The branch main has been updated by wulf:


commit 527b6d60f86953a40136abcf2f38cc4e70118954
Author:     Vladimir Kondratyev <>
AuthorDate: 2021-09-02 19:27:02 +0000
Commit:     Vladimir Kondratyev <>
CommitDate: 2021-09-02 19:35:26 +0000

    wmt(4): Adapt to recent KPI changes
    MFC after:      2 weeks
 sys/dev/usb/input/wmt.c | 136 ++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 61 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/dev/usb/input/wmt.c b/sys/dev/usb/input/wmt.c
index 8191c6ff9369..661fa622433f 100644
--- a/sys/dev/usb/input/wmt.c
+++ b/sys/dev/usb/input/wmt.c
@@ -94,105 +94,101 @@ enum wmt_input_mode {
 enum {
-#define        WMT_SLOT        WMT_TIP_SWITCH
-       WMT_WIDTH,
-#define        WMT_MAJOR       WMT_WIDTH
-       WMT_HEIGHT,
-#define WMT_MINOR      WMT_HEIGHT
-       WMT_X,
-       WMT_Y,
-       WMT_IN_RANGE,
-       WMT_TOOL_X,
-       WMT_TOOL_Y,
-       WMT_N_USAGES,
+       WMT_X =                 ABS_MT_INDEX(ABS_MT_POSITION_X),
+       WMT_Y =                 ABS_MT_INDEX(ABS_MT_POSITION_Y),
+       WMT_TOOL_X =            ABS_MT_INDEX(ABS_MT_TOOL_X),
+       WMT_TOOL_Y =            ABS_MT_INDEX(ABS_MT_TOOL_Y),
-#define        WMT_NO_CODE     (ABS_MAX + 10)
+#define        WMT_N_USAGES    MT_CNT
 #define        WMT_NO_USAGE    -1
 struct wmt_hid_map_item {
        char            name[5];
        int32_t         usage;          /* HID usage */
-       uint32_t        code;           /* Evdev event code */
+       bool            reported;       /* Item value is passed to evdev */
        bool            required;       /* Required for MT Digitizers */
 static const struct wmt_hid_map_item wmt_hid_map[WMT_N_USAGES] = {
-       [WMT_TIP_SWITCH] = {    /* WMT_SLOT */
+       [WMT_TIP_SWITCH] = {
                .name = "TIP",
                .usage = HID_USAGE2(HUP_DIGITIZERS, HUD_TIP_SWITCH),
-               .code = ABS_MT_SLOT,
+               .reported = false,
                .required = true,
-       [WMT_WIDTH] = {         /* WMT_MAJOR */
+       [WMT_WIDTH] = {
                .name = "WDTH",
                .usage = HID_USAGE2(HUP_DIGITIZERS, HUD_WIDTH),
-               .code = ABS_MT_TOUCH_MAJOR,
+               .reported = true,
                .required = false,
-       [WMT_HEIGHT] = {        /* WMT_MINOR */
+       [WMT_HEIGHT] = {
                .name = "HGHT",
                .usage = HID_USAGE2(HUP_DIGITIZERS, HUD_HEIGHT),
-               .code = ABS_MT_TOUCH_MINOR,
+               .reported = true,
                .required = false,
        [WMT_ORIENTATION] = {
                .name = "ORIE",
                .usage = WMT_NO_USAGE,
-               .code = ABS_MT_ORIENTATION,
+               .reported = true,
                .required = false,
        [WMT_X] = {
                .name = "X",
                .usage = HID_USAGE2(HUP_GENERIC_DESKTOP, HUG_X),
-               .code = ABS_MT_POSITION_X,
+               .reported = true,
                .required = true,
        [WMT_Y] = {
                .name = "Y",
                .usage = HID_USAGE2(HUP_GENERIC_DESKTOP, HUG_Y),
-               .code = ABS_MT_POSITION_Y,
+               .reported = true,
                .required = true,
        [WMT_CONTACTID] = {
                .name = "C_ID",
                .usage = HID_USAGE2(HUP_DIGITIZERS, HUD_CONTACTID),
-               .code = ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID,
+               .reported = true,
                .required = true,
        [WMT_PRESSURE] = {
                .name = "PRES",
                .usage = HID_USAGE2(HUP_DIGITIZERS, HUD_TIP_PRESSURE),
-               .code = ABS_MT_PRESSURE,
+               .reported = true,
                .required = false,
        [WMT_IN_RANGE] = {
                .name = "RANG",
                .usage = HID_USAGE2(HUP_DIGITIZERS, HUD_IN_RANGE),
-               .code = ABS_MT_DISTANCE,
+               .reported = true,
                .required = false,
        [WMT_CONFIDENCE] = {
                .name = "CONF",
                .usage = HID_USAGE2(HUP_DIGITIZERS, HUD_CONFIDENCE),
