The branch main has been updated by se:


commit 9300e88039d40a57cb4148e7de7a1808f8ca8d20
Merge: 794f9f43c8ab 893ecb52db5e
Author:     Stefan Eßer <>
AuthorDate: 2021-03-19 08:46:12 +0000
Commit:     Stefan Eßer <>
CommitDate: 2021-03-19 08:46:12 +0000

    bc: upgrade to version 3.3.4
    This upgrade performs an implicit flush of the output if the script
    funcion read() is called, to make sure a prompt that does not end in a
    new-line is correctly displayed in line-buffered output mode.
    Merge commit '893ecb52db5ed47d6c1e8698334d34e0df651612'

 contrib/bc/   |  2 +-
 contrib/bc/       |  9 +++++++++
 contrib/bc/     | 10 +---------
 contrib/bc/src/program.c |  4 ++++
 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --cc contrib/bc/
index 2f95e16ed246,000000000000..6a37a8bfb8da
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/contrib/bc/
+++ b/contrib/bc/
@@@ -1,348 -1,0 +1,340 @@@
 +# `bc`
 +[![Coverity Scan Build Status][17]][18]
 +***WARNING: This project has moved to [][20] for [these
 +reasons][21], though GitHub will remain a mirror.***
 +This is an implementation of the [POSIX `bc` calculator][12] that implements
 +[GNU `bc`][1] extensions, as well as the period (`.`) extension for the BSD
 +flavor of `bc`.
 +For more information, see this `bc`'s full manual.
 +This `bc` also includes an implementation of `dc` in the same binary, 
 +via a symbolic link, which implements all FreeBSD and GNU extensions. (If a
 +standalone `dc` binary is desired, `bc` can be copied and renamed to `dc`.) 
 +`!` command is omitted; I believe this poses security concerns and that such
 +functionality is unnecessary.
 +For more information, see the `dc`'s full manual.
 +This `bc` is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). It is offered under the BSD
 +2-clause License. Full license text may be found in the [``][4] 
 +## Prerequisites
 +This `bc` only requires a C99-compatible compiler and a (mostly) POSIX
 +2008-compatible system with the XSI (X/Open System Interfaces) option group.
 +Since POSIX 2008 with XSI requires the existence of a C99 compiler as `c99`, 
 +POSIX and XSI-compatible system will have everything needed.
 +Systems that are known to work:
 +* Linux
 +* FreeBSD
 +* OpenBSD
 +* NetBSD
 +* Mac OSX
 +* Solaris* (as long as the Solaris version supports POSIX 2008)
 +* AIX
 +* HP-UX* (except for history)
 +Please submit bug reports if this `bc` does not build out of the box on any
- system besides Windows. If Windows binaries are needed, they can be found at
- [xstatic][6].
++system besides Windows.
 +## Build
 +This `bc` should build unmodified on any POSIX-compliant system.
 +For more complex build requirements than the ones below, see the
 +[build manual][5].
- ### Pre-built Binaries
- It is possible to download pre-compiled binaries for a wide list of platforms,
- including Linux- and Windows-based systems, from [xstatic][6]. This link 
- points to the latest release of `bc`.
 +### Default
 +For the default build with optimization, use the following commands in the 
 +./ -O3
 +### One Calculator
 +To only build `bc`, use the following commands:
 +./ --disable-dc
 +To only build `dc`, use the following commands:
 +./ --disable-bc
 +### Debug
 +For debug builds, use the following commands in the root directory:
 +./ -g
 +### Install
 +To install, use the following command:
 +make install
 +By default, `bc` and `dc` will be installed in `/usr/local`. For installing in
 +other locations, use the `PREFIX` environment variable when running
 +`` or pass the `--prefix=<prefix>` option to ``. See 
 +[build manual][5], or run `./ --help`, for more details.
 +### Library
 +This `bc` does provide a way to build a math library with C bindings. This is
 +done by the `-a` or `--library` options to ``:
 +./ -a
 +When building the library, the executables are not built. For more 
 +see the [build manual][5].
 +The library API can be found in [`manuals/`][26] or `man bcl` once the
 +library is installed.
 +The library is built as `bin/libbcl.a`.
 +### Package and Distro Maintainers
 +#### Recommended Compiler
 +When I ran benchmarks with my `bc` compiled under `clang`, it performed much
 +better than when compiled under `gcc`. I recommend compiling this `bc` with
 +I also recommend building this `bc` with C11 if you can because `bc` will 
 +a C11 compiler and add `_Noreturn` to any relevant function(s).
 +#### Recommended Optimizations
 +I wrote this `bc` with Separation of Concerns, which means that there are many
 +small functions that could be inlined. However, they are often called across
 +file boundaries, and the default optimizer can only look at the current file,
 +which means that they are not inlined.
 +Thus, because of the way this `bc` is built, it will automatically be slower
 +than other `bc` implementations when running scripts with no math. (My `bc`'s
 +math is *much* faster, so any non-trivial script should run faster in my 
 +Some, or all, of the difference can be made up with the right optimizations. 
 +optimizations I recommend are:
 +1.    `-O3`
 +2.    `-flto` (link-time optimization)
 +in that order.
 +Link-time optimization, in particular, speeds up the `bc` a lot. This is 
 +when link-time optimization is turned on, the optimizer can look across files
 +and inline *much* more heavily.
 +However, I recommend ***NOT*** using `-march=native`. Doing so will reduce 
 +`bc`'s performance, at least when building with link-time optimization. See 
 +[benchmarks][19] for more details.
 +#### Stripping Binaries
 +By default, non-debug binaries are stripped, but stripping can be disabled 
 +the `-T` option to ``.
 +#### Using This `bc` as an Alternative
 +If this `bc` is packaged as an alternative to an already existing `bc` 
 +it is possible to rename it in the build to prevent name collision. To prepend
 +to the name, just run the following:
