The branch main has been updated by trasz:


commit c0f171736a703c8d01f955190cfe5142381752f5
Author:     Edward Tomasz Napierala <>
AuthorDate: 2021-05-28 08:04:17 +0000
Commit:     Edward Tomasz Napierala <>
CommitDate: 2021-05-28 08:04:17 +0000

    Regen after 6d926e850d2.
    Sponsored By:   EPSRC
 sys/amd64/linux/linux_proto.h             |  75 ++++++++
 sys/amd64/linux/linux_syscall.h           |  17 +-
 sys/amd64/linux/linux_syscalls.c          |  17 +-
 sys/amd64/linux/linux_sysent.c            |  17 +-
 sys/amd64/linux/linux_systrace_args.c     | 150 ++++++++++++++++
 sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_proto.h         |  75 ++++++++
 sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_syscall.h       |  17 +-
 sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_syscalls.c      |  17 +-
 sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_sysent.c        |  17 +-
 sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_systrace_args.c | 150 ++++++++++++++++
 sys/arm64/linux/linux_proto.h             | 122 +++++++++++++
 sys/arm64/linux/linux_syscall.h           |  25 ++-
 sys/arm64/linux/linux_syscalls.c          | 154 +++++++++++++++-
 sys/arm64/linux/linux_sysent.c            | 154 +++++++++++++++-
 sys/arm64/linux/linux_systrace_args.c     | 282 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 sys/i386/linux/linux_proto.h              |  75 ++++++++
 sys/i386/linux/linux_syscall.h            |  17 +-
 sys/i386/linux/linux_syscalls.c           |  17 +-
 sys/i386/linux/linux_sysent.c             |  17 +-
 sys/i386/linux/linux_systrace_args.c      | 150 ++++++++++++++++
 20 files changed, 1553 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_proto.h b/sys/amd64/linux/linux_proto.h
index b03540f9b7c8..5bd92a9ebf43 100644
--- a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_proto.h
+++ b/sys/amd64/linux/linux_proto.h
@@ -1331,6 +1331,51 @@ struct linux_io_uring_enter_args {
 struct linux_io_uring_register_args {
        register_t dummy;
+struct linux_open_tree_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_move_mount_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fsopen_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fsconfig_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fsmount_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fspick_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_pidfd_open_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_clone3_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_close_range_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_openat2_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_pidfd_getfd_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_faccessat2_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_process_madvise_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_epoll_pwait2_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_mount_setattr_args {
+       register_t dummy;
 #define        nosys   linux_nosys
 int    linux_open(struct thread *, struct linux_open_args *);
 int    linux_newstat(struct thread *, struct linux_newstat_args *);
@@ -1614,6 +1659,21 @@ int      linux_pidfd_send_signal(struct thread *, struct 
 int    linux_io_uring_setup(struct thread *, struct linux_io_uring_setup_args 
 int    linux_io_uring_enter(struct thread *, struct linux_io_uring_enter_args 
 int    linux_io_uring_register(struct thread *, struct 
linux_io_uring_register_args *);
+int    linux_open_tree(struct thread *, struct linux_open_tree_args *);
+int    linux_move_mount(struct thread *, struct linux_move_mount_args *);
+int    linux_fsopen(struct thread *, struct linux_fsopen_args *);
+int    linux_fsconfig(struct thread *, struct linux_fsconfig_args *);
+int    linux_fsmount(struct thread *, struct linux_fsmount_args *);
+int    linux_fspick(struct thread *, struct linux_fspick_args *);
+int    linux_pidfd_open(struct thread *, struct linux_pidfd_open_args *);
+int    linux_clone3(struct thread *, struct linux_clone3_args *);
+int    linux_close_range(struct thread *, struct linux_close_range_args *);
+int    linux_openat2(struct thread *, struct linux_openat2_args *);
+int    linux_pidfd_getfd(struct thread *, struct linux_pidfd_getfd_args *);
+int    linux_faccessat2(struct thread *, struct linux_faccessat2_args *);
+int    linux_process_madvise(struct thread *, struct 
linux_process_madvise_args *);
+int    linux_epoll_pwait2(struct thread *, struct linux_epoll_pwait2_args *);
+int    linux_mount_setattr(struct thread *, struct linux_mount_setattr_args *);
 #ifdef COMPAT_43
@@ -1945,6 +2005,21 @@ int      linux_io_uring_register(struct thread *, struct 
 #define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_io_uring_setup      AUE_NULL
 #define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_io_uring_enter      AUE_NULL
 #define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_io_uring_register   AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_open_tree   AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_move_mount  AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_fsopen      AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_fsconfig    AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_fsmount     AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_fspick      AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_pidfd_open  AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_clone3      AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_close_range AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_openat2     AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_pidfd_getfd AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_faccessat2  AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_process_madvise     AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_epoll_pwait2        AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_mount_setattr       AUE_NULL
