The branch stable/14 has been updated by rmacklem:


commit d34f4baaf13802759869d5ad341a4ca806b2f0fe
Author:     Rick Macklem <>
AuthorDate: 2024-01-12 00:38:33 +0000
Commit:     Rick Macklem <>
CommitDate: 2024-01-20 01:44:23 +0000

    nfscl: Only update atime for Copy when noatime is not specified
    Commit 57ce37f9dcd0 modified the NFSv4.2 Copy operation so that
    it will update atime on the infd file whenever possible.
    This is done by adding a Setattr of TimeAccess for the
    input file.
    This patch disables this change for the case of an NFSv4.2
    mount with the "noatime" mount option, which avoids the
    additional Setattr of TimeAccess operation.
    (cherry picked from commit cc760de2183f9c9a4099783d3ff4c770521a4cb6)
 sys/fs/nfs/nfs_commonsubs.c     |  2 +-
 sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clrpcops.c | 28 +++++++++++++++++-----------
 sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clvnops.c  | 28 ++++++++++++++++------------
 3 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/fs/nfs/nfs_commonsubs.c b/sys/fs/nfs/nfs_commonsubs.c
index 832713e6c1de..f2305795e53e 100644
--- a/sys/fs/nfs/nfs_commonsubs.c
+++ b/sys/fs/nfs/nfs_commonsubs.c
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ static struct {
        { NFSV4OP_OPEN, 8, "CreateLayGet", 12, },
        { NFSV4OP_IOADVISE, 1, "Advise", 6, },
        { NFSV4OP_ALLOCATE, 2, "Allocate", 8, },
-       { NFSV4OP_SAVEFH, 6, "Copy", 4, },
+       { NFSV4OP_SAVEFH, 5, "Copy", 4, },
        { NFSV4OP_SEEK, 2, "Seek", 4, },
        { NFSV4OP_SEEK, 1, "SeekDS", 6, },
        { NFSV4OP_GETXATTR, 2, "Getxattr", 8, },
diff --git a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clrpcops.c b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clrpcops.c
index e9acedfb6473..09660730d485 100644
--- a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clrpcops.c
+++ b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clrpcops.c
@@ -8728,7 +8728,7 @@ nfsrpc_copyrpc(vnode_t invp, off_t inoff, vnode_t outvp, 
off_t outoff,
     int *outattrflagp, bool consecutive, int *commitp, struct ucred *cred,
     NFSPROC_T *p)
-       uint32_t *tl;
+       uint32_t *tl, *opcntp;
        int error;
        struct nfsrv_descript nfsd;
        struct nfsrv_descript *nd = &nfsd;
@@ -8737,14 +8737,15 @@ nfsrpc_copyrpc(vnode_t invp, off_t inoff, vnode_t 
outvp, off_t outoff,
        struct vattr va;
        uint64_t len;
-       nmp = VFSTONFS(outvp->v_mount);
+       nmp = VFSTONFS(invp->v_mount);
        *inattrflagp = *outattrflagp = 0;
        *commitp = NFSWRITE_UNSTABLE;
        len = *lenp;
        *lenp = 0;
        if (len > nfs_maxcopyrange)
                len = nfs_maxcopyrange;
-       NFSCL_REQSTART(nd, NFSPROC_COPY, invp, cred);
+       nfscl_reqstart(nd, NFSPROC_COPY, nmp, VTONFS(invp)->n_fhp->nfh_fh,
+           VTONFS(invp)->n_fhp->nfh_len, &opcntp, NULL, 0, 0, cred);
         * First do a Setattr of atime to the server's clock
         * time.  The FreeBSD "collective" was of the opinion
@@ -8753,13 +8754,17 @@ nfsrpc_copyrpc(vnode_t invp, off_t inoff, vnode_t 
outvp, off_t outoff,
         * handled well if the server replies NFSERR_DELAY to
         * the Setattr operation.
-       NFSM_BUILD(tl, uint32_t *, NFSX_UNSIGNED);
-       *tl = txdr_unsigned(NFSV4OP_SETATTR);
-       nfsm_stateidtom(nd, instateidp, NFSSTATEID_PUTSTATEID);
-       VATTR_NULL(&va);
-       va.va_atime.tv_sec = va.va_atime.tv_nsec = 0;
-       va.va_vaflags = VA_UTIMES_NULL;
-       nfscl_fillsattr(nd, &va, invp, 0, 0);
