The branch main has been updated by imp:


commit 8c784bb8cf36911b828652f0bf7e88f443abec50
Merge: 87d405eab911 755d9301ca89
Author:     Warner Losh <>
AuthorDate: 2023-02-07 22:07:08 +0000
Commit:     Warner Losh <>
CommitDate: 2023-02-08 17:33:26 +0000

    lua: Update to 5.4.4
    Merge commit '755d9301ca89f02956fd17858b9d4d821ab5c972' from the
    vendor branch. This updates us from lua 5.4.2 to 5.4.4.
    In addition, it switches around how we flavor liblua for the boot loader
    and flua. This is done to reduce diffs with upstream and make it easier
    to import new versions (the current method has too many conflicts to
    resolve by hand): we include luaconf.local.h from luaconf.h (the only
    change to this file is now that #include at the end). We then define
    what we need to: for flua (which does very little) and one for stand
    (which creates the new FLOAT type out of int64).
    Sponsored by:           Netflix

 contrib/lua/Makefile           |   2 +-
 contrib/lua/README             |   2 +-
 contrib/lua/doc/contents.html  |   7 +-
 contrib/lua/doc/manual.html    | 237 ++++++++-----
 contrib/lua/doc/readme.html    |   8 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lapi.c         | 107 ++++--
 contrib/lua/src/lapi.h         |   2 +
 contrib/lua/src/lauxlib.c      |  75 ++--
 contrib/lua/src/lauxlib.h      |  31 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lbaselib.c     |  40 ++-
 contrib/lua/src/lcode.c        |  69 ++--
 contrib/lua/src/lcorolib.c     |  19 +-
 contrib/lua/src/ldblib.c       |  11 +-
 contrib/lua/src/ldebug.c       | 218 ++++++++----
 contrib/lua/src/ldebug.h       |  11 +
 contrib/lua/src/ldo.c          | 490 ++++++++++++++++---------
 contrib/lua/src/ldo.h          |   7 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lfunc.c        | 170 +++++----
 contrib/lua/src/lfunc.h        |  13 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lgc.c          |  55 +--
 contrib/lua/src/lgc.h          |  10 +
 contrib/lua/src/liolib.c       |  35 +-
 contrib/lua/src/llex.c         |  31 +-
 contrib/lua/src/llimits.h      |  30 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lmathlib.c     |   9 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lmem.c         |  33 +-
 contrib/lua/src/loadlib.c      |  17 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lobject.c      |  10 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lobject.h      |  18 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lopcodes.h     |  35 +-
 contrib/lua/src/loslib.c       |   8 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lparser.c      |  76 ++--
 contrib/lua/src/lparser.h      |   6 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lstate.c       |  66 ++--
 contrib/lua/src/lstate.h       |  49 ++-
 contrib/lua/src/lstring.c      |   8 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lstrlib.c      | 269 ++++++++------
 contrib/lua/src/ltable.c       | 144 +++++---
 contrib/lua/src/ltable.h       |   8 +-
 contrib/lua/src/ltablib.c      |  16 +-
 contrib/lua/src/ltm.c          |   5 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lua.c          |  63 +++-
 contrib/lua/src/lua.h          |  11 +-
 contrib/lua/src/luac.c         |   7 +-
 contrib/lua/src/luaconf.h      | 786 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 contrib/lua/src/luaconf.h.dist | 115 +++---
 contrib/lua/src/lualib.h       |   6 -
 contrib/lua/src/lutf8lib.c     |  11 +-
 contrib/lua/src/lvm.c          | 132 +++----
 contrib/lua/src/lvm.h          |   6 +-
 lib/liblua/luaconf.local.h     |  25 ++
 stand/liblua/luaconf.local.h   |  73 ++++
 stand/                   |   1 -
 53 files changed, 2622 insertions(+), 1071 deletions(-)

diff --cc contrib/lua/Makefile
index 36447a0f61c7,000000000000..fef1af4821e6
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/contrib/lua/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/lua/Makefile
@@@ -1,106 -1,0 +1,106 @@@
 +# Makefile for installing Lua
 +# See doc/readme.html for installation and customization instructions.
 +# Your platform. See PLATS for possible values.
 +PLAT= guess
 +# Where to install. The installation starts in the src and doc directories,
 +# so take care if INSTALL_TOP is not an absolute path. See the local target.
 +# You may want to make INSTALL_LMOD and INSTALL_CMOD consistent with
 +# LUA_ROOT, LUA_LDIR, and LUA_CDIR in luaconf.h.
