Quoting Li-Wen Hsu <lw...@freebsd.org> (from Mon, 7 Nov 2022 03:39:19 GMT):

The branch main has been updated by lwhsu:

URL: https://cgit.FreeBSD.org/src/commit/?id=72a1cb05cd230ce0d12a7180ae65ddbba2e0cb6d

commit 72a1cb05cd230ce0d12a7180ae65ddbba2e0cb6d
Author:     Li-Wen Hsu <lw...@freebsd.org>
AuthorDate: 2022-11-07 03:30:09 +0000
Commit:     Li-Wen Hsu <lw...@freebsd.org>
CommitDate: 2022-11-07 03:30:09 +0000

    rc(8): Add a zpoolupgrade rc.d script

    If a zpool is created by makefs(8), its version is 5000, i.e., all
    feature flags are off.  Introduce an rc script to run `zpool upgrade`
    over the assigned zpools on the first boot.  This is useful to the
    ZFS based VM images built from release(7).

diff --git a/share/man/man5/rc.conf.5 b/share/man/man5/rc.conf.5
index f9ceabc83120..43fa44a5f1cb 100644
--- a/share/man/man5/rc.conf.5
+++ b/share/man/man5/rc.conf.5
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 .\" $FreeBSD$
-.Dd August 28, 2022
+.Dd November 7, 2022
 .Dt RC.CONF 5
@@ -2109,6 +2109,13 @@ A space-separated list of ZFS pool names for which new pool GUIDs should be
 assigned upon first boot.
This is useful when using a ZFS pool copied from a template, such as a virtual
 machine image.
+.It Va zpool_upgrade
+.Pq Vt str
+A space-separated list of ZFS pool names for which version should be upgraded
+upon first boot.
+This is useful when using a ZFS pool generated by
+.Xr makefs 8

For someone who knows ZFS well, it is clear that only a zpool upgrade is done. Not so experienced people may assume there is a combination of zpool upgrade and zfs upgrade (more so for people which do not know what the difference is). Maybe you want to add some explicit documentation, that zfs upgrade + feature flags needs to be done by hand.

And this brings me to a second topic, we don't have an explicit list of features which are supported by the bootloader (I had a look at the zfs and the boot related man pages, if I overlooked a place, then the other places should reference this important part with some text).


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