 #undef PAD_
 #undef PADL_
diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_syscall.h b/sys/amd64/linux/linux_syscall.h
index b222cd3d9c16..2416d23abd6d 100644
--- a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_syscall.h
+++ b/sys/amd64/linux/linux_syscall.h
@@ -329,4 +329,19 @@
 #define        LINUX_SYS_linux_io_uring_setup  425
 #define        LINUX_SYS_linux_io_uring_enter  426
 #define        LINUX_SYS_linux_io_uring_register       427
-#define        LINUX_SYS_MAXSYSCALL    429
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_open_tree       428
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_move_mount      429
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_fsopen  430
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_fsconfig        431
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_fsmount 432
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_fspick  433
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_pidfd_open      434
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_clone3  435
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_close_range     436
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_openat2 437
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_pidfd_getfd     438
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_faccessat2      439
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_process_madvise 440
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_epoll_pwait2    441
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_mount_setattr   442
+#define        LINUX_SYS_MAXSYSCALL    444
diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_syscalls.c b/sys/amd64/linux/linux_syscalls.c
index 393ebfb8d1c1..077d0230b261 100644
--- a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_syscalls.c
+++ b/sys/amd64/linux/linux_syscalls.c
@@ -435,5 +435,20 @@ const char *linux_syscallnames[] = {
        "linux_io_uring_setup",                 /* 425 = linux_io_uring_setup */
        "linux_io_uring_enter",                 /* 426 = linux_io_uring_enter */
        "linux_io_uring_register",                      /* 427 = 
linux_io_uring_register */
-       "#428",                 /* 428 = nosys */
+       "linux_open_tree",                      /* 428 = linux_open_tree */
+       "linux_move_mount",                     /* 429 = linux_move_mount */
+       "linux_fsopen",                 /* 430 = linux_fsopen */
+       "linux_fsconfig",                       /* 431 = linux_fsconfig */
+       "linux_fsmount",                        /* 432 = linux_fsmount */
+       "linux_fspick",                 /* 433 = linux_fspick */
+       "linux_pidfd_open",                     /* 434 = linux_pidfd_open */
+       "linux_clone3",                 /* 435 = linux_clone3 */
+       "linux_close_range",                    /* 436 = linux_close_range */
+       "linux_openat2",                        /* 437 = linux_openat2 */
+       "linux_pidfd_getfd",                    /* 438 = linux_pidfd_getfd */
+       "linux_faccessat2",                     /* 439 = linux_faccessat2 */
+       "linux_process_madvise",                        /* 440 = 
linux_process_madvise */
+       "linux_epoll_pwait2",                   /* 441 = linux_epoll_pwait2 */
+       "linux_mount_setattr",                  /* 442 = linux_mount_setattr */
+       "#443",                 /* 443 = nosys */
diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_sysent.c b/sys/amd64/linux/linux_sysent.c
index 558e56f87ba7..390f3bb4e32b 100644
--- a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_sysent.c
+++ b/sys/amd64/linux/linux_sysent.c
@@ -445,5 +445,20 @@ struct sysent linux_sysent[] = {
        { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_io_uring_setup, 
.sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 
425 = linux_io_uring_setup */
        { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_io_uring_enter, 
.sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 
426 = linux_io_uring_enter */
        { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_io_uring_register, 
.sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },   /* 427 = 
linux_io_uring_register */
-       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)nosys, .sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, 
.sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_ABSENT },                     /* 428 = nosys 
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_open_tree, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },   /* 428 = 
linux_open_tree */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_move_mount, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },  /* 429 = 
linux_move_mount */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_fsopen, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 430 = 
linux_fsopen */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_fsconfig, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },    /* 431 = 
linux_fsconfig */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_fsmount, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },     /* 432 = 
linux_fsmount */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_fspick, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 433 = 
linux_fspick */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_pidfd_open, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },  /* 434 = 
linux_pidfd_open */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_clone3, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 435 = 
