The branch main has been updated by dougm:


commit c8b0c33b03ac072413b27bed2bdae2ae27426f3a
Author:     Doug Moore <>
AuthorDate: 2024-06-24 07:00:31 +0000
Commit:     Doug Moore <>
CommitDate: 2024-06-24 07:00:31 +0000

    log2: move log2 functions from linuxkpi to libkern
    Linux has a header file that defines an ilog2 function and some simple
    functions/macros that use it: roundup_pow_of_two, is_power_of_2,
    rounddown_pow_of_two, and order_base_2.  This change moves three of
    those simple functions (all but is_power_of_2) from linuxkpi to
    libkern.  It also deletes a few implementations of these functions
    that have previously been copied into code for various device drivers,
    so that they can use the libkern version.  The is_power_of_2 macro was
    not moved because powerof2 in param.h provides almost the same service
    already (except that they disagree about whether 0 is a power of two).
    Since the linux definitions of these functions were copied into
    FreeBSD 11 years ago, linux has improved them, and this change
    provides those improvements.  In particular, a giant table of log
    values for evaluating ilog2 for constant values is no longer
    Reviewed by:    alc, markj (previous version)
    Differential Revision:
 sys/compat/linuxkpi/common/include/linux/log2.h | 23 ++-----
 sys/dev/drm2/drm_os_freebsd.h                   |  7 ---
 sys/dev/mana/gdma_util.h                        | 12 ----
 sys/dev/qlnx/qlnxe/bcm_osal.h                   | 18 ------
 sys/sys/libkern.h                               | 82 ++++---------------------
 5 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 127 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/compat/linuxkpi/common/include/linux/log2.h 
index 2d54c75c7c23..660e9adb6fa9 100644
--- a/sys/compat/linuxkpi/common/include/linux/log2.h
+++ b/sys/compat/linuxkpi/common/include/linux/log2.h
@@ -33,24 +33,9 @@
 #include <sys/libkern.h>
-static inline unsigned long
-roundup_pow_of_two(unsigned long x)
-       return (1UL << flsl(x - 1));
-static inline int
-is_power_of_2(unsigned long n)
-       return (n == roundup_pow_of_two(n));
-static inline unsigned long
-rounddown_pow_of_two(unsigned long x)
-       return (1UL << (flsl(x) - 1));
-#define        order_base_2(x) ilog2(roundup_pow_of_two(x))
+#define        is_power_of_2(n) ({                     \
+       __typeof(n) _n = (n);                   \
+       _n != 0 && (_n & (_n - 1)) == 0;        \
 #endif /* _LINUXKPI_LINUX_LOG2_H_ */
diff --git a/sys/dev/drm2/drm_os_freebsd.h b/sys/dev/drm2/drm_os_freebsd.h
index 58523a33da2a..b2a2e82b748b 100644
--- a/sys/dev/drm2/drm_os_freebsd.h
+++ b/sys/dev/drm2/drm_os_freebsd.h
@@ -234,13 +234,6 @@ typedef void                       irqreturn_t;
 #define        div_u64(n, d)           ((n) / (d))
 #define        hweight32(i)            bitcount32(i)
-static inline unsigned long
-roundup_pow_of_two(unsigned long x)
-       return (1UL << flsl(x - 1));
  * ror32 - rotate a 32-bit value right
  * @word: value to rotate
diff --git a/sys/dev/mana/gdma_util.h b/sys/dev/mana/gdma_util.h
index 37c2653d5ec9..1efa315bbcfe 100644
--- a/sys/dev/mana/gdma_util.h
+++ b/sys/dev/mana/gdma_util.h
@@ -170,18 +170,6 @@ find_first_zero_bit(const unsigned long *p, unsigned long 
        return (max);
-static inline unsigned long
-roundup_pow_of_two(unsigned long x)
-       return (1UL << flsl(x - 1));
-static inline int
-is_power_of_2(unsigned long n)
-       return (n == roundup_pow_of_two(n));
 struct completion {
        unsigned int done;
        struct mtx lock;
diff --git a/sys/dev/qlnx/qlnxe/bcm_osal.h b/sys/dev/qlnx/qlnxe/bcm_osal.h
index c820532c9e0a..7148fd3f6215 100644
--- a/sys/dev/qlnx/qlnxe/bcm_osal.h
+++ b/sys/dev/qlnx/qlnxe/bcm_osal.h
@@ -102,24 +102,6 @@ extern void qlnx_vf_flr_update(void *p_hwfn);
 #ifndef QLNX_RDMA
-static __inline unsigned long
-roundup_pow_of_two(unsigned long x)
-       return (1UL << flsl(x - 1));
-static __inline int
-is_power_of_2(unsigned long n)
-       return (n == roundup_pow_of_two(n));
-static __inline unsigned long
-rounddown_pow_of_two(unsigned long x)
-       return (1UL << (flsl(x) - 1));
 #define max_t(type, val1, val2) \
        ((type)(val1) > (type)(val2) ? (type)(val1) : (val2))
 #define min_t(type, val1, val2) \
diff --git a/sys/sys/libkern.h b/sys/sys/libkern.h
index 6dc4bc87c3fe..7d2e24f1263b 100644
--- a/sys/sys/libkern.h
+++ b/sys/sys/libkern.h
@@ -221,77 +221,17 @@ ilog2_long_long(long long n)
            unsigned long long: ilog2_long_long \
-#define        ilog2(n)                                \
-(                                              \
-       __builtin_constant_p(n) ? (             \
