The branch main has been updated by donner:


commit 689561d4032233bc171cff30d6756c3cf3b22720
Author:     Lutz Donnerhacke <>
AuthorDate: 2021-02-05 21:24:06 +0000
Commit:     Lutz Donnerhacke <>
CommitDate: 2021-02-06 10:36:11 +0000

    ng_bridge.4: Use more suitable mandoc macros
    yuripv@ suggested to replace inapprobriate macros by better ones.
    Reviewed by:    philip
    Approved by:    philip (mentor)
    MFC after:      2 weeks
    Differential Revision:
 share/man/man4/ng_bridge.4 | 56 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/share/man/man4/ng_bridge.4 b/share/man/man4/ng_bridge.4
index b5937375e87a..1f3831e3fb75 100644
--- a/share/man/man4/ng_bridge.4
+++ b/share/man/man4/ng_bridge.4
@@ -79,44 +79,44 @@ mechanism on a per-link basis is not yet implemented.
 This node type supports an unlimited number of hooks.
 Each connected hook represents a bridged link.
 The hooks are named
-.Dv link0 ,
-.Dv link1 ,
+.Ar link0 ,
+.Ar link1 ,
 Typically these hooks are connected to the
-.Dv lower
+.Ar lower
 hooks of one or more
 .Xr ng_ether 4
 To connect the host machine to a bridged network, simply connect the
-.Dv upper
+.Ar upper
 hook of an
 .Xr ng_ether 4
 node to the bridge node.
 Instead of naming a hook
-.Dv linkX
+.Ar linkX
 the hook might be also named
-.Dv uplinkX .
+.Ar uplinkX .
 The node does not learn MAC addresses on uplink hooks, which keeps
 the internal address table small.
 This way it is desirable to connect the
-.Dv lower
+.Ar lower
 hook of an
 .Xr ng_ether 4
 node to an
-.Dv uplink
+.Ar uplink
 hook of the bridge, and ignore the complexity of the outside world.
 Frames with unknown MACs are always sent out to
-.Dv uplink
+.Ar uplink
 hooks, so no functionality is lost.
 This node type supports the generic control messages, plus the
 .Bl -tag -width foo
-.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_SET_CONFIG Pq Ic setconfig
+.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_SET_CONFIG Pq Ar setconfig
 Set the node configuration.
 This command takes a
-.Dv "struct ng_bridge_config"
+.Vt "struct ng_bridge_config"
 as an argument:
 .Bd -literal -offset 0n
 /* Node configuration structure */
@@ -129,37 +129,37 @@ struct ng_bridge_config {
-.Dv debugLevel
+.Va debugLevel
 field sets the debug level on the node.
 At level of 2 or greater, detected loops are logged.
 The default level is 1.
-.Dv loopTimeout
+.Va loopTimeout
 determines how long (in seconds) a looped link is muted.
 The default is 60 seconds.
-.Dv maxStaleness
+.Va maxStaleness
 parameter determines how long a period of inactivity before
 a host's entry is forgotten.
 The default is 15 minutes.
-.Dv minStableAge
+.Va minStableAge
 determines how quickly a host must jump from one link to another
 before we declare a loopback condition.
 The default is one second.
-.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_GET_CONFIG Pq Ic getconfig
+.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_GET_CONFIG Pq Ar getconfig
 Returns the current configuration as a
-.Dv "struct ng_bridge_config" .
-.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_RESET Pq Ic reset
+.Vt "struct ng_bridge_config" .
+.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_RESET Pq Ar reset
 Causes the node to forget all hosts and unmute all links.
 The node configuration is not changed.
-.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_GET_STATS Pq Ic getstats
+.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_GET_STATS Pq Ar getstats
 This command takes a four byte link number as an argument and
 returns a
-.Dv "struct ng_bridge_link_stats"
+.Vt "struct ng_bridge_link_stats"
 containing statistics for the corresponding
-.Dv link ,
+.Ar link ,
 which must be currently connected:
 .Bd -literal -offset 0n
 /* Statistics structure (one for each link) */
@@ -182,21 +182,21 @@ struct ng_bridge_link_stats {
 Negative numbers refer to the
-.Dv uplink
+.Ar uplink
 So querying for -7 will get the statistics for hook
-.Dv uplink7 .
-.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_CLR_STATS Pq Ic clrstats
+.Ar uplink7 .
+.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_CLR_STATS Pq Ar clrstats
 This command takes a four byte link number as an argument and
 clears the statistics for that link.
-.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_GETCLR_STATS Pq Ic getclrstats
+.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_GETCLR_STATS Pq Ar getclrstats
 Same as
 but also atomically clears the statistics as well.
-.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_GET_TABLE Pq Ic gettable
+.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_GET_TABLE Pq Ar gettable
 Returns the current host mapping table used to direct packets, in a
-.Dv "struct ng_bridge_host_ary" .
-.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_SET_PERSISTENT Pq Ic setpersistent
+.Vt "struct ng_bridge_host_ary" .
+.It Dv NGM_BRIDGE_SET_PERSISTENT Pq Ar setpersistent
 This command sets the persistent flag on the node, and takes no arguments.
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