linux_clone3 */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_close_range, .sy_auevent 
= AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC }, /* 436 = 
linux_close_range */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_openat2, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },     /* 437 = 
linux_openat2 */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_pidfd_getfd, .sy_auevent 
= AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC }, /* 438 = 
linux_pidfd_getfd */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_faccessat2, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },  /* 439 = 
linux_faccessat2 */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_process_madvise, 
.sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },     /* 440 
= linux_process_madvise */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_epoll_pwait2, .sy_auevent 
= AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },        /* 441 = 
linux_epoll_pwait2 */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_mount_setattr, 
.sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },       /* 
442 = linux_mount_setattr */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)nosys, .sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, 
.sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_ABSENT },                     /* 443 = nosys 
diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_systrace_args.c 
index daacb1af287c..da43328aad5a 100644
--- a/sys/amd64/linux/linux_systrace_args.c
+++ b/sys/amd64/linux/linux_systrace_args.c
@@ -2640,6 +2640,81 @@ systrace_args(int sysnum, void *params, uint64_t *uarg, 
int *n_args)
                *n_args = 0;
+       /* linux_open_tree */
+       case 428: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_move_mount */
+       case 429: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_fsopen */
+       case 430: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_fsconfig */
+       case 431: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_fsmount */
+       case 432: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_fspick */
+       case 433: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_pidfd_open */
+       case 434: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_clone3 */
+       case 435: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_close_range */
+       case 436: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_openat2 */
+       case 437: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_pidfd_getfd */
+       case 438: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_faccessat2 */
+       case 439: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_process_madvise */
+       case 440: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_epoll_pwait2 */
+       case 441: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_mount_setattr */
+       case 442: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
                *n_args = 0;
@@ -6909,6 +6984,51 @@ systrace_entry_setargdesc(int sysnum, int ndx, char 
*desc, size_t descsz)
        /* linux_io_uring_register */
        case 427:
+       /* linux_open_tree */
+       case 428:
+               break;
+       /* linux_move_mount */
+       case 429:
+               break;
+       /* linux_fsopen */
+       case 430:
+               break;
+       /* linux_fsconfig */
+       case 431:
+               break;
+       /* linux_fsmount */
+       case 432:
+               break;
+       /* linux_fspick */
+       case 433:
+               break;
+       /* linux_pidfd_open */
+       case 434:
+               break;
+       /* linux_clone3 */
+       case 435:
+               break;
+       /* linux_close_range */
+       case 436:
+               break;
+       /* linux_openat2 */
+       case 437:
+               break;
+       /* linux_pidfd_getfd */
+       case 438:
+               break;
+       /* linux_faccessat2 */
+       case 439:
+               break;
+       /* linux_process_madvise */
+       case 440:
+               break;
+       /* linux_epoll_pwait2 */
+       case 441:
+               break;
+       /* linux_mount_setattr */
+       case 442:
+               break;
@@ -8355,6 +8475,36 @@ systrace_return_setargdesc(int sysnum, int ndx, char 
*desc, size_t descsz)
        case 426:
        /* linux_io_uring_register */
        case 427:
+       /* linux_open_tree */
+       case 428:
+       /* linux_move_mount */
+       case 429:
+       /* linux_fsopen */
+       case 430:
+       /* linux_fsconfig */
+       case 431:
+       /* linux_fsmount */
+       case 432:
+       /* linux_fspick */
+       case 433:
+       /* linux_pidfd_open */
+       case 434:
+       /* linux_clone3 */
+       case 435:
+       /* linux_close_range */
+       case 436:
+       /* linux_openat2 */
+       case 437:
+       /* linux_pidfd_getfd */
+       case 438:
+       /* linux_faccessat2 */
+       case 439:
+       /* linux_process_madvise */
+       case 440:
+       /* linux_epoll_pwait2 */
+       case 441:
+       /* linux_mount_setattr */
+       case 442:
diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_proto.h 
index f9402c8e815b..3055651ac382 100644
--- a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_proto.h
+++ b/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_proto.h
@@ -1593,6 +1593,51 @@ struct linux_io_uring_enter_args {
 struct linux_io_uring_register_args {
        register_t dummy;
