The branch stable/12 has been updated by rmacklem:


commit e23b97688d63599fef5617d48ec61ed9d883be29
Author:     Rick Macklem <>
AuthorDate: 2021-12-11 23:00:30 +0000
Commit:     Rick Macklem <>
CommitDate: 2021-12-25 00:39:01 +0000

    nfscl: Fix must_commit/writeverf handling for Direct I/O
    Without this patch, the KASSERT(must_commit == 0,..) can be
    triggered by the writeverf in the Direct I/O write reply changing.
    This is not a situation that should cause a panic(). Correct
    handling is to ignore the change in "writeverf" for Direct
    I/O, since it is done with NFSWRITE_FILESYNC.
    This patch modifies the semantics of the "must_commit"
    argument slightly, allowing an initial value of 2 to indicate
    that a change in "writeverf" should be ignored.
    It also fixes the KASSERT()s.
    This bug would affect few, since Direct I/O is not enabled
    by default and "writeverf" rarely changes. Normally "writeverf"
    only changes when a NFS server reboots, however I found the
    bug when testing against a Linux 5.15.1 kernel nfsd, which
    replied to a NFSWRITE_FILESYNC write with a "writeverf" of all
    0x0 bytes.
    (cherry picked from commit ead50c94cb604594987e6512289268891a427725)
 sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clbio.c    | 37 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clrpcops.c | 14 +++++++++-----
 2 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clbio.c b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clbio.c
index 90d98da478b4..9026f2a2aaa6 100644
--- a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clbio.c
+++ b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clbio.c
@@ -784,12 +784,26 @@ do_sync:
                        uio.uio_rw = UIO_WRITE;
                        uio.uio_td = td;
                        iomode = NFSWRITE_FILESYNC;
+                       /*
+                        * When doing direct I/O we do not care if the
+                        * server's write verifier has changed, but we
+                        * do not want to update the verifier if it has
+                        * changed, since that hides the change from
+                        * writes being done through the buffer cache.
+                        * By passing must_commit in set to two, the code
+                        * in nfsrpc_writerpc() will not update the
+                        * verifier on the mount point.
+                        */
+                       must_commit = 2;
                        error = ncl_writerpc(vp, &uio, cred, &iomode,
                            &must_commit, 0);
-                       KASSERT((must_commit == 0),
-                               ("ncl_directio_write: Did not commit write"));
+                       KASSERT((must_commit == 2),
+                           ("ncl_directio_write: Updated write verifier"));
                        if (error)
                                return (error);
+                       if (iomode != NFSWRITE_FILESYNC)
+                               printf("nfs_directio_write: Broken server "
+                                   "did not reply FILE_SYNC\n");
                        uiop->uio_offset += size;
                        uiop->uio_resid -= size;
                        if (uiop->uio_iov->iov_len <= size) {
@@ -1592,8 +1606,23 @@ ncl_doio_directwrite(struct buf *bp)
        iomode = NFSWRITE_FILESYNC;
        uiop->uio_td = NULL; /* NULL since we're in nfsiod */
+       /*
+        * When doing direct I/O we do not care if the
+        * server's write verifier has changed, but we
+        * do not want to update the verifier if it has
+        * changed, since that hides the change from
+        * writes being done through the buffer cache.
+        * By passing must_commit in set to two, the code