 +INSTALL_TOP= /usr/local
 +# How to install. If your install program does not support "-p", then
 +# you may have to run ranlib on the installed liblua.a.
 +INSTALL= install -p
 +# If you don't have "install" you can use "cp" instead.
 +# INSTALL= cp -p
 +# Other utilities.
 +MKDIR= mkdir -p
 +RM= rm -f
 +# Convenience platforms targets.
 +PLATS= guess aix bsd c89 freebsd generic linux linux-readline macosx mingw 
posix solaris
 +# What to install.
 +TO_BIN= lua luac
 +TO_INC= lua.h luaconf.h lualib.h lauxlib.h lua.hpp
 +TO_LIB= liblua.a
 +TO_MAN= lua.1 luac.1
 +# Lua version and release.
 +V= 5.4
- R= $V.2
++R= $V.4
 +# Targets start here.
 +all:  $(PLAT)
 +$(PLATS) help test clean:
 +      @cd src && $(MAKE) $@
 +install: dummy
 +      cd src && $(MKDIR) $(INSTALL_BIN) $(INSTALL_INC) $(INSTALL_LIB) 
 +      cd src && $(INSTALL_EXEC) $(TO_BIN) $(INSTALL_BIN)
 +      cd src && $(INSTALL_DATA) $(TO_INC) $(INSTALL_INC)
 +      cd src && $(INSTALL_DATA) $(TO_LIB) $(INSTALL_LIB)
 +      cd doc && $(INSTALL_DATA) $(TO_MAN) $(INSTALL_MAN)
 +      cd src && cd $(INSTALL_BIN) && $(RM) $(TO_BIN)
 +      cd src && cd $(INSTALL_INC) && $(RM) $(TO_INC)
 +      cd src && cd $(INSTALL_LIB) && $(RM) $(TO_LIB)
 +      cd doc && cd $(INSTALL_MAN) && $(RM) $(TO_MAN)
 +      $(MAKE) install INSTALL_TOP=../install
 +# make may get confused with install/ if it does not support .PHONY.
 +# Echo config parameters.
 +      @cd src && $(MAKE) -s echo
 +      @echo "PLAT= $(PLAT)"
 +      @echo "V= $V"
 +      @echo "R= $R"
 +      @echo "TO_BIN= $(TO_BIN)"
 +      @echo "TO_INC= $(TO_INC)"
 +      @echo "TO_LIB= $(TO_LIB)"
 +      @echo "TO_MAN= $(TO_MAN)"
 +      @echo "INSTALL_TOP= $(INSTALL_TOP)"
 +      @echo "INSTALL_BIN= $(INSTALL_BIN)"
 +      @echo "INSTALL_INC= $(INSTALL_INC)"
 +      @echo "INSTALL_LIB= $(INSTALL_LIB)"
 +      @echo "INSTALL_MAN= $(INSTALL_MAN)"
 +      @echo "INSTALL_LMOD= $(INSTALL_LMOD)"
 +      @echo "INSTALL_CMOD= $(INSTALL_CMOD)"
 +      @echo "INSTALL_EXEC= $(INSTALL_EXEC)"
 +      @echo "INSTALL_DATA= $(INSTALL_DATA)"
 +# Echo pkg-config data.
 +      @echo "version=$R"
 +      @echo "prefix=$(INSTALL_TOP)"
 +      @echo "libdir=$(INSTALL_LIB)"
 +      @echo "includedir=$(INSTALL_INC)"
 +# Targets that do not create files (not all makes understand .PHONY).
 +.PHONY: all $(PLATS) help test clean install uninstall local dummy echo pc
 +# (end of Makefile)
diff --cc contrib/lua/src/lcode.c
index 14d41f1a7ef4,06425a1db800..97e3c72857a5
--- a/contrib/lua/src/lcode.c
+++ b/contrib/lua/src/lcode.c
@@@ -601,8 -601,21 +601,28 @@@ static int luaK_intK (FuncState *fs, lu
  static int luaK_numberK (FuncState *fs, lua_Number r) {
    TValue o;
+   lua_Integer ik;
    setfltvalue(&o, r);
+   if (!luaV_flttointeger(r, &ik, F2Ieq))  /* not an integral value? */
+     return addk(fs, &o, &o);  /* use number itself as key */
+   else {  /* must build an alternative key */
+     const int nbm = l_floatatt(MANT_DIG);
+     const lua_Number q = l_mathop(ldexp)(l_mathop(1.0), -nbm + 1);
+     const lua_Number k = (ik == 0) ? q : r + r*q;  /* new key */
+     TValue kv;
+     setfltvalue(&kv, k);
+     /* result is not an integral value, unless value is too large */
+     lua_assert(!luaV_flttointeger(k, &ik, F2Ieq) ||
+                 l_mathop(fabs)(r) >= l_mathop(1e6));
+     return addk(fs, &kv, &o);
+   }
++  /*
++  ** When we're avoiding floats, allow any collision since floats are ints.