+struct linux_open_tree_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_move_mount_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fsopen_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fsconfig_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fsmount_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fspick_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_pidfd_open_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_clone3_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_close_range_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_openat2_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_pidfd_getfd_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_faccessat2_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_process_madvise_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_epoll_pwait2_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_mount_setattr_args {
+       register_t dummy;
 #define        nosys   linux_nosys
 int    linux_exit(struct thread *, struct linux_exit_args *);
 int    linux_fork(struct thread *, struct linux_fork_args *);
@@ -1941,6 +1986,21 @@ int      linux_pidfd_send_signal(struct thread *, struct 
 int    linux_io_uring_setup(struct thread *, struct linux_io_uring_setup_args 
 int    linux_io_uring_enter(struct thread *, struct linux_io_uring_enter_args 
 int    linux_io_uring_register(struct thread *, struct 
linux_io_uring_register_args *);
+int    linux_open_tree(struct thread *, struct linux_open_tree_args *);
+int    linux_move_mount(struct thread *, struct linux_move_mount_args *);
+int    linux_fsopen(struct thread *, struct linux_fsopen_args *);
+int    linux_fsconfig(struct thread *, struct linux_fsconfig_args *);
+int    linux_fsmount(struct thread *, struct linux_fsmount_args *);
+int    linux_fspick(struct thread *, struct linux_fspick_args *);
+int    linux_pidfd_open(struct thread *, struct linux_pidfd_open_args *);
+int    linux_clone3(struct thread *, struct linux_clone3_args *);
+int    linux_close_range(struct thread *, struct linux_close_range_args *);
+int    linux_openat2(struct thread *, struct linux_openat2_args *);
+int    linux_pidfd_getfd(struct thread *, struct linux_pidfd_getfd_args *);
+int    linux_faccessat2(struct thread *, struct linux_faccessat2_args *);
+int    linux_process_madvise(struct thread *, struct 
linux_process_madvise_args *);
+int    linux_epoll_pwait2(struct thread *, struct linux_epoll_pwait2_args *);
+int    linux_mount_setattr(struct thread *, struct linux_mount_setattr_args *);
 #ifdef COMPAT_43
@@ -2337,6 +2397,21 @@ int      linux_io_uring_register(struct thread *, struct 
 #define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_io_uring_setup    AUE_NULL
 #define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_io_uring_enter    AUE_NULL
 #define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_io_uring_register AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_open_tree AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_move_mount        AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_fsopen    AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_fsconfig  AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_fsmount   AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_fspick    AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_pidfd_open        AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_clone3    AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_close_range       AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_openat2   AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_pidfd_getfd       AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_faccessat2        AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_process_madvise   AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_epoll_pwait2      AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_AUE_linux_mount_setattr     AUE_NULL
 #undef PAD_
 #undef PADL_
diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_syscall.h 
index 198941a856b1..e82029ce6705 100644
--- a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_syscall.h
+++ b/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_syscall.h
@@ -389,4 +389,19 @@
 #define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_io_uring_setup        425
 #define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_io_uring_enter        426
 #define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_io_uring_register     427
-#define        LINUX32_SYS_MAXSYSCALL  429
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_open_tree     428
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_move_mount    429
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_fsopen        430
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_fsconfig      431
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_fsmount       432
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_fspick        433
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_pidfd_open    434
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_clone3        435
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_close_range   436
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_openat2       437
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_pidfd_getfd   438
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_faccessat2    439
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_process_madvise       440
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_epoll_pwait2  441
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_linux_mount_setattr 442
+#define        LINUX32_SYS_MAXSYSCALL  444
diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_syscalls.c 
index 325443bc5895..c60e40452d35 100644
--- a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_syscalls.c
+++ b/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_syscalls.c
@@ -435,5 +435,20 @@ const char *linux32_syscallnames[] = {