-               .code = WMT_NO_CODE,
+               .reported = false,
                .required = false,
        [WMT_TOOL_X] = {        /* Shares HID usage with WMT_X */
                .name = "TL_X",
                .usage = HID_USAGE2(HUP_GENERIC_DESKTOP, HUG_X),
-               .code = ABS_MT_TOOL_X,
+               .reported = true,
                .required = false,
        [WMT_TOOL_Y] = {        /* Shares HID usage with WMT_Y */
                .name = "TL_Y",
                .usage = HID_USAGE2(HUP_GENERIC_DESKTOP, HUG_Y),
-               .code = ABS_MT_TOOL_Y,
+               .reported = true,
                .required = false,
@@ -207,6 +203,7 @@ struct wmt_softc {
        device_t                dev;
        enum wmt_type           type;
+       int32_t                 cont_count_max;
        struct mtx              mtx;
        struct wmt_absinfo      ai[WMT_N_USAGES];
        struct hid_location     locs[MAX_MT_SLOTS][WMT_N_USAGES];
@@ -223,7 +220,7 @@ struct wmt_softc {
        struct usb_xfer         *xfer[WMT_N_TRANSFER];
        struct evdev_dev        *evdev;
-       uint32_t                slot_data[WMT_N_USAGES];
+       union evdev_mt_slot     slot_data;
        uint8_t                 caps[howmany(WMT_N_USAGES, 8)];
        uint8_t                 buttons[howmany(WMT_BTN_MAX, 8)];
        uint32_t                isize;
@@ -361,7 +358,7 @@ wmt_attach(device_t dev)
                         * 'Contact Count Maximum'
                        if (cont_count_max > 0)
-                               sc->ai[WMT_SLOT].max = cont_count_max - 1;
+                               sc->cont_count_max = cont_count_max;
                } else
                        DPRINTF("usbd_req_get_report error=(%s)\n",
@@ -400,10 +397,10 @@ wmt_attach(device_t dev)
        /* Cap contact count maximum to MAX_MT_SLOTS */
-       if (sc->ai[WMT_SLOT].max >= MAX_MT_SLOTS) {
+       if (sc->cont_count_max > MAX_MT_SLOTS) {
                DPRINTF("Hardware reported %d contacts while only %d is "
-                   "supported\n", (int)sc->ai[WMT_SLOT].max+1, MAX_MT_SLOTS);
-               sc->ai[WMT_SLOT].max = MAX_MT_SLOTS - 1;
+                   "supported\n", (int)sc->cont_count_max, MAX_MT_SLOTS);
+               sc->cont_count_max = MAX_MT_SLOTS;
        if (/*usb_test_quirk(hw, UQ_MT_TIMESTAMP) ||*/ wmt_timestamps)
@@ -456,9 +453,11 @@ wmt_attach(device_t dev)
+       evdev_support_abs(sc->evdev,
+           ABS_MT_SLOT, 0, sc->cont_count_max - 1, 0, 0, 0);
        WMT_FOREACH_USAGE(sc->caps, i) {
-               if (wmt_hid_map[i].code != WMT_NO_CODE)
-                       evdev_support_abs(sc->evdev, wmt_hid_map[i].code,
+               if (wmt_hid_map[i].reported)
+                       evdev_support_abs(sc->evdev, ABS_MT_FIRST + i,
                            sc->ai[i].min, sc->ai[i].max, 0, 0, sc->ai[i].res);
@@ -473,7 +472,7 @@ wmt_attach(device_t dev)
            sc->is_clickpad ? ", click-pad" : "");
            "%d contacts and [%s%s%s%s%s]. Report range [%d:%d] - [%d:%d]\n",
-           (int)sc->ai[WMT_SLOT].max + 1,
+           (int)sc->cont_count_max,
            isset(sc->caps, WMT_IN_RANGE) ? "R" : "",
            isset(sc->caps, WMT_CONFIDENCE) ? "C" : "",
            isset(sc->caps, WMT_WIDTH) ? "W" : "",
@@ -504,14 +503,14 @@ static void
 wmt_process_report(struct wmt_softc *sc, uint8_t *buf, int len)
        size_t usage;
-       uint32_t *slot_data = sc->slot_data;
+       union evdev_mt_slot *slot_data;
        uint32_t cont, btn;
        uint32_t cont_count;
        uint32_t width;
        uint32_t height;
        uint32_t int_btn = 0;
        uint32_t left_btn = 0;
-       int32_t slot;
+       int slot;
        uint32_t scan_time;
        int32_t delta;
@@ -558,56 +557,49 @@ wmt_process_report(struct wmt_softc *sc, uint8_t *buf, 
int len)
        /* Use protocol Type B for reporting events */
        for (cont = 0; cont < cont_count; cont++) {
+               slot_data = &sc->slot_data;
                bzero(slot_data, sizeof(sc->slot_data));
                WMT_FOREACH_USAGE(sc->caps, usage) {