++  */
 +  return addk(fs, &o, &o);  /* use number itself as key */
diff --cc contrib/lua/src/lstrlib.c
index ed88abdb4db2,0b4fdbb7b5bf..2b5cd64b6ed9
--- a/contrib/lua/src/lstrlib.c
+++ b/contrib/lua/src/lstrlib.c
@@@ -1121,7 -1142,6 +1142,7 @@@ static void addquoted (luaL_Buffer *b, 
  ** Serialize a floating-point number in such a way that it can be
  ** scanned back by Lua. Use hexadecimal format for "common" numbers
@@@ -1150,8 -1170,8 +1171,9 @@@ static int quotefloat (lua_State *L, ch
    /* for the fixed representations */
    return l_sprintf(buff, MAX_ITEM, "%s", s);
  static void addliteral (lua_State *L, luaL_Buffer *b, int arg) {
    switch (lua_type(L, arg)) {
      case LUA_TSTRING: {
@@@ -1163,7 -1183,6 +1185,7 @@@
      case LUA_TNUMBER: {
        char *buff = luaL_prepbuffsize(b, MAX_ITEM);
        int nb;
        if (!lua_isinteger(L, arg))  /* float? */
          nb = quotefloat(L, buff, lua_tonumber(L, arg));
        else {  /* integers */
@@@ -1264,14 -1319,13 +1325,15 @@@ static int str_format (lua_State *L) 
            nb = lua_number2strx(L, buff, maxitem, form,
                                    luaL_checknumber(L, arg));
          case 'f':
            maxitem = MAX_ITEMF;  /* extra space for '%f' */
            buff = luaL_prepbuffsize(&b, maxitem);
            /* FALLTHROUGH */
          case 'e': case 'E': case 'g': case 'G': {
            lua_Number n = luaL_checknumber(L, arg);
+           checkformat(L, form, L_FMTFLAGSF, 1);
            addlenmod(form, LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN);
            nb = l_sprintf(buff, maxitem, form, (LUAI_UACNUMBER)n);
@@@ -1397,7 -1428,9 +1436,11 @@@ typedef struct Header 
  typedef enum KOption {
    Kint,               /* signed integers */
    Kuint,      /* unsigned integers */
-   Kfloat,     /* floating-point numbers */
+   Kfloat,     /* single-precision floating-point numbers */
 -  Knumber,    /* Lua "native" floating-point numbers */
+   Kdouble,    /* double-precision floating-point numbers */
++  Knumber,    /* Lua "native" floating-point numbers */
    Kchar,      /* fixed-length strings */
    Kstring,    /* strings with prefixed length */
    Kzstr,      /* zero-terminated strings */
@@@ -1465,11 -1500,9 +1510,11 @@@ static KOption getoption (Header *h, co
      case 'j': *size = sizeof(lua_Integer); return Kint;
      case 'J': *size = sizeof(lua_Integer); return Kuint;
      case 'T': *size = sizeof(size_t); return Kuint;
      case 'f': *size = sizeof(float); return Kfloat;
-     case 'd': *size = sizeof(double); return Kfloat;
 -    case 'n': *size = sizeof(lua_Number); return Knumber;
+     case 'd': *size = sizeof(double); return Kdouble;
-     case 'n': *size = sizeof(lua_Number); return Kfloat;
++    case 'n': *size = sizeof(lua_Number); return Knumber;
      case 'i': *size = getnumlimit(h, fmt, sizeof(int)); return Kint;
      case 'I': *size = getnumlimit(h, fmt, sizeof(int)); return Kuint;
      case 's': *size = getnumlimit(h, fmt, sizeof(size_t)); return Kstring;
@@@ -1595,22 -1632,30 +1644,34 @@@ static int str_pack (lua_State *L) 
          packint(&b, (lua_Unsigned)n, h.islittle, size, 0);
-       case Kfloat: {  /* floating-point options */
-         Ftypes u;
-         char *buff = luaL_prepbuffsize(&b, size);
-         lua_Number n = luaL_checknumber(L, arg);  /* get argument */
-         if (size == sizeof(u.f)) u.f = (float)n;  /* copy it into 'u' */
-         else if (size == sizeof(u.d)) u.d = (double)n;
-         else u.n = n;
- #else
-       u.n = n;
+       case Kfloat: {  /* C float */
+         float f = (float)luaL_checknumber(L, arg);  /* get argument */
+         char *buff = luaL_prepbuffsize(&b, sizeof(f));
+         /* move 'f' to final result, correcting endianness if needed */