        "linux_io_uring_setup",                 /* 425 = linux_io_uring_setup */
        "linux_io_uring_enter",                 /* 426 = linux_io_uring_enter */
        "linux_io_uring_register",                      /* 427 = 
linux_io_uring_register */
-       "#428",                 /* 428 = nosys */
+       "linux_open_tree",                      /* 428 = linux_open_tree */
+       "linux_move_mount",                     /* 429 = linux_move_mount */
+       "linux_fsopen",                 /* 430 = linux_fsopen */
+       "linux_fsconfig",                       /* 431 = linux_fsconfig */
+       "linux_fsmount",                        /* 432 = linux_fsmount */
+       "linux_fspick",                 /* 433 = linux_fspick */
+       "linux_pidfd_open",                     /* 434 = linux_pidfd_open */
+       "linux_clone3",                 /* 435 = linux_clone3 */
+       "linux_close_range",                    /* 436 = linux_close_range */
+       "linux_openat2",                        /* 437 = linux_openat2 */
+       "linux_pidfd_getfd",                    /* 438 = linux_pidfd_getfd */
+       "linux_faccessat2",                     /* 439 = linux_faccessat2 */
+       "linux_process_madvise",                        /* 440 = 
linux_process_madvise */
+       "linux_epoll_pwait2",                   /* 441 = linux_epoll_pwait2 */
+       "linux_mount_setattr",                  /* 442 = linux_mount_setattr */
+       "#443",                 /* 443 = nosys */
diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_sysent.c 
index 6da5fcb1fad9..4c0c0e991244 100644
--- a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_sysent.c
+++ b/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_sysent.c
@@ -445,5 +445,20 @@ struct sysent linux32_sysent[] = {
        { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_io_uring_setup, 
.sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 
425 = linux_io_uring_setup */
        { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_io_uring_enter, 
.sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 
426 = linux_io_uring_enter */
        { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_io_uring_register, 
.sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },   /* 427 = 
linux_io_uring_register */
-       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)nosys, .sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, 
.sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_ABSENT },                     /* 428 = nosys 
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_open_tree, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },   /* 428 = 
linux_open_tree */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_move_mount, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },  /* 429 = 
linux_move_mount */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_fsopen, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 430 = 
linux_fsopen */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_fsconfig, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },    /* 431 = 
linux_fsconfig */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_fsmount, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },     /* 432 = 
linux_fsmount */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_fspick, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 433 = 
linux_fspick */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_pidfd_open, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },  /* 434 = 
linux_pidfd_open */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_clone3, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },      /* 435 = 
linux_clone3 */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_close_range, .sy_auevent 
= AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC }, /* 436 = 
linux_close_range */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_openat2, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },     /* 437 = 
linux_openat2 */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_pidfd_getfd, .sy_auevent 
= AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC }, /* 438 = 
linux_pidfd_getfd */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_faccessat2, .sy_auevent = 
AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },  /* 439 = 
linux_faccessat2 */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_process_madvise, 
.sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },     /* 440 
= linux_process_madvise */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_epoll_pwait2, .sy_auevent 
= AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },        /* 441 = 
linux_epoll_pwait2 */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)linux_mount_setattr, 
.sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, .sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_STATIC },       /* 
442 = linux_mount_setattr */
+       { .sy_narg = 0, .sy_call = (sy_call_t *)nosys, .sy_auevent = AUE_NULL, 
.sy_flags = 0, .sy_thrcnt = SY_THR_ABSENT },                     /* 443 = nosys 
diff --git a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_systrace_args.c 
index 9df53d81b1e8..1a1f46412f33 100644
--- a/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_systrace_args.c
+++ b/sys/amd64/linux32/linux32_systrace_args.c
@@ -3085,6 +3085,81 @@ systrace_args(int sysnum, void *params, uint64_t *uarg, 
int *n_args)
                *n_args = 0;
+       /* linux_open_tree */
+       case 428: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_move_mount */
+       case 429: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_fsopen */
+       case 430: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_fsconfig */
+       case 431: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_fsmount */
