The branch stable/13 has been updated by cy:


commit d1f3afc4a47e5ea4c9150987c10dc3915021e72b
Author:     Cy Schubert <>
AuthorDate: 2022-02-28 19:43:33 +0000
Commit:     Cy Schubert <>
CommitDate: 2022-03-07 13:32:58 +0000

    ipfilter: Print protocol when listing NAT table mappings
    NAT table mappings list only the source and destination IP, the source
    and destinaion port numbers, and their mappings. But the protocol is not
    listed. Now that Facebook and Google use QUIC, seeing port 443 in in a
    list of active NAT sessions could mean 443/tcp or 443/udp. This patch
    adds the protocol to the listing to aid in determining whether HTTPS is
    TCP or QUIC in a NAT mapping listing. This also helps differentiatinete
    between other protocols such as ICMP, ESP, and AH in ipnat list of active
    (cherry picked from commit 9291d079d54b828b43d3714a5f19f0ffe92837b8)
 sbin/ipf/libipf/printactivenat.c | 17 +++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+)

diff --git a/sbin/ipf/libipf/printactivenat.c b/sbin/ipf/libipf/printactivenat.c
index fcef19a4efa7..3a6337ab0f7b 100644
--- a/sbin/ipf/libipf/printactivenat.c
+++ b/sbin/ipf/libipf/printactivenat.c
@@ -15,10 +15,17 @@
 static const char rcsid[] = "@(#)$Id$";
+static int proto_opened = 0;
 printactivenat(nat_t *nat, int opts, u_long ticks)
+       struct protoent *pproto;
+       if (proto_opened == 0) {
+               proto_opened = 1;
+               setprotoent(1);
+       }
        PRINTF("%s", getnattype(nat));
@@ -55,6 +62,9 @@ printactivenat(nat_t *nat, int opts, u_long ticks)
                if ((nat->nat_flags & IPN_TCPUDP) != 0)
                        PRINTF(" %-5hu", ntohs(nat->nat_ndport));
+               pproto = getprotobynumber(nat->nat_pr[0]);
+               PRINTF(" %s", pproto->p_name);
        } else if (nat->nat_dir == NAT_OUTBOUND) {
                printactiveaddress(nat->nat_v[0], "%-15s", &nat->nat_osrc6,
@@ -76,6 +86,9 @@ printactivenat(nat_t *nat, int opts, u_long ticks)
                if ((nat->nat_flags & IPN_TCPUDP) != 0)
                        PRINTF(" %hu", ntohs(nat->nat_odport));
+               pproto = getprotobynumber(nat->nat_pr[1]);
+               PRINTF(" %s", pproto->p_name);
        } else {
                printactiveaddress(nat->nat_v[1], "%-15s", &nat->nat_ndst6,
@@ -97,8 +110,12 @@ printactivenat(nat_t *nat, int opts, u_long ticks)
                if ((nat->nat_flags & IPN_TCPUDP) != 0)
                        PRINTF(" %hu", ntohs(nat->nat_osport));
+               pproto = getprotobynumber(nat->nat_pr[0]);
+               PRINTF(" %s", pproto->p_name);
        if (opts & OPT_VERBOSE) {
                PRINTF("\n\tttl %lu use %hu sumd %s/",
                        nat->nat_age - ticks, nat->nat_use,

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