                        if (sc->locs[cont][usage].size > 0)
-                               slot_data[usage] = hid_get_udata(
+                               slot_data->val[usage] = hid_get_udata(
                                    buf, len, &sc->locs[cont][usage]);
-               slot = evdev_get_mt_slot_by_tracking_id(sc->evdev,
-                   slot_data[WMT_CONTACTID]);
+               slot = evdev_mt_id_to_slot(sc->evdev, slot_data->id);
 #ifdef USB_DEBUG
                DPRINTFN(6, "cont%01x: data = ", cont);
                if (wmt_debug >= 6) {
                        WMT_FOREACH_USAGE(sc->caps, usage) {
                                if (wmt_hid_map[usage].usage != WMT_NO_USAGE)
-                                       printf("%04x ", slot_data[usage]);
+                                       printf("%04x ", slot_data->val[usage]);
-                       printf("slot = %d\n", (int)slot);
+                       printf("slot = %d\n", slot);
                if (slot == -1) {
                        DPRINTF("Slot overflow for contact_id %u\n",
-                           (unsigned)slot_data[WMT_CONTACTID]);
+                           (unsigned)slot_data->id);
-               if (slot_data[WMT_TIP_SWITCH] != 0 &&
+               if (slot_data->val[WMT_TIP_SWITCH] != 0 &&
                    !(isset(sc->caps, WMT_CONFIDENCE) &&
-                     slot_data[WMT_CONFIDENCE] == 0)) {
+                     slot_data->val[WMT_CONFIDENCE] == 0)) {
                        /* This finger is in proximity of the sensor */
                        sc->touch = true;
-                       slot_data[WMT_SLOT] = slot;
-                       slot_data[WMT_IN_RANGE] = !slot_data[WMT_IN_RANGE];
+                       slot_data->dist = !slot_data->val[WMT_IN_RANGE];
                        /* Divided by two to match visual scale of touch */
-                       width = slot_data[WMT_WIDTH] >> 1;
-                       height = slot_data[WMT_HEIGHT] >> 1;
-                       slot_data[WMT_ORIENTATION] = width > height;
-                       slot_data[WMT_MAJOR] = MAX(width, height);
-                       slot_data[WMT_MINOR] = MIN(width, height);
-                       WMT_FOREACH_USAGE(sc->caps, usage)
-                               if (wmt_hid_map[usage].code != WMT_NO_CODE)
-                                       evdev_push_abs(sc->evdev,
-                                           wmt_hid_map[usage].code,
-                                           slot_data[usage]);
-               } else {
-                       evdev_push_abs(sc->evdev, ABS_MT_SLOT, slot);
-                       evdev_push_abs(sc->evdev, ABS_MT_TRACKING_ID, -1);
-               }
+                       width = slot_data->val[WMT_WIDTH] >> 1;
+                       height = slot_data->val[WMT_HEIGHT] >> 1;
+                       slot_data->ori = width > height;
+                       slot_data->maj = MAX(width, height);
+                       slot_data->min = MIN(width, height);
+               } else
+                       slot_data = NULL;
+               evdev_mt_push_slot(sc->evdev, slot, slot_data);
        sc->nconts_todo -= cont_count;
@@ -948,13 +940,6 @@ wmt_hid_parse(struct wmt_softc *sc, const void *d_ptr, 
uint16_t d_len)
        if (cont_count_max < 1)
                cont_count_max = cont;
-       /* Set number of MT protocol type B slots */
-       sc->ai[WMT_SLOT] = (struct wmt_absinfo) {
-               .min = 0,
-               .max = cont_count_max - 1,
-               .res = 0,
-       };
        /* Report touch orientation if both width and height are supported */
        if (isset(sc->caps, WMT_WIDTH) && isset(sc->caps, WMT_HEIGHT)) {
                setbit(sc->caps, WMT_ORIENTATION);
@@ -976,6 +961,7 @@ wmt_hid_parse(struct wmt_softc *sc, const void *d_ptr, 
uint16_t d_len)
        sc->report_id = report_id;
        sc->nconts_per_report = cont;
        sc->has_int_button = has_int_button;
+       sc->cont_count_max = cont_count_max;
        return (type);
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