/dev/hid/hmt.c
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ hmt_attach(device_t dev)
        const struct hid_device_info *hw = hid_get_device_info(dev);
        void *d_ptr;
        uint8_t *fbuf = NULL;
-       hid_size_t d_len, fsize;
+       hid_size_t d_len, fsize, rsize;
        uint32_t cont_count_max;
        int nbuttons, btn;
        size_t i;
@@ -321,9 +321,10 @@ hmt_attach(device_t dev)
        /* Fetch and parse "Contact count maximum" feature report */
        if (sc->cont_max_rlen > 1) {
-               err = hid_get_report(dev, fbuf, sc->cont_max_rlen, NULL,
+               err = hid_get_report(dev, fbuf, sc->cont_max_rlen, &rsize,
                    HID_FEATURE_REPORT, sc->cont_max_rid);
-               if (err == 0) {
+               if (err == 0 && (rsize - 1) * 8 >=
+                   sc->cont_max_loc.pos + sc->cont_max_loc.size) {
                        cont_count_max = hid_get_udata(fbuf + 1,
                            sc->cont_max_rlen - 1, &sc->cont_max_loc);
@@ -334,23 +335,24 @@ hmt_attach(device_t dev)
                                sc->cont_count_max = cont_count_max;
                } else
                        DPRINTF("hid_get_report error=%d\n", err);
-       } else
-               DPRINTF("Feature report %hhu size invalid: %u\n",
-                   sc->cont_max_rid, sc->cont_max_rlen);
+       }
+       if (sc->cont_count_max == 0)
+               sc->cont_count_max = sc->type == HMT_TYPE_TOUCHSCREEN ? 10 : 5;
        /* Fetch and parse "Button type" feature report */
        if (sc->btn_type_rlen > 1 && sc->btn_type_rid != sc->cont_max_rid) {
                bzero(fbuf, fsize);
-               err = hid_get_report(dev, fbuf, sc->btn_type_rlen, NULL,
+               err = hid_get_report(dev, fbuf, sc->btn_type_rlen, &rsize,
                    HID_FEATURE_REPORT, sc->btn_type_rid);
-       }
-       if (sc->btn_type_rlen > 1) {
-               if (err == 0)
-                       sc->is_clickpad = hid_get_udata(fbuf + 1,
-                           sc->btn_type_rlen - 1, &sc->btn_type_loc) == 0;
-               else
+               if (err != 0)
                        DPRINTF("hid_get_report error=%d\n", err);
+       if (sc->btn_type_rlen > 1 && err == 0 && (rsize - 1) * 8 >=
+           sc->btn_type_loc.pos + sc->btn_type_loc.size)
+               sc->is_clickpad = hid_get_udata(fbuf + 1, sc->btn_type_rlen - 1,
+                   &sc->btn_type_loc) == 0;
+       else
+               sc->is_clickpad = sc->max_button == 0 && sc->has_int_button;
        /* Fetch THQA certificate to enable some devices like WaveShare */
        if (sc->thqa_cert_rlen > 1 && sc->thqa_cert_rid != sc->cont_max_rid)
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