+         copywithendian(buff, (char *)&f, sizeof(f), h.islittle);
+         luaL_addsize(&b, size);
+         break;
+       }
-         /* move 'u' to final result, correcting endianness if needed */
-         copywithendian(buff, (char *)&u, size, h.islittle);
+       case Knumber: {  /* Lua float */
+         lua_Number f = luaL_checknumber(L, arg);  /* get argument */
+         char *buff = luaL_prepbuffsize(&b, sizeof(f));
+         /* move 'f' to final result, correcting endianness if needed */
+         copywithendian(buff, (char *)&f, sizeof(f), h.islittle);
+         luaL_addsize(&b, size);
+         break;
+       }
+       case Kdouble: {  /* C double */
+         double f = (double)luaL_checknumber(L, arg);  /* get argument */
+         char *buff = luaL_prepbuffsize(&b, sizeof(f));
+         /* move 'f' to final result, correcting endianness if needed */
+         copywithendian(buff, (char *)&f, sizeof(f), h.islittle);
          luaL_addsize(&b, size);
        case Kchar: {  /* fixed-size string */
          size_t len;
          const char *s = luaL_checklstring(L, arg, &len);
@@@ -1732,20 -1777,24 +1793,28 @@@ static int str_unpack (lua_State *L) 
          lua_pushinteger(L, res);
        case Kfloat: {
-         Ftypes u;
-         lua_Number num;
-         copywithendian((char *)&u, data + pos, size, h.islittle);
-         if (size == sizeof(u.f)) num = (lua_Number)u.f;
-         else if (size == sizeof(u.d)) num = (lua_Number)u.d;
-         else num = u.n;
- #else
-       num = u.n;
+         float f;
+         copywithendian((char *)&f, data + pos, sizeof(f), h.islittle);
+         lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)f);
+         break;
+       }
-         lua_pushnumber(L, num);
+       case Knumber: {
+         lua_Number f;
+         copywithendian((char *)&f, data + pos, sizeof(f), h.islittle);
+         lua_pushnumber(L, f);
+       case Kdouble: {
+         double f;
+         copywithendian((char *)&f, data + pos, sizeof(f), h.islittle);
+         lua_pushnumber(L, (lua_Number)f);
+         break;
+       }
        case Kchar: {
          lua_pushlstring(L, data + pos, size);
diff --cc contrib/lua/src/luaconf.h
index 000000000000,d42d14b7d5f1..eab6318aaaef
mode 000000,100644..100644
--- a/contrib/lua/src/luaconf.h
+++ b/contrib/lua/src/luaconf.h
@@@ -1,0 -1,786 +1,786 @@@
+ /*
+ ** $Id: luaconf.h $
+ ** Configuration file for Lua
+ ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h
+ */
+ #ifndef luaconf_h
+ #define luaconf_h
+ #include <limits.h>
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ /*
+ ** ===================================================================
+ ** General Configuration File for Lua
+ **
+ ** Some definitions here can be changed externally, through the compiler
+ ** (e.g., with '-D' options): They are commented out or protected
+ ** by '#if !defined' guards. However, several other definitions
+ ** should be changed directly here, either because they affect the
+ ** Lua ABI (by making the changes here, you ensure that all software
+ ** connected to Lua, such as C libraries, will be compiled with the same
+ ** configuration); or because they are seldom changed.
+ **
+ ** Search for "@@" to find all configurable definitions.
+ ** ===================================================================
+ */
+ /*
+ ** {====================================================================
+ ** System Configuration: macros to adapt (if needed) Lua to some
+ ** particular platform, for instance restricting it to C89.
+ ** =====================================================================
+ */
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_USE_C89 controls the use of non-ISO-C89 features.
+ ** Define it if you want Lua to avoid the use of a few C99 features
+ ** or Windows-specific features on Windows.