+       case 432: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_fspick */
+       case 433: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_pidfd_open */
+       case 434: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_clone3 */
+       case 435: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_close_range */
+       case 436: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_openat2 */
+       case 437: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_pidfd_getfd */
+       case 438: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_faccessat2 */
+       case 439: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_process_madvise */
+       case 440: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_epoll_pwait2 */
+       case 441: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
+       /* linux_mount_setattr */
+       case 442: {
+               *n_args = 0;
+               break;
+       }
                *n_args = 0;
@@ -7997,6 +8072,51 @@ systrace_entry_setargdesc(int sysnum, int ndx, char 
*desc, size_t descsz)
        /* linux_io_uring_register */
        case 427:
+       /* linux_open_tree */
+       case 428:
+               break;
+       /* linux_move_mount */
+       case 429:
+               break;
+       /* linux_fsopen */
+       case 430:
+               break;
+       /* linux_fsconfig */
+       case 431:
+               break;
+       /* linux_fsmount */
+       case 432:
+               break;
+       /* linux_fspick */
+       case 433:
+               break;
+       /* linux_pidfd_open */
+       case 434:
+               break;
+       /* linux_clone3 */
+       case 435:
+               break;
+       /* linux_close_range */
+       case 436:
+               break;
+       /* linux_openat2 */
+       case 437:
+               break;
+       /* linux_pidfd_getfd */
+       case 438:
+               break;
+       /* linux_faccessat2 */
+       case 439:
+               break;
+       /* linux_process_madvise */
+       case 440:
+               break;
+       /* linux_epoll_pwait2 */
+       case 441:
+               break;
+       /* linux_mount_setattr */
+       case 442:
+               break;
@@ -9685,6 +9805,36 @@ systrace_return_setargdesc(int sysnum, int ndx, char 
*desc, size_t descsz)
        case 426:
        /* linux_io_uring_register */
        case 427:
+       /* linux_open_tree */
+       case 428:
+       /* linux_move_mount */
+       case 429:
+       /* linux_fsopen */
+       case 430:
+       /* linux_fsconfig */
+       case 431:
+       /* linux_fsmount */
+       case 432:
+       /* linux_fspick */
+       case 433:
+       /* linux_pidfd_open */
+       case 434:
+       /* linux_clone3 */
+       case 435:
+       /* linux_close_range */
+       case 436:
+       /* linux_openat2 */
+       case 437:
+       /* linux_pidfd_getfd */
+       case 438:
+       /* linux_faccessat2 */
+       case 439:
+       /* linux_process_madvise */
+       case 440:
+       /* linux_epoll_pwait2 */
+       case 441:
+       /* linux_mount_setattr */
+       case 442:
diff --git a/sys/arm64/linux/linux_proto.h b/sys/arm64/linux/linux_proto.h
index 6d6a3123d362..8953a9d71401 100644
--- a/sys/arm64/linux/linux_proto.h
+++ b/sys/arm64/linux/linux_proto.h
@@ -1115,6 +1115,82 @@ struct linux_pkey_alloc_args {
 struct linux_pkey_free_args {
        char pkey_l_[PADL_(l_int)]; l_int pkey; char pkey_r_[PADR_(l_int)];
+struct linux_statx_args {
+       char dirfd_l_[PADL_(l_int)]; l_int dirfd; char dirfd_r_[PADR_(l_int)];
+       char pathname_l_[PADL_(const char *)]; const char * pathname; char 
pathname_r_[PADR_(const char *)];
+       char flags_l_[PADL_(l_uint)]; l_uint flags; char 
+       char mask_l_[PADL_(l_uint)]; l_uint mask; char mask_r_[PADR_(l_uint)];
+       char statxbuf_l_[PADL_(void *)]; void * statxbuf; char 
statxbuf_r_[PADR_(void *)];
+struct linux_io_pgetevents_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_rseq_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_kexec_file_load_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_pidfd_send_signal_args {
+       char pidfd_l_[PADL_(l_int)]; l_int pidfd; char pidfd_r_[PADR_(l_int)];
+       char sig_l_[PADL_(l_int)]; l_int sig; char sig_r_[PADR_(l_int)];
+       char info_l_[PADL_(l_siginfo_t *)]; l_siginfo_t * info; char 
info_r_[PADR_(l_siginfo_t *)];
+       char flags_l_[PADL_(l_uint)]; l_uint flags; char 
+struct linux_io_uring_setup_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_io_uring_enter_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_io_uring_register_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_open_tree_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_move_mount_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fsopen_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fsconfig_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fsmount_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_fspick_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_pidfd_open_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_clone3_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_close_range_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_openat2_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_pidfd_getfd_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_faccessat2_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_process_madvise_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_epoll_pwait2_args {
+       register_t dummy;
+struct linux_mount_setattr_args {
+       register_t dummy;
 #define        nosys   linux_nosys
 int    linux_setxattr(struct thread *, struct linux_setxattr_args *);
 int    linux_lsetxattr(struct thread *, struct linux_lsetxattr_args *);
