The branch stable/13 has been updated by rmacklem:


commit 527e6b02d65db8d6294b1e66f7bd063899a4de02
Author:     Rick Macklem <>
AuthorDate: 2023-03-02 21:09:01 +0000
Commit:     Rick Macklem <>
CommitDate: 2023-05-19 20:23:27 +0000

    vfs_mount.c: Allow mountd(8) to do exports in a vnet prison
    To run mountd in a vnet prison, three checks in vfs_domount()
    and vfs_domount_update() related to doing exports needed
    to be changed, so that a file system visible within the
    prison but mounted outside the prison can be exported.
    I did all three in a minimal way, only changing the checks for
    the specific case of a process (typically mountd) doing exports
    within a vnet prison and not updating the mount point in other
    ways.  The changes are:
    - Ignore the error return from vfs_suser(), since the file
      system being mounted outside the prison will cause it to fail.
    - Use the priv_check(PRIV_NFS_DAEMON) for this specific case
      within a prison.
    - Skip the call to VFS_MOUNT(), since it will return an error,
      due to the "from" argument not being set correctly.  VFS_MOUNT()
      does not appear to do anything for the case of doing exports only.
    (cherry picked from commit 4bbbd5875d32f3cbe76235d90243f713eff9b9d0)
 sys/kern/vfs_mount.c | 107 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/kern/vfs_mount.c b/sys/kern/vfs_mount.c
index 4c941c2616ff..e3a7ca50e792 100644
--- a/sys/kern/vfs_mount.c
+++ b/sys/kern/vfs_mount.c
@@ -76,7 +76,8 @@ __FBSDID("$FreeBSD$");
 #define        VFS_MOUNTARG_SIZE_MAX   (1024 * 64)
 static int     vfs_domount(struct thread *td, const char *fstype, char *fspath,
-                   uint64_t fsflags, struct vfsoptlist **optlist);
+                   uint64_t fsflags, bool jail_export,
+                   struct vfsoptlist **optlist);
 static void    free_mntarg(struct mntarg *ma);
 static int     usermount = 0;
@@ -663,7 +664,7 @@ vfs_donmount(struct thread *td, uint64_t fsflags, struct 
uio *fsoptions)
        struct vfsopt *opt, *tmp_opt;
        char *fstype, *fspath, *errmsg;
        int error, fstypelen, fspathlen, errmsg_len, errmsg_pos;
-       bool autoro;
+       bool autoro, has_nonexport, jail_export;
        errmsg = fspath = NULL;
        errmsg_len = fspathlen = 0;
@@ -699,15 +700,37 @@ vfs_donmount(struct thread *td, uint64_t fsflags, struct 
uio *fsoptions)
                goto bail;
+       /*
+        * Check to see that "export" is only used with the "update", "fstype",
+        * "fspath", "from" and "errmsg" options when in a vnet jail.
+        * These are the ones used to set/update exports by mountd(8).
+        * If only the above options are set in a jail that can run mountd(8),
+        * then the jail_export argument of vfs_domount() will be true.
+        * When jail_export is true, the vfs_suser() check does not cause
+        * failure, but limits the update to exports only.
+        * This allows mountd(8) running within the vnet jail
+        * to export file systems visible within the jail, but
+        * mounted outside of the jail.
+        */
         * We need to see if we have the "update" option
         * before we call vfs_domount(), since vfs_domount() has special
         * logic based on MNT_UPDATE.  This is very important
         * when we want to update the root filesystem.
+       has_nonexport = false;
+       jail_export = false;
        TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(opt, optlist, link, tmp_opt) {
                int do_freeopt = 0;
+               if (jailed(td->td_ucred) &&
+                   strcmp(opt->name, "export") != 0 &&
+                   strcmp(opt->name, "update") != 0 &&
+                   strcmp(opt->name, "fstype") != 0 &&
+                   strcmp(opt->name, "fspath") != 0 &&
+                   strcmp(opt->name, "from") != 0 &&
+                   strcmp(opt->name, "errmsg") != 0)
+                       has_nonexport = true;
                if (strcmp(opt->name, "update") == 0) {
                        fsflags |= MNT_UPDATE;
                        do_freeopt = 1;
@@ -790,9 +813,10 @@ vfs_donmount(struct thread *td, uint64_t fsflags, struct 
uio *fsoptions)
                        fsflags |= MNT_SYNCHRONOUS;
                else if (strcmp(opt->name, "union") == 0)
                        fsflags |= MNT_UNION;
-               else if (strcmp(opt->name, "export") == 0)
+               else if (strcmp(opt->name, "export") == 0) {
                        fsflags |= MNT_EXPORTED;
-               else if (strcmp(opt->name, "automounted") == 0) {
+                       jail_export = true;
+               } else if (strcmp(opt->name, "automounted") == 0) {
                        fsflags |= MNT_AUTOMOUNTED;
                        do_freeopt = 1;
                } else if (strcmp(opt->name, "nocover") == 0) {
@@ -822,7 +846,15 @@ vfs_donmount(struct thread *td, uint64_t fsflags, struct 
uio *fsoptions)
                goto bail;
-       error = vfs_domount(td, fstype, fspath, fsflags, &optlist);
+       /*
+        * If has_nonexport is true or the caller is not running within a
+        * vnet prison that can run mountd(8), set jail_export false.
+        */
+       if (has_nonexport || !jailed(td->td_ucred) ||
+           !prison_check_nfsd(td->td_ucred))
+               jail_export = false;
+       error = vfs_domount(td, fstype, fspath, fsflags, jail_export, &optlist);