+ */
+ /* #define LUA_USE_C89 */
+ /*
+ ** By default, Lua on Windows use (some) specific Windows features
+ */
+ #if !defined(LUA_USE_C89) && defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
+ #define LUA_USE_WINDOWS  /* enable goodies for regular Windows */
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LUA_USE_WINDOWS)
+ #define LUA_DL_DLL    /* enable support for DLL */
+ #define LUA_USE_C89   /* broadly, Windows is C89 */
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LUA_USE_LINUX)
+ #define LUA_USE_POSIX
+ #define LUA_USE_DLOPEN                /* needs an extra library: -ldl */
+ #endif
+ #if defined(LUA_USE_MACOSX)
+ #define LUA_USE_POSIX
+ #define LUA_USE_DLOPEN                /* MacOS does not need -ldl */
+ #endif
+ /*
+ @@ LUAI_IS32INT is true iff 'int' has (at least) 32 bits.
+ */
+ #define LUAI_IS32INT  ((UINT_MAX >> 30) >= 3)
+ /* }================================================================== */
+ /*
+ ** {==================================================================
+ ** Configuration for Number types. These options should not be
+ ** set externally, because any other code connected to Lua must
+ ** use the same configuration.
+ ** ===================================================================
+ */
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_INT_TYPE defines the type for Lua integers.
+ @@ LUA_FLOAT_TYPE defines the type for Lua floats.
+ ** Lua should work fine with any mix of these options supported
+ ** by your C compiler. The usual configurations are 64-bit integers
+ ** and 'double' (the default), 32-bit integers and 'float' (for
+ ** restricted platforms), and 'long'/'double' (for C compilers not
+ ** compliant with C99, which may not have support for 'long long').
+ */
+ /* predefined options for LUA_INT_TYPE */
+ #define LUA_INT_INT           1
+ #define LUA_INT_LONG          2
+ #define LUA_INT_LONGLONG      3
+ /* predefined options for LUA_FLOAT_TYPE */
+ #define LUA_FLOAT_FLOAT               1
+ #define LUA_FLOAT_DOUBLE      2
+ /* Default configuration ('long long' and 'double', for 64-bit Lua) */
+ #define LUA_INT_DEFAULT               LUA_INT_LONGLONG
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_32BITS enables Lua with 32-bit integers and 32-bit floats.
+ */
+ #define LUA_32BITS    0
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_C89_NUMBERS ensures that Lua uses the largest types available for
+ ** C89 ('long' and 'double'); Windows always has '__int64', so it does
+ ** not need to use this case.
+ */
+ #if defined(LUA_USE_C89) && !defined(LUA_USE_WINDOWS)
+ #define LUA_C89_NUMBERS               1
+ #else
+ #define LUA_C89_NUMBERS               0
+ #endif
+ #if LUA_32BITS                /* { */
+ /*
+ ** 32-bit integers and 'float'
+ */
+ #if LUAI_IS32INT  /* use 'int' if big enough */
+ #else  /* otherwise use 'long' */
+ #endif
+ #elif LUA_C89_NUMBERS /* }{ */
+ /*
+ ** largest types available for C89 ('long' and 'double')
+ */
+ #else         /* }{ */
+ /* use defaults */
+ #endif                                /* } */
+ /* }================================================================== */
+ /*
+ ** {==================================================================
+ ** Configuration for Paths.
+ ** ===================================================================
+ */
+ /*
+ ** LUA_PATH_SEP is the character that separates templates in a path.
+ ** LUA_PATH_MARK is the string that marks the substitution points in a
+ ** template.
+ ** LUA_EXEC_DIR in a Windows path is replaced by the executable's
+ ** directory.
+ */
+ #define LUA_PATH_SEP            ";"
+ #define LUA_PATH_MARK           "?"
+ #define LUA_EXEC_DIR            "!"
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_PATH_DEFAULT is the default path that Lua uses to look for
+ ** Lua libraries.
+ @@ LUA_CPATH_DEFAULT is the default path that Lua uses to look for
+ ** C libraries.
+ ** CHANGE them if your machine has a non-conventional directory
+ ** hierarchy or if you want to install your libraries in
+ ** non-conventional directories.
+ */
+ #if defined(_WIN32)   /* { */
+ /*
+ ** In Windows, any exclamation mark ('!') in the path is replaced by the
+ ** path of the directory of the executable file of the current process.