@@ -1342,6 +1418,29 @@ int      linux_pwritev2(struct thread *, struct 
linux_pwritev2_args *);
 int    linux_pkey_mprotect(struct thread *, struct linux_pkey_mprotect_args *);
 int    linux_pkey_alloc(struct thread *, struct linux_pkey_alloc_args *);
 int    linux_pkey_free(struct thread *, struct linux_pkey_free_args *);
+int    linux_statx(struct thread *, struct linux_statx_args *);
+int    linux_io_pgetevents(struct thread *, struct linux_io_pgetevents_args *);
+int    linux_rseq(struct thread *, struct linux_rseq_args *);
+int    linux_kexec_file_load(struct thread *, struct 
linux_kexec_file_load_args *);
+int    linux_pidfd_send_signal(struct thread *, struct 
linux_pidfd_send_signal_args *);
+int    linux_io_uring_setup(struct thread *, struct linux_io_uring_setup_args 
+int    linux_io_uring_enter(struct thread *, struct linux_io_uring_enter_args 
+int    linux_io_uring_register(struct thread *, struct 
linux_io_uring_register_args *);
+int    linux_open_tree(struct thread *, struct linux_open_tree_args *);
+int    linux_move_mount(struct thread *, struct linux_move_mount_args *);
+int    linux_fsopen(struct thread *, struct linux_fsopen_args *);
+int    linux_fsconfig(struct thread *, struct linux_fsconfig_args *);
+int    linux_fsmount(struct thread *, struct linux_fsmount_args *);
+int    linux_fspick(struct thread *, struct linux_fspick_args *);
+int    linux_pidfd_open(struct thread *, struct linux_pidfd_open_args *);
+int    linux_clone3(struct thread *, struct linux_clone3_args *);
+int    linux_close_range(struct thread *, struct linux_close_range_args *);
+int    linux_openat2(struct thread *, struct linux_openat2_args *);
+int    linux_pidfd_getfd(struct thread *, struct linux_pidfd_getfd_args *);
+int    linux_faccessat2(struct thread *, struct linux_faccessat2_args *);
+int    linux_process_madvise(struct thread *, struct 
linux_process_madvise_args *);
+int    linux_epoll_pwait2(struct thread *, struct linux_epoll_pwait2_args *);
+int    linux_mount_setattr(struct thread *, struct linux_mount_setattr_args *);
 #ifdef COMPAT_43
@@ -1617,6 +1716,29 @@ int      linux_pkey_free(struct thread *, struct 
linux_pkey_free_args *);
 #define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_pkey_mprotect       AUE_NULL
 #define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_pkey_alloc  AUE_NULL
 #define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_pkey_free   AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_statx       AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_io_pgetevents       AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_rseq        AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_kexec_file_load     AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_pidfd_send_signal   AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_io_uring_setup      AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_io_uring_enter      AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_io_uring_register   AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_open_tree   AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_move_mount  AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_fsopen      AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_fsconfig    AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_fsmount     AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_fspick      AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_pidfd_open  AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_clone3      AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_close_range AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_openat2     AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_pidfd_getfd AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_faccessat2  AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_process_madvise     AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_epoll_pwait2        AUE_NULL
+#define        LINUX_SYS_AUE_linux_mount_setattr       AUE_NULL
 #undef PAD_
 #undef PADL_
diff --git a/sys/arm64/linux/linux_syscall.h b/sys/arm64/linux/linux_syscall.h
index 975229304af6..ab4fb534a8cb 100644
--- a/sys/arm64/linux/linux_syscall.h
+++ b/sys/arm64/linux/linux_syscall.h
@@ -269,4 +269,27 @@
 #define        LINUX_SYS_linux_pkey_mprotect   288
 #define        LINUX_SYS_linux_pkey_alloc      289
 #define        LINUX_SYS_linux_pkey_free       290
-#define        LINUX_SYS_MAXSYSCALL    292
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_statx   291
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_io_pgetevents   292
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_rseq    293
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_kexec_file_load 294
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_pidfd_send_signal       424
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_io_uring_setup  425
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_io_uring_enter  426
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_io_uring_register       427
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_open_tree       428
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_move_mount      429
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_fsopen  430
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_fsconfig        431
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_fsmount 432
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_fspick  433
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_pidfd_open      434
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_clone3  435
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_close_range     436
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_openat2 437
