The branch stable/14 has been updated by cperciva:


commit 94f92b6e3070c82672fd13601c208eeaa6d515b0
Author:     Colin Percival <>
AuthorDate: 2024-08-18 02:00:31 +0000
Commit:     Colin Percival <>
CommitDate: 2024-08-21 01:30:35 +0000

    EC2: Bump AMI size to 8 GB
    8 GB root disk images make FreeBSD/EC2 boot much faster than 6 GB
    root disk images.
    MFC after:      2 days
    Sponsored by:   Amazon
    (cherry picked from commit 2dac89aee3304dd6eda9b267a0ad1cc6621a7094)
 release/tools/ec2.conf | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/release/tools/ec2.conf b/release/tools/ec2.conf
index 989e8a05a318..602216d3c2d4 100644
--- a/release/tools/ec2.conf
+++ b/release/tools/ec2.conf
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@ export VM_EXTRA_PACKAGES="${VM_EXTRA_PACKAGES} ebsnvme-id 
 # Services which should be enabled by default in rc.conf(5).
 export VM_RC_LIST="dev_aws_disk ntpd"
-# Build with a 5.9 GB partition; the growfs rc.d script will expand
+# Build with a 7.9 GB partition; the growfs rc.d script will expand
 # the partition to fill the root disk after the EC2 instance is launched.
 # Note that if this is set to <N>G, we will end up with an <N+1> GB disk
 # image since VMSIZE is the size of the filesystem partition, not the disk
 # which it resides within.
-export VMSIZE=6000m
+export VMSIZE=8000m
 # No swap space; it doesn't make sense to provision any as part of the disk
 # image when we could be launching onto a system with anywhere between 0.5

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