+ */
+ #define LUA_LDIR      "!\\lua\\"
+ #define LUA_CDIR      "!\\"
+ #define LUA_SHRDIR    "!\\..\\share\\lua\\" LUA_VDIR "\\"
+ #if !defined(LUA_PATH_DEFAULT)
+ #define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT  \
+               LUA_LDIR"?.lua;"  LUA_LDIR"?\\init.lua;" \
+               LUA_CDIR"?.lua;"  LUA_CDIR"?\\init.lua;" \
+               LUA_SHRDIR"?.lua;" LUA_SHRDIR"?\\init.lua;" \
+               ".\\?.lua;" ".\\?\\init.lua"
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(LUA_CPATH_DEFAULT)
+               LUA_CDIR"?.dll;" \
+               LUA_CDIR"..\\lib\\lua\\" LUA_VDIR "\\?.dll;" \
+               LUA_CDIR"loadall.dll;" ".\\?.dll"
+ #endif
+ #else                 /* }{ */
+ #define LUA_ROOT      "/usr/local/"
+ #define LUA_LDIR      LUA_ROOT "share/lua/" LUA_VDIR "/"
+ #define LUA_CDIR      LUA_ROOT "lib/lua/" LUA_VDIR "/"
+ #if !defined(LUA_PATH_DEFAULT)
+ #define LUA_PATH_DEFAULT  \
+               LUA_LDIR"?.lua;"  LUA_LDIR"?/init.lua;" \
+               LUA_CDIR"?.lua;"  LUA_CDIR"?/init.lua;" \
+               "./?.lua;" "./?/init.lua"
+ #endif
+ #if !defined(LUA_CPATH_DEFAULT)
+               LUA_CDIR"?.so;" LUA_CDIR";" "./?.so"
+ #endif
+ #endif                        /* } */
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_DIRSEP is the directory separator (for submodules).
+ ** CHANGE it if your machine does not use "/" as the directory separator
+ ** and is not Windows. (On Windows Lua automatically uses "\".)
+ */
+ #if !defined(LUA_DIRSEP)
+ #if defined(_WIN32)
+ #define LUA_DIRSEP    "\\"
+ #else
+ #define LUA_DIRSEP    "/"
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ /* }================================================================== */
+ /*
+ ** {==================================================================
+ ** Marks for exported symbols in the C code
+ ** ===================================================================
+ */
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_API is a mark for all core API functions.
+ @@ LUALIB_API is a mark for all auxiliary library functions.
+ @@ LUAMOD_API is a mark for all standard library opening functions.
+ ** CHANGE them if you need to define those functions in some special way.
+ ** For instance, if you want to create one Windows DLL with the core and
+ ** the libraries, you may want to use the following definition (define
+ ** LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL to get it).
+ */
+ #if defined(LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL) /* { */
+ #if defined(LUA_CORE) || defined(LUA_LIB)     /* { */
+ #define LUA_API __declspec(dllexport)
+ #else                                         /* }{ */
+ #define LUA_API __declspec(dllimport)
+ #endif                                                /* } */
+ #else                         /* }{ */
+ #define LUA_API               extern
+ #endif                                /* } */
+ /*
+ ** More often than not the libs go together with the core.
+ */
+ #define LUALIB_API    LUA_API
+ #define LUAMOD_API    LUA_API
+ /*
+ @@ LUAI_FUNC is a mark for all extern functions that are not to be
+ ** exported to outside modules.
+ @@ LUAI_DDEF and LUAI_DDEC are marks for all extern (const) variables,
+ ** none of which to be exported to outside modules (LUAI_DDEF for
+ ** definitions and LUAI_DDEC for declarations).
+ ** CHANGE them if you need to mark them in some special way. Elf/gcc
+ ** (versions 3.2 and later) mark them as "hidden" to optimize access
+ ** when Lua is compiled as a shared library. Not all elf targets support
+ ** this attribute. Unfortunately, gcc does not offer a way to check
+ ** whether the target offers that support, and those without support
+ ** give a warning about it. To avoid these warnings, change to the
+ ** default definition.
+ */
+ #if defined(__GNUC__) && ((__GNUC__*100 + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= 302) && \
+     defined(__ELF__)          /* { */
+ #define LUAI_FUNC     __attribute__((visibility("internal"))) extern
+ #else                         /* }{ */
+ #define LUAI_FUNC     extern
+ #endif                                /* } */
+ #define LUAI_DDEC(dec)        LUAI_FUNC dec
+ #define LUAI_DDEF     /* empty */
+ /* }================================================================== */
+ /*
+ ** {==================================================================
+ ** Compatibility with previous versions
+ ** ===================================================================
+ */
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_COMPAT_5_3 controls other macros for compatibility with Lua 5.3.
