The branch main has been updated by markj:


commit 8eca3207980a8c2f6457c1cd2e9ff6b235a3018d
Author:     Mark Johnston <>
AuthorDate: 2022-08-17 19:56:57 +0000
Commit:     Mark Johnston <>
CommitDate: 2022-08-17 21:28:00 +0000

    makefs: Handle multiple staging directories when creating ZFS pools
    The fsnode tree traversal routines used in ZFS mode assume that all
    children of a (directory) fsnode can be accessed using a directory fd
    for the parent and the child name.  This is true when populating the
    image using an mtree manifest or from a single staging directory, but
    doesn't work when multiple staging directories are specified.
    Change the traversal routines to use absolute path lookups when an mtree
    manifest is not in use.  This isn't ideal, but it's the simplest way to
    fix the problem.
    Reported by:    imp
    Sponsored by:   The FreeBSD Foundation
 usr.sbin/makefs/zfs/fs.c | 99 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 77 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)

diff --git a/usr.sbin/makefs/zfs/fs.c b/usr.sbin/makefs/zfs/fs.c
index 2907a6b05f81..b246a8e23f4e 100644
--- a/usr.sbin/makefs/zfs/fs.c
+++ b/usr.sbin/makefs/zfs/fs.c
@@ -156,13 +156,20 @@ struct fs_populate_dir {
 struct fs_populate_arg {
        zfs_opt_t       *zfs;
        zfs_fs_t        *fs;                    /* owning filesystem */
-       int             dirfd;                  /* current directory fd */
        uint64_t        rootdirid;              /* root directory dnode ID */
+       int             rootdirfd;              /* root directory fd */
        SLIST_HEAD(, fs_populate_dir) dirs;     /* stack of directories */
 static void fs_build_one(zfs_opt_t *, zfs_dsl_dir_t *, fsnode *, int);
+static void
+eclose(int fd)
+       if (close(fd) != 0)
+               err(1, "close");
 static bool
 fsnode_isroot(const fsnode *cur)
@@ -235,6 +242,65 @@ fs_populate_varszattr(zfs_fs_t *fs, char *attrbuf, const 
void *val,
        *szp += valsz;
+ * Derive the relative fd/path combo needed to access a file.  Ideally we'd
+ * always be able to use relative lookups (i.e., use the *at() system calls),
+ * since they require less path translation and are more amenable to 
+ * but the handling of multiple staging directories makes that difficult.  To
+ * make matters worse, we have no choice but to use relative lookups when
+ * dealing with an mtree manifest, so both mechanisms are implemented.
+ */
+static void
+fs_populate_path(const fsnode *cur, struct fs_populate_arg *arg,
+    char *path, size_t sz, int *dirfdp)
+       if (cur->root == NULL) {
+               size_t n;
+               *dirfdp = SLIST_FIRST(&arg->dirs)->dirfd;
+               n = strlcpy(path, cur->name, sz);
+               assert(n < sz);
+       } else {
+               int n;
+               *dirfdp = AT_FDCWD;
+               n = snprintf(path, sz, "%s/%s/%s",
+                   cur->root, cur->path, cur->name);
+               assert(n >= 0);
+               assert((size_t)n < sz);
+       }
+static int
+fs_open(const fsnode *cur, struct fs_populate_arg *arg, int flags)
+       char path[PATH_MAX];
+       int fd;
+       fs_populate_path(cur, arg, path, sizeof(path), &fd);
+       fd = openat(fd, path, flags);
+       if (fd < 0)
+               err(1, "openat(%s)", path);
+       return (fd);
+static void
+fs_readlink(const fsnode *cur, struct fs_populate_arg *arg,
+    char *buf, size_t bufsz)
