The branch main has been updated by imp:


commit fd2a4a31d9df9beb793c892af72aeb1c1bf5dd42
Author:     Warner Losh <>
AuthorDate: 2021-08-01 17:31:50 +0000
Commit:     Warner Losh <>
CommitDate: 2021-08-01 17:31:50 +0000

    awk: document updating
    Fill in all the details to the standard process so they are hand in one
    place and don't need to be re-remembered or rediscovered for the next
    Sponsored by:           Netflix
 contrib/one-true-awk/FREEBSD-upgrade | 58 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 58 insertions(+)

diff --git a/contrib/one-true-awk/FREEBSD-upgrade 
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9fdce55e4223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/one-true-awk/FREEBSD-upgrade
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+Notes on upgrading awk from upstream
+FreeBSD imports awk from the one true awk github project. This is the blessed
+successor to Brian Kernighan's efforts to maintain awk after he left Lucent.
+We also track the bsd-features branch. This is a branch that takes the
+traditional one true awk and adds features that the BSD projects have added 
+the years that are useful, but not too over the top (like bit functions).
+The typical update cycle goes something like:
+(1) Create a work tree for the vendor/one-true-awk branch
+       % cd freebsd-main
+       % git worktree create ../ota vendor/one-true-awk
+(2) Update the onetrueawk github
+       % cd ../awk
+       % git pull --rebase
+       % git branch --show-current
+       bsd-features
+       % git show-ref HEAD
+       f9affa922c5e074990a999d486d4bc823590fd93 refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
+(3) Copy that to the vendor branch and push upstream
+       % rm -rf ../ota/*       # trailing /* is important
+       % cp -a * ../ota
+       % cd ../ota
+       % git add *
+       % git commit -m"Import awk YYYYMMDD hash f9affa922c5e" # 12 places
+       % git commit --amend
+       <insert the relevant bits from the FIXES file>
+       % diff -ur ../awk .
+       # Sanity check to make sure it looks good. The vendor branch should
+       # contain the unaltered sources from upstream since it's active
+       # again (for a while we were importing submitted patches to the
+       # vendor branch given the long lag with the old upstream, but no more)
+       % git tag -a -s vendor/one-true-awk/f9affa92            # 8 places
+       <enter gpg password>
+       % git push --follow-tags freebsd vendor/one-true-awk
+(4) Merge this into main
+       % git subtree merge -P contrib/one-true-awk vendor/one-true-awk
+       # resolve any conflicts and commit
+       # Be sure to use the same or similar commit message as you did for
+       # the import. If you import multiple versions before merging to head
+       # you may need to combine the messages. Also, if there's more than
+       # a screen of changes, you may want to abstract them down into an
+       # easy to digest summary.
+       % cd usr.bin/awk
+       % sudo make check
+       # make sure all the tests pass
+       % cd ../..
+       # awk is a build tool, so test the builds
+       % make buildworld / buildkernel for amd64, armv7, i386 and aarch64 (or
+         make universe/tinderbox if there's a lot of changes).
+       % git push freebsd
+(5) Oops, lost the race to push while testing, the following will rebase things
+       % git fetch freebsd
+       % git rebase --rebase-merges -i freebsd/main
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