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_pidfd_getfd     438
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_faccessat2      439
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_process_madvise 440
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_epoll_pwait2    441
+#define        LINUX_SYS_linux_mount_setattr   442
+#define        LINUX_SYS_MAXSYSCALL    444
diff --git a/sys/arm64/linux/linux_syscalls.c b/sys/arm64/linux/linux_syscalls.c
index 9ce335174db8..21bb3ccf88f6 100644
--- a/sys/arm64/linux/linux_syscalls.c
+++ b/sys/arm64/linux/linux_syscalls.c
@@ -298,5 +298,157 @@ const char *linux_syscallnames[] = {
        "linux_pkey_mprotect",                  /* 288 = linux_pkey_mprotect */
        "linux_pkey_alloc",                     /* 289 = linux_pkey_alloc */
        "linux_pkey_free",                      /* 290 = linux_pkey_free */
-       "#291",                 /* 291 = nosys */
+       "linux_statx",                  /* 291 = linux_statx */
+       "linux_io_pgetevents",                  /* 292 = linux_io_pgetevents */
+       "linux_rseq",                   /* 293 = linux_rseq */
+       "linux_kexec_file_load",                        /* 294 = 
linux_kexec_file_load */
+       "#295",                 /* 295 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#296",                 /* 296 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#297",                 /* 297 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#298",                 /* 298 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#299",                 /* 299 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#300",                 /* 300 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#301",                 /* 301 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#302",                 /* 302 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#303",                 /* 303 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#304",                 /* 304 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#305",                 /* 305 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#306",                 /* 306 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#307",                 /* 307 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#308",                 /* 308 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#309",                 /* 309 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#310",                 /* 310 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#311",                 /* 311 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#312",                 /* 312 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#313",                 /* 313 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#314",                 /* 314 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#315",                 /* 315 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#316",                 /* 316 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#317",                 /* 317 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#318",                 /* 318 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#319",                 /* 319 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#320",                 /* 320 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#321",                 /* 321 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#322",                 /* 322 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#323",                 /* 323 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#324",                 /* 324 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#325",                 /* 325 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#326",                 /* 326 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#327",                 /* 327 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#328",                 /* 328 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#329",                 /* 329 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#330",                 /* 330 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#331",                 /* 331 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#332",                 /* 332 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#333",                 /* 333 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#334",                 /* 334 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#335",                 /* 335 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#336",                 /* 336 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#337",                 /* 337 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#338",                 /* 338 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#339",                 /* 339 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#340",                 /* 340 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#341",                 /* 341 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#342",                 /* 342 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#343",                 /* 343 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#344",                 /* 344 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#345",                 /* 345 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#346",                 /* 346 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#347",                 /* 347 = unimpl_md_syscall */
+       "#348",                 /* 348 = unimpl_md_syscall */
*** 918 LINES SKIPPED ***
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