+ ** You can define it to get all options, or change specific options
+ ** to fit your specific needs.
+ */
+ #if defined(LUA_COMPAT_5_3)   /* { */
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_COMPAT_MATHLIB controls the presence of several deprecated
+ ** functions in the mathematical library.
+ ** (These functions were already officially removed in 5.3;
+ ** nevertheless they are still available here.)
+ */
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_COMPAT_APIINTCASTS controls the presence of macros for
+ ** manipulating other integer types (lua_pushunsigned, lua_tounsigned,
+ ** luaL_checkint, luaL_checklong, etc.)
+ ** (These macros were also officially removed in 5.3, but they are still
+ ** available here.)
+ */
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_COMPAT_LT_LE controls the emulation of the '__le' metamethod
+ ** using '__lt'.
+ */
+ #define LUA_COMPAT_LT_LE
+ /*
+ @@ The following macros supply trivial compatibility for some
+ ** changes in the API. The macros themselves document how to
+ ** change your code to avoid using them.
+ ** (Once more, these macros were officially removed in 5.3, but they are
+ ** still available here.)
+ */
+ #define lua_strlen(L,i)               lua_rawlen(L, (i))
+ #define lua_objlen(L,i)               lua_rawlen(L, (i))
+ #define lua_equal(L,idx1,idx2)                
+ #define lua_lessthan(L,idx1,idx2)     lua_compare(L,(idx1),(idx2),LUA_OPLT)
+ #endif                                /* } */
+ /* }================================================================== */
+ /*
+ ** {==================================================================
+ ** Configuration for Numbers (low-level part).
+ ** Change these definitions if no predefined LUA_FLOAT_* / LUA_INT_*
+ ** satisfy your needs.
+ ** ===================================================================
+ */
+ /*
+ @@ LUAI_UACNUMBER is the result of a 'default argument promotion'
+ @@ over a floating number.
+ @@ l_floatatt(x) corrects float attribute 'x' to the proper float type
+ ** by prefixing it with one of FLT/DBL/LDBL.
+ @@ LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN is the length modifier for writing floats.
+ @@ LUA_NUMBER_FMT is the format for writing floats.
+ @@ lua_number2str converts a float to a string.
+ @@ l_mathop allows the addition of an 'l' or 'f' to all math operations.
+ @@ l_floor takes the floor of a float.
+ @@ lua_str2number converts a decimal numeral to a number.
+ */
+ /* The following definitions are good for most cases here */
+ #define l_floor(x)            (l_mathop(floor)(x))
+ #define lua_number2str(s,sz,n)  \
+       l_sprintf((s), sz, LUA_NUMBER_FMT, (LUAI_UACNUMBER)(n))
+ /*
+ @@ lua_numbertointeger converts a float number with an integral value
+ ** to an integer, or returns 0 if float is not within the range of
+ ** a lua_Integer.  (The range comparisons are tricky because of
+ ** rounding. The tests here assume a two-complement representation,
+ ** where MININTEGER always has an exact representation as a float;
+ ** MAXINTEGER may not have one, and therefore its conversion to float
+ ** may have an ill-defined value.)
+ */
+ #define lua_numbertointeger(n,p) \
+   ((n) >= (LUA_NUMBER)(LUA_MININTEGER) && \
+    (n) < -(LUA_NUMBER)(LUA_MININTEGER) && \
+       (*(p) = (LUA_INTEGER)(n), 1))
+ /* now the variable definitions */
+ #if LUA_FLOAT_TYPE == LUA_FLOAT_FLOAT         /* { single float */
+ #define LUA_NUMBER    float
+ #define l_floatatt(n)         (FLT_##n)
+ #define LUAI_UACNUMBER        double
+ #define LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN     ""
+ #define LUA_NUMBER_FMT                "%.7g"
+ #define l_mathop(op)          op##f
+ #define lua_str2number(s,p)   strtof((s), (p))
+ #elif LUA_FLOAT_TYPE == LUA_FLOAT_LONGDOUBLE  /* }{ long double */
+ #define LUA_NUMBER    long double
+ #define l_floatatt(n)         (LDBL_##n)
+ #define LUAI_UACNUMBER        long double
+ #define LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN     "L"
+ #define LUA_NUMBER_FMT                "%.19Lg"
+ #define l_mathop(op)          op##l
+ #define lua_str2number(s,p)   strtold((s), (p))
+ #elif LUA_FLOAT_TYPE == LUA_FLOAT_DOUBLE      /* }{ double */
+ #define LUA_NUMBER    double
+ #define l_floatatt(n)         (DBL_##n)
+ #define LUAI_UACNUMBER        double
+ #define LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN     ""
+ #define LUA_NUMBER_FMT                "%.14g"
+ #define l_mathop(op)          op
+ #define lua_str2number(s,p)   strtod((s), (p))
+ #else                                         /* }{ */
+ #error "numeric float type not defined"
+ #endif                                        /* } */
+ /*
+ @@ LUA_UNSIGNED is the unsigned version of LUA_INTEGER.