+       char path[PATH_MAX];
+       ssize_t n;
+       int fd;
+       fs_populate_path(cur, arg, path, sizeof(path), &fd);
+       n = readlinkat(fd, path, buf, bufsz - 1);
+       if (n == -1)
+               err(1, "readlinkat(%s)", cur->name);
+       buf[n] = '\0';
 static void
 fs_populate_sattrs(struct fs_populate_arg *arg, const fsnode *cur,
     dnode_phys_t *dnode)
@@ -283,20 +349,14 @@ fs_populate_sattrs(struct fs_populate_arg *arg, const 
fsnode *cur,
                parent = SLIST_EMPTY(&arg->dirs) ?
                    arg->rootdirid : SLIST_FIRST(&arg->dirs)->objid;
-       case S_IFLNK: {
-               ssize_t n;
-               if ((n = readlinkat(SLIST_FIRST(&arg->dirs)->dirfd, cur->name,
-                   target, sizeof(target) - 1)) == -1)
-                       err(1, "readlinkat(%s)", cur->name);
-               target[n] = '\0';
+       case S_IFLNK:
+               fs_readlink(cur, arg, target, sizeof(target));
                layout = SA_LAYOUT_INDEX_SYMLINK;
                links = 1;
                objsize = strlen(target);
                parent = SLIST_FIRST(&arg->dirs)->objid;
-               }
@@ -438,9 +498,7 @@ fs_populate_file(fsnode *cur, struct fs_populate_arg *arg)
        cur->inode->ino = dnid;
        cur->inode->flags |= FI_ALLOCATED;
-       fd = openat(SLIST_FIRST(&arg->dirs)->dirfd, cur->name, O_RDONLY);
-       if (fd == -1)
-               err(1, "openat(%s)", cur->name);
+       fd = fs_open(cur, arg, O_RDONLY);
        buf = zfs->filebuf;
        bufsz = sizeof(zfs->filebuf);
@@ -473,8 +531,7 @@ fs_populate_file(fsnode *cur, struct fs_populate_arg *arg)
                vdev_pwrite_dnode_indir(zfs, dnode, 0, 1, buf, target, loc,
                    dnode_cursor_next(zfs, c, foff));
-       if (close(fd) != 0)
-               err(1, "close");
+       eclose(fd);
        dnode_cursor_finish(zfs, c);
        fs_populate_sattrs(arg, cur, dnode);
@@ -502,13 +559,11 @@ fs_populate_dir(fsnode *cur, struct fs_populate_arg *arg)
        if (!SLIST_EMPTY(&arg->dirs)) {
                fs_populate_dirent(arg, cur, dnid);
-               dirfd = openat(SLIST_FIRST(&arg->dirs)->dirfd, cur->name,
-                   O_DIRECTORY);
-               if (dirfd < 0)
-                       err(1, "open(%s)", cur->name);
+               dirfd = fs_open(cur, arg, O_DIRECTORY | O_RDONLY);
        } else {
                arg->rootdirid = dnid;
-               dirfd = arg->dirfd;
+               dirfd = arg->rootdirfd;
+               arg->rootdirfd = -1;
@@ -589,8 +644,8 @@ fs_foreach_populate(fsnode *cur, void *_arg)
                        dir = SLIST_FIRST(&arg->dirs);
                        SLIST_REMOVE_HEAD(&arg->dirs, next);
                        zap_write(arg->zfs, dir->zap);
-                       if (dir->dirfd != -1 && close(dir->dirfd) != 0)
-                               err(1, "close");
+                       if (dir->dirfd != -1)
+                               eclose(dir->dirfd);
                        cur = cur->parent;
                } while (cur != NULL && cur->next == NULL &&
@@ -881,7 +936,7 @@ fs_build_one(zfs_opt_t *zfs, zfs_dsl_dir_t *dsldir, fsnode 
*root, int dirfd)
         * Make a second pass to populate the dataset with files from the
         * staged directory.  Most of our runtime is spent here.
-       arg.dirfd = dirfd;
+       arg.rootdirfd = dirfd;
        arg.zfs = zfs;
        arg.fs = &fs;

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