+        * in nfsrpc_writerpc() will not update the
+        * verifier on the mount point.
+        */
+       must_commit = 2;
        ncl_writerpc(bp->b_vp, uiop, bp->b_wcred, &iomode, &must_commit, 0);
-       KASSERT((must_commit == 0), ("ncl_doio_directwrite: Did not commit 
+       KASSERT((must_commit == 2), ("ncl_doio_directwrite: Updated write"
+           " verifier"));
+       if (iomode != NFSWRITE_FILESYNC)
+               printf("ncl_doio_directwrite: Broken server "
+                   "did not reply FILE_SYNC\n");
        free(iov_base, M_NFSDIRECTIO);
        free(uiop->uio_iov, M_NFSDIRECTIO);
        free(uiop, M_NFSDIRECTIO);
@@ -1864,7 +1893,7 @@ ncl_doio(struct vnode *vp, struct buf *bp, struct ucred 
*cr, struct thread *td,
        bp->b_resid = uiop->uio_resid;
-       if (must_commit)
+       if (must_commit == 1)
        return (error);
diff --git a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clrpcops.c b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clrpcops.c
index b9f2f6e21dcf..d30ca62c673e 100644
--- a/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clrpcops.c
+++ b/sys/fs/nfsclient/nfs_clrpcops.c
@@ -1656,7 +1656,8 @@ nfsrpc_write(vnode_t vp, struct uio *uiop, int *iomode, 
int *must_commit,
        nfsv4stateid_t stateid;
        void *lckp;
-       *must_commit = 0;
+       KASSERT(*must_commit >= 0 && *must_commit <= 2,
+           ("nfsrpc_write: must_commit out of range=%d", *must_commit));
        if (nmp->nm_clp != NULL)
                clidrev = nmp->nm_clp->nfsc_clientidrev;
        newcred = cred;
@@ -1867,7 +1868,7 @@ nfsrpc_writerpc(vnode_t vp, struct uio *uiop, int *iomode,
                                } else if (NFSBCMP(tl, nmp->nm_verf,
-                                   NFSX_VERF)) {
+                                   NFSX_VERF) && *must_commit != 2) {
                                        *must_commit = 1;
                                        NFSBCOPY(tl, nmp->nm_verf, NFSX_VERF);
@@ -6381,7 +6382,8 @@ nfsrpc_writeds(vnode_t vp, struct uio *uiop, int *iomode, 
int *must_commit,
                        if (!NFSHASWRITEVERF(nmp)) {
                                NFSBCOPY(tl, nmp->nm_verf, NFSX_VERF);
-                       } else if (NFSBCMP(tl, nmp->nm_verf, NFSX_VERF)) {
+                       } else if (NFSBCMP(tl, nmp->nm_verf, NFSX_VERF) &&
+                           *must_commit != 2) {
                                *must_commit = 1;
                                NFSBCOPY(tl, nmp->nm_verf, NFSX_VERF);
@@ -6391,7 +6393,8 @@ nfsrpc_writeds(vnode_t vp, struct uio *uiop, int *iomode, 
int *must_commit,
                        if ((dsp->nfsclds_flags & NFSCLDS_HASWRITEVERF) == 0) {
                                NFSBCOPY(tl, dsp->nfsclds_verf, NFSX_VERF);
                                dsp->nfsclds_flags |= NFSCLDS_HASWRITEVERF;
-                       } else if (NFSBCMP(tl, dsp->nfsclds_verf, NFSX_VERF)) {
+                       } else if (NFSBCMP(tl, dsp->nfsclds_verf, NFSX_VERF) &&
+                           *must_commit != 2) {
                                *must_commit = 1;
                                NFSBCOPY(tl, dsp->nfsclds_verf, NFSX_VERF);
@@ -6505,7 +6508,8 @@ nfsrpc_writedsmir(vnode_t vp, int *iomode, int 
                if ((dsp->nfsclds_flags & NFSCLDS_HASWRITEVERF) == 0) {
                        NFSBCOPY(tl, dsp->nfsclds_verf, NFSX_VERF);
                        dsp->nfsclds_flags |= NFSCLDS_HASWRITEVERF;
-               } else if (NFSBCMP(tl, dsp->nfsclds_verf, NFSX_VERF)) {
+               } else if (NFSBCMP(tl, dsp->nfsclds_verf, NFSX_VERF) &&
+                   *must_commit != 2) {
                        *must_commit = 1;
                        NFSBCOPY(tl, dsp->nfsclds_verf, NFSX_VERF);

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