The branch main has been updated by mjg:


commit a098a831a162fcd55b0097c95e6840621d8c720a
Author:     Mateusz Guzik <>
AuthorDate: 2021-01-26 16:19:12 +0000
Commit:     Mateusz Guzik <>
CommitDate: 2021-01-26 20:42:53 +0000

    cache: tidy up handling of foo/bar lookups where foo is not a directory
    The code was performing an avoidable check for doomed state to account
    for foo being a VDIR but turning VBAD. Now that dooming puts a vnode
    in a permanent "modify" state this is no longer necessary as the final
    status check will catch it.
 sys/kern/vfs_cache.c | 15 +++------------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/kern/vfs_cache.c b/sys/kern/vfs_cache.c
index 4e2cfa9edf53..b759affcc0ac 100644
--- a/sys/kern/vfs_cache.c
+++ b/sys/kern/vfs_cache.c
@@ -5328,20 +5328,11 @@ cache_fplookup_failed_vexec(struct cache_fpl *fpl, int 
-        * Hack: they may be looking up foo/bar, where foo is a
-        * regular file. In such a case we need to turn ENOTDIR,
-        * but we may happen to get here with a different error.
+        * Hack: they may be looking up foo/bar, where foo is not a directory.
+        * In such a case we need to return ENOTDIR, but we may happen to get
+        * here with a different error.
        if (dvp->v_type != VDIR) {
-               /*
-                * The check here is predominantly to catch
-                * EOPNOTSUPP from dead_vnodeops. If the vnode
-                * gets doomed past this point it is going to
-                * fail seqc verification.
-                */
-               if (VN_IS_DOOMED(dvp)) {
-                       return (cache_fpl_aborted(fpl));
-               }
                error = ENOTDIR;
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