The branch main has been updated by emaste:


commit 5e16809c953f4cd19fadb1767469dec319de0353
Author:     Ed Maste <>
AuthorDate: 2022-10-14 16:44:35 +0000
Commit:     Ed Maste <>
CommitDate: 2023-11-24 02:13:49 +0000

    tzsetup: symlink /etc/localtime instead of copying
    Using a symlink means that new timezone data (installed by an errata
    update, say) will be usable without having to be copied again.
    Reviewed by:    bapt, kevans, philip
    Sponsored by:   The FreeBSD Foundation
    Differential Revision:
 usr.sbin/tzsetup/tzsetup.8 |   2 +-
 usr.sbin/tzsetup/tzsetup.c | 119 ++++++++++-----------------------------------
 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 94 deletions(-)

diff --git a/usr.sbin/tzsetup/tzsetup.8 b/usr.sbin/tzsetup/tzsetup.8
index 109a52beb164..60461363da9a 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/tzsetup/tzsetup.8
+++ b/usr.sbin/tzsetup/tzsetup.8
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ The following options are available:
 Open all files and directories relative to
 .Ar chroot_directory .
 .It Fl n
-Do not create or copy files.
+Do not create or symlink files.
 .It Fl r
 Reinstall the zoneinfo file installed last time.
 The name is obtained from
diff --git a/usr.sbin/tzsetup/tzsetup.c b/usr.sbin/tzsetup/tzsetup.c
index f6440a0ea736..9610023ec3ea 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/tzsetup/tzsetup.c
+++ b/usr.sbin/tzsetup/tzsetup.c
@@ -744,109 +744,42 @@ static void message_zoneinfo_file(const char *title, 
char *prompt)
 static int
 install_zoneinfo_file(const char *zoneinfo_file)
-       char            buf[1024];
        char            prompt[SILLY_BUFFER_SIZE];
-       struct stat     sb;
-       ssize_t         len;
-       int             fd1, fd2, copymode;
-       if (lstat(path_localtime, &sb) < 0) {
-               /* Nothing there yet... */
-               copymode = 1;
-       } else if (S_ISLNK(sb.st_mode))
-               copymode = 0;
-       else
-               copymode = 1;
 #ifdef VERBOSE
-       if (copymode)
-               snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
-                   "Copying %s to %s", zoneinfo_file, path_localtime);
-       else
-               snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
-                   "Creating symbolic link %s to %s",
-                   path_localtime, zoneinfo_file);
+       snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt), "Creating symbolic link %s to %s",
+           path_localtime, zoneinfo_file);
        message_zoneinfo_file("Info", prompt);
        if (reallydoit) {
-               if (copymode) {
-                       fd1 = open(zoneinfo_file, O_RDONLY, 0);
-                       if (fd1 < 0) {
-                               snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
-                                   "Could not open %s: %s", zoneinfo_file,
-                                   strerror(errno));
-                               message_zoneinfo_file("Error", prompt);
-                               return (DITEM_FAILURE | DITEM_RECREATE);
-                       }
-                       if (unlink(path_localtime) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) {
-                               snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
-                                   "Could not delete %s: %s",
-                                   path_localtime, strerror(errno));
-                               message_zoneinfo_file("Error", prompt);
-                               return (DITEM_FAILURE | DITEM_RECREATE);
-                       }
-                       fd2 = open(path_localtime, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY,
-                           S_IRUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
-                       if (fd2 < 0) {
-                               snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
-                                   "Could not open %s: %s",
-                                   path_localtime, strerror(errno));
-                               message_zoneinfo_file("Error", prompt);
-                               return (DITEM_FAILURE | DITEM_RECREATE);
-                       }
-                       while ((len = read(fd1, buf, sizeof(buf))) > 0)
-                               if ((len = write(fd2, buf, len)) < 0)
-                                       break;
-                       if (len == -1) {
-                               snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
-                                   "Error copying %s to %s %s", zoneinfo_file,
-                                   path_localtime, strerror(errno));
-                               message_zoneinfo_file("Error", prompt);
-                               /* Better to leave none than a corrupt one. */
-                               unlink(path_localtime);
-                               return (DITEM_FAILURE | DITEM_RECREATE);
-                       }
-                       close(fd1);
-                       close(fd2);
-               } else {
-                       if (access(zoneinfo_file, R_OK) != 0) {
-                               snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
-                                   "Cannot access %s: %s", zoneinfo_file,
-                                   strerror(errno));
-                               message_zoneinfo_file("Error", prompt);
-                               return (DITEM_FAILURE | DITEM_RECREATE);
-                       }
-                       if (unlink(path_localtime) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) {
-                               snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
-                                   "Could not delete %s: %s",
-                                   path_localtime, strerror(errno));
-                               message_zoneinfo_file("Error", prompt);
-                               return (DITEM_FAILURE | DITEM_RECREATE);
-                       }
-                       if (symlink(zoneinfo_file, path_localtime) < 0) {
-                               snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
-                                   "Cannot create symbolic link %s to %s: %s",
-                                   path_localtime, zoneinfo_file,
-                                   strerror(errno));
-                               message_zoneinfo_file("Error", prompt);
-                               return (DITEM_FAILURE | DITEM_RECREATE);
-                       }
+               if (access(zoneinfo_file, R_OK) != 0) {
+                       snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
+                           "Cannot access %s: %s", zoneinfo_file,
+                           strerror(errno));
+                       message_zoneinfo_file("Error", prompt);
+                       return (DITEM_FAILURE | DITEM_RECREATE);
-#ifdef VERBOSE
-               if (copymode)
+               if (unlink(path_localtime) < 0 && errno != ENOENT) {
                        snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
-                           "Copied timezone file from %s to %s",
-                           zoneinfo_file, path_localtime);
-               else
+                           "Could not delete %s: %s",
+                           path_localtime, strerror(errno));
+                       message_zoneinfo_file("Error", prompt);
+                       return (DITEM_FAILURE | DITEM_RECREATE);
+               }
+               if (symlink(zoneinfo_file, path_localtime) < 0) {
                        snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
-                           "Created symbolic link from %s to %s",
-                           zoneinfo_file, path_localtime);
+                           "Cannot create symbolic link %s to %s: %s",
+                           path_localtime, zoneinfo_file,
+                           strerror(errno));
+                       message_zoneinfo_file("Error", prompt);
+                       return (DITEM_FAILURE | DITEM_RECREATE);
+               }
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+               snprintf(prompt, sizeof(prompt),
+                   "Created symbolic link from %s to %s", zoneinfo_file,
+                   path_localtime);
                message_zoneinfo_file("Done", prompt);
        } /* reallydoit */

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