 +EXECPREFIX=<some_prefix> ./
 +To append to the name, just run the following:
 +EXECSUFFIX=<some_suffix> ./
 +If a package maintainer wishes to add both a prefix and a suffix, that is
 +**Note**: The suggested name (and package name) when `bc` is not available is
 +#### Karatsuba Number
 +Package and distro maintainers have one tool at their disposal to build this
 +`bc` in the optimal configuration: ``.
 +This script is not a compile-time or runtime prerequisite; it is for package 
 +distro maintainers to run once when a package is being created. It finds the
 +optimal Karatsuba number (see the [algorithms manual][7] for more information)
 +for the machine that it is running on.
 +The easiest way to run this script is with `make karatsuba`.
 +If desired, maintainers can also skip running this script because there is a
 +sane default for the Karatsuba number.
 +## Status
 +This `bc` is robust.
 +It is well-tested, fuzzed, and fully standards-compliant (though not 
 +with POSIX `bc`. The math has been tested with 40+ million random problems, so
 +it is as correct as I can make it.
 +This `bc` can be used as a drop-in replacement for any existing `bc`. This 
 +is also compatible with MinGW toolchains, though history is not supported on
 +In addition, this `bc` is considered complete; i.e., there will be no more
 +releases with additional features. However, it *is* actively maintained, so if
 +any bugs are found, they will be fixed in new releases. Also, additional
 +translations will also be added as they are provided.
 +## Comparison to GNU `bc`
 +This `bc` compares favorably to GNU `bc`.
 +* It has more extensions, which make this `bc` more useful for scripting.
 +* This `bc` is a bit more POSIX compliant.
 +* It has a much less buggy parser. The GNU `bc` will give parse errors for 
 +  is actually valid `bc` code, or should be. For example, putting an `else` on
 +  a new line after a brace can cause GNU `bc` to give a parse error.
 +* This `bc` has fewer crashes.
 +* GNU `bc` calculates the wrong number of significant digits for `length(x)`.
 +* GNU `bc` will sometimes print numbers incorrectly. For example, when running
 +  it on the file `tests/bc/power.txt` in this repo, GNU `bc` gets all the 
 +  answers, but it fails to wrap the numbers at the proper place when 
 +  to a file.
 +* This `bc` is faster. (See [Performance](#performance).)
 +### Performance
 +Because this `bc` packs more than `1` decimal digit per hardware integer, this
 +`bc` is faster than GNU `bc` and can be *much* faster. Full benchmarks can be
 +found at [manuals/][19].
 +There is one instance where this `bc` is slower: if scripts are light on math.
 +This is because this `bc`'s intepreter is slightly slower than GNU `bc`, but
 +that is because it is more robust. See the [benchmarks][19].
 +## Algorithms
 +To see what algorithms this `bc` uses, see the [algorithms manual][7].
 +## Locales
 +Currently, this `bc` only has support for English (and US English), French,
 +German, Portuguese, Dutch, Polish, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese locales.
 +Patches are welcome for translations; use the existing `*.msg` files in
 +`locales/` as a starting point.
 +In addition, patches for improvements are welcome; the last two messages in
 +Portuguese were made with Google Translate, and the Dutch, Polish, Russian,
 +Japanese, and Chinese locales were all generated with [DeepL][22].
 +The message files provided assume that locales apply to all regions where a
 +language is used, but this might not be true for, e.g., `fr_CA` and `fr_CH`.
 +Any corrections or a confirmation that the current texts are acceptable for
 +those regions would be appreciated, too.
 +## Other Projects
 +Other projects based on this bc are:
 +* [busybox `bc`][8]. The busybox maintainers have made their own changes, so 
 +  bugs in the busybox `bc` should be reported to them.
 +* [toybox `bc`][9]. The maintainer has also made his own changes, so bugs in 
 +  toybox `bc` should be reported there.
 +* [FreeBSD `bc`][23]. While the `bc` in FreeBSD is kept up-to-date, it is 
 +  to [report bugs there][24], as well as [submit patches][25], and the
 +  maintainers of the package will contact me if necessary.
 +## Language
 +This `bc` is written in pure ISO C99, using POSIX 2008 APIs.
 +## Commit Messages
 +This `bc` uses the commit message guidelines laid out in [this blog post][10].
 +## Semantic Versioning
 +This `bc` uses [semantic versioning][11].
 +## Contents
 +Items labeled with `(maintainer use only)` are not included in release source
 +      .gitignore           The git ignore file (maintainer use only).
 +      configure            A symlink to to make packaging easier.
 +         The configure script.
 +         A script with functions used by other scripts.
 +           Install script.
 +         Script to find the optimal Karatsuba number.
 +           A Markdown form of the BSD 2-clause License.
 +              A script to link dc to bc.
 +    A script to install locales, if desired.
 +  A script to uninstall locales.
 +          The Makefile template.
 +           Script to generate man pages from markdown files.
 +            List of contributors and copyright owners.
 +           A checklist for making a release (maintainer use 
 +           A script to test for release (maintainer use only).
 +      Safe install script from musl libc.
 +      gen      The bc math library, help texts, and code to generate C source.
 +      include  All header files.
 +      locales  Locale files, in .msg format. Patches welcome for translations.
 +      manuals  Manuals for both programs.
 +      src      All source code.
 +      tests    All tests.
 +[4]: ./
 +[5]: ./manuals/
- [6]:
 +[7]: ./manuals/
 +[19]: ./manuals/
 +[26]: ./manuals/
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