        if (error == ENOENT) {
                error = EINVAL;
                if (errmsg != NULL)
@@ -840,7 +872,8 @@ vfs_donmount(struct thread *td, uint64_t fsflags, struct 
uio *fsoptions)
                printf("%s: R/W mount failed, possibly R/O media,"
                    " trying R/O mount\n", __func__);
                fsflags |= MNT_RDONLY;
-               error = vfs_domount(td, fstype, fspath, fsflags, &optlist);
+               error = vfs_domount(td, fstype, fspath, fsflags, jail_export,
+                   &optlist);
        /* copyout the errmsg */
@@ -1114,6 +1147,7 @@ vfs_domount_update(
        struct thread *td,              /* Calling thread. */
        struct vnode *vp,               /* Mount point vnode. */
        uint64_t fsflags,               /* Flags common to all filesystems. */
+       bool jail_export,               /* Got export option in vnet prison. */
        struct vfsoptlist **optlist     /* Options local to the filesystem. */
@@ -1125,6 +1159,7 @@ vfs_domount_update(
        int error, export_error, i, len;
        uint64_t flag;
        gid_t *grps;
+       bool vfs_suser_failed;
        ASSERT_VOP_ELOCKED(vp, __func__);
        KASSERT((fsflags & MNT_UPDATE) != 0, ("MNT_UPDATE should be here"));
@@ -1153,7 +1188,20 @@ vfs_domount_update(
         * Only privileged root, or (if MNT_USER is set) the user that
         * did the original mount is permitted to update it.
+       /*
+        * For the case of mountd(8) doing exports in a jail, the vfs_suser()
+        * call does not cause failure.  vfs_domount() has already checked
+        * that "root" is doing this and vfs_suser() will fail when
+        * the file system has been mounted outside the jail.
+        * jail_export set true indicates that "export" is not mixed
+        * with other options that change mount behaviour.
+        */
+       vfs_suser_failed = false;
        error = vfs_suser(mp, td);
+       if (jail_export && error != 0) {
+               error = 0;
+               vfs_suser_failed = true;
+       }
        if (error != 0) {
                return (error);
@@ -1183,11 +1231,26 @@ vfs_domount_update(
                error = EBUSY;
                goto end;
-       mp->mnt_flag &= ~MNT_UPDATEMASK;
-       mp->mnt_flag |= fsflags & (MNT_RELOAD | MNT_FORCE | MNT_UPDATE |
-       if ((mp->mnt_flag & MNT_ASYNC) == 0)
-               mp->mnt_kern_flag &= ~MNTK_ASYNC;
+       if (vfs_suser_failed) {
+               KASSERT((fsflags & (MNT_EXPORTED | MNT_UPDATE)) ==
+                   (MNT_EXPORTED | MNT_UPDATE),
+                   ("%s: jailed export did not set expected fsflags",
+                    __func__));
+               /*
+                * For this case, only MNT_UPDATE and
+                * MNT_EXPORTED have been set in fsflags
+                * by the options.  Only set MNT_UPDATE,
+                * since that is the one that would be set
+                * when set in fsflags, below.
+                */
+               mp->mnt_flag |= MNT_UPDATE;
+       } else {
+               mp->mnt_flag &= ~MNT_UPDATEMASK;
+               mp->mnt_flag |= fsflags & (MNT_RELOAD | MNT_FORCE | MNT_UPDATE |
+               if ((mp->mnt_flag & MNT_ASYNC) == 0)
+                       mp->mnt_kern_flag &= ~MNTK_ASYNC;
+       }
        rootvp = vfs_cache_root_clear(mp);
        mp->mnt_optnew = *optlist;
@@ -1198,7 +1261,17 @@ vfs_domount_update(
         * XXX The final recipients of VFS_MOUNT just overwrite the ndp they
         * get.  No freeing of cn_pnbuf.
-       error = VFS_MOUNT(mp);
+       /*
+        * For the case of mountd(8) doing exports from within a vnet jail,
+        * "from" is typically not set correctly such that VFS_MOUNT() will
+        * return ENOENT. It is not obvious that VFS_MOUNT() ever needs to be
+        * called when mountd is doing exports, but this check only applies to
+        * the specific case where it is running inside a vnet jail, to
+        * avoid any POLA violation.
+        */
+       error = 0;
+       if (!jail_export)
+               error = VFS_MOUNT(mp);
        export_error = 0;
        /* Process the export option. */
@@ -1336,6 +1409,7 @@ vfs_domount(
        const char *fstype,             /* Filesystem type. */
        char *fspath,                   /* Mount path. */
        uint64_t fsflags,               /* Flags common to all filesystems. */
+       bool jail_export,               /* Got export option in vnet prison. */
        struct vfsoptlist **optlist     /* Options local to the filesystem. */
@@ -1353,7 +1427,11 @@ vfs_domount(
        if (strlen(fstype) >= MFSNAMELEN || strlen(fspath) >= MNAMELEN)
                return (ENAMETOOLONG);
-       if (jailed(td->td_ucred) || usermount == 0) {
+       if (jail_export) {
+               error = priv_check(td, PRIV_NFS_DAEMON);
+               if (error)
+                       return (error);
+       } else if (jailed(td->td_ucred) || usermount == 0) {
                if ((error = priv_check(td, PRIV_VFS_MOUNT)) != 0)
                        return (error);
@@ -1434,7 +1512,8 @@ vfs_domount(
                free(pathbuf, M_TEMP);
        } else
-               error = vfs_domount_update(td, vp, fsflags, optlist);
+               error = vfs_domount_update(td, vp, fsflags, jail_export,
+                   optlist);
        NDFREE(&nd, NDF_ONLY_PNBUF);

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