+ @@ LUAI_UACINT is the result of a 'default argument promotion'
+ @@ over a LUA_INTEGER.
+ @@ LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN is the length modifier for reading/writing integers.
+ @@ LUA_INTEGER_FMT is the format for writing integers.
+ @@ LUA_MAXINTEGER is the maximum value for a LUA_INTEGER.
+ @@ LUA_MININTEGER is the minimum value for a LUA_INTEGER.
+ @@ LUA_MAXUNSIGNED is the maximum value for a LUA_UNSIGNED.
+ @@ lua_integer2str converts an integer to a string.
+ */
+ /* The following definitions are good for most cases here */
+ #define LUA_INTEGER_FMT               "%" LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN "d"
+ #define LUAI_UACINT           LUA_INTEGER
+ #define lua_integer2str(s,sz,n)  \
+       l_sprintf((s), sz, LUA_INTEGER_FMT, (LUAI_UACINT)(n))
+ /*
+ ** use LUAI_UACINT here to avoid problems with promotions (which
+ ** can turn a comparison between unsigneds into a signed comparison)
+ */
+ #define LUA_UNSIGNED          unsigned LUAI_UACINT
+ /* now the variable definitions */
+ #if LUA_INT_TYPE == LUA_INT_INT               /* { int */
+ #define LUA_INTEGER           int
+ #define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN    ""
+ #define LUA_MAXINTEGER                INT_MAX
+ #define LUA_MININTEGER                INT_MIN
+ #define LUA_MAXUNSIGNED               UINT_MAX
+ #elif LUA_INT_TYPE == LUA_INT_LONG    /* }{ long */
+ #define LUA_INTEGER           long
+ #define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN    "l"
+ #define LUA_MAXINTEGER                LONG_MAX
+ #define LUA_MININTEGER                LONG_MIN
+ #define LUA_MAXUNSIGNED               ULONG_MAX
+ #elif LUA_INT_TYPE == LUA_INT_LONGLONG        /* }{ long long */
+ /* use presence of macro LLONG_MAX as proxy for C99 compliance */
+ #if defined(LLONG_MAX)                /* { */
+ /* use ISO C99 stuff */
+ #define LUA_INTEGER           long long
+ #define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN    "ll"
+ #define LUA_MAXINTEGER                LLONG_MAX
+ #define LUA_MININTEGER                LLONG_MIN
+ #define LUA_MAXUNSIGNED               ULLONG_MAX
+ #elif defined(LUA_USE_WINDOWS) /* }{ */
+ /* in Windows, can use specific Windows types */
+ #define LUA_INTEGER           __int64
+ #define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN    "I64"
+ #define LUA_MAXINTEGER                _I64_MAX
+ #define LUA_MININTEGER                _I64_MIN
+ #define LUA_MAXUNSIGNED               _UI64_MAX
+ #else                         /* }{ */
+ #error "Compiler does not support 'long long'. Use option '-DLUA_32BITS' \
+   or '-DLUA_C89_NUMBERS' (see file 'luaconf.h' for details)"
+ #endif                                /* } */
+ #else                         /* }{ */
+ #error "numeric integer type not defined"
+ #endif                                /* } */
+ /* }================================================================== */
+ /*
+ ** {==================================================================
+ ** Dependencies with C99 and other C details
+ ** ===================================================================
+ */
+ /*
+ @@ l_sprintf is equivalent to 'snprintf' or 'sprintf' in C89.
+ ** (All uses in Lua have only one format item.)
+ */
+ #if !defined(LUA_USE_C89)
+ #define l_sprintf(s,sz,f,i)   snprintf(s,sz,f,i)
+ #else
+ #define l_sprintf(s,sz,f,i)   ((void)(sz), sprintf(s,f,i))
+ #endif
+ /*
+ @@ lua_strx2number converts a hexadecimal numeral to a number.
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