-           (n) < 1 ? -1 :                      \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 63) ? 63 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 62) ? 62 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 61) ? 61 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 60) ? 60 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 59) ? 59 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 58) ? 58 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 57) ? 57 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 56) ? 56 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 55) ? 55 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 54) ? 54 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 53) ? 53 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 52) ? 52 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 51) ? 51 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 50) ? 50 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 49) ? 49 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 48) ? 48 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 47) ? 47 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 46) ? 46 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 45) ? 45 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 44) ? 44 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 43) ? 43 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 42) ? 42 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 41) ? 41 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 40) ? 40 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 39) ? 39 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 38) ? 38 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 37) ? 37 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 36) ? 36 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 35) ? 35 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 34) ? 34 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 33) ? 33 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 32) ? 32 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 31) ? 31 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 30) ? 30 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 29) ? 29 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 28) ? 28 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 27) ? 27 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 26) ? 26 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 25) ? 25 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 24) ? 24 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 23) ? 23 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 22) ? 22 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 21) ? 21 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 20) ? 20 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 19) ? 19 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 18) ? 18 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 17) ? 17 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 16) ? 16 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 15) ? 15 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 14) ? 14 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 13) ? 13 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 12) ? 12 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 11) ? 11 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL << 10) ? 10 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL <<  9) ?  9 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL <<  8) ?  8 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL <<  7) ?  7 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL <<  6) ?  6 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL <<  5) ?  5 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL <<  4) ?  4 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL <<  3) ?  3 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL <<  2) ?  2 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL <<  1) ?  1 :           \
-           (n) & (1ULL <<  0) ?  0 :           \
-           -1) :                               \
-       ilog2_var(n)                            \
+#define        ilog2_const(n)                          \
+    (8 * (int)sizeof(unsigned long long) - 1 - \
+    __builtin_clzll(n))
+#define        ilog2(n) (__builtin_constant_p(n) ? ilog2_const(n) : 
+#define        rounddown_pow_of_two(n) ((__typeof(n))1 << ilog2(n))
+#define        order_base_2(n) ({                      \
+       __typeof(n) _n = (n);                   \
+       _n == 1 ? 0 : 1 + ilog2(_n - 1);        \
+#define        roundup_pow_of_two(n)   ((__typeof(n))1 << order_base_2(n))
 #define        bitcount64(x)   __bitcount64((uint64_t)(x))
 #define        bitcount32(x)   __bitcount32((uint32_t)(x))

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