+       if ((nmp->nm_mountp->mnt_flag & MNT_NOATIME) == 0) {
+               NFSM_BUILD(tl, uint32_t *, NFSX_UNSIGNED);
+               *tl = txdr_unsigned(NFSV4OP_SETATTR);
+               nfsm_stateidtom(nd, instateidp, NFSSTATEID_PUTSTATEID);
+               VATTR_NULL(&va);
+               va.va_atime.tv_sec = va.va_atime.tv_nsec = 0;
+               va.va_vaflags = VA_UTIMES_NULL;
+               nfscl_fillsattr(nd, &va, invp, 0, 0);
+               /* Bump opcnt from 7 to 8. */
+               *opcntp = txdr_unsigned(8);
+       }
        /* Now Getattr the invp attributes. */
        NFSM_BUILD(tl, uint32_t *, NFSX_UNSIGNED);
@@ -8798,7 +8803,8 @@ nfsrpc_copyrpc(vnode_t invp, off_t inoff, vnode_t outvp, 
off_t outoff,
        if (error != 0)
                return (error);
        /* Skip over the Setattr reply. */
-       if ((nd->nd_flag & ND_NOMOREDATA) == 0) {
+       if ((nd->nd_flag & ND_NOMOREDATA) == 0 &&
+           (nmp->nm_mountp->mnt_flag & MNT_NOATIME) == 0) {
                NFSM_DISSECT(tl, uint32_t *, 2 * NFSX_UNSIGNED);
                if (*(tl + 1) == 0) {
                        error = nfsrv_getattrbits(nd, &attrbits, NULL, NULL);
diff --git a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clvnops.c b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clvnops.c
index 0014f8a26d20..0b8c587a542c 100644
--- a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clvnops.c
+++ b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clvnops.c
@@ -3934,18 +3934,22 @@ relock:
                        if (inoff >= vap->va_size) {
                                *ap->a_lenp = len = 0;
-                               VATTR_NULL(&va);
-                               va.va_atime.tv_sec = va.va_atime.tv_nsec = 0;
-                               va.va_vaflags = VA_UTIMES_NULL;
-                               inattrflag = 0;
-                               error = nfsrpc_setattr(invp, &va, NULL,
-                                   ap->a_incred, curthread, &innfsva,
-                                   &inattrflag);
-                               if (inattrflag != 0)
-                                       ret = nfscl_loadattrcache(&invp,
-                                           &innfsva, NULL, 0, 1);
-                               if (error == 0 && ret != 0)
-                                       error = ret;
+                               if ((nmp->nm_mountp->mnt_flag & MNT_NOATIME) ==
+                                   0) {
+                                       VATTR_NULL(&va);
+                                       va.va_atime.tv_sec = 0;
+                                       va.va_atime.tv_nsec = 0;
+                                       va.va_vaflags = VA_UTIMES_NULL;
+                                       inattrflag = 0;
+                                       error = nfsrpc_setattr(invp, &va, NULL,
+                                           ap->a_incred, curthread, &innfsva,
+                                           &inattrflag);
+                                       if (inattrflag != 0)
+                                               ret = nfscl_loadattrcache(&invp,
+                                                   &innfsva, NULL, 0, 1);
+                                       if (error == 0 && ret != 0)
+                                               error = ret;
+                               }
                        } else if (inoff + len > vap->va_size)
                                *ap->a_lenp = len = vap->va_size - inoff;
                } else

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