The branch stable/12 has been updated by kp:


commit d86ad92464a3424dcfb5b10a205ef2d267e2dbc1
Author:     Kristof Provost <>
AuthorDate: 2021-01-28 10:02:20 +0000
Commit:     Kristof Provost <>
CommitDate: 2021-05-27 21:06:18 +0000 Support --replyif
    Partial cherry-picks from:
    (cherry picked from commit cd579b6fba46b9f5005358d1e82def7b26703224)
    (cherry picked from commit 6b52139eb8e8eda0ea263b24735556194f918642)
 tests/sys/netpfil/common/ | 84 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tests/sys/netpfil/common/  |  7 ++-
 2 files changed, 89 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/sys/netpfil/common/ 
index badc451b9d57..ff4f19f43af7 100644
--- a/tests/sys/netpfil/common/
+++ b/tests/sys/netpfil/common/
@@ -36,6 +36,27 @@ from sniffer import Sniffer
 PAYLOAD_MAGIC = bytes.fromhex('42c0ffee')
+dup_found = 0
+def check_dup(args, packet):
+       """
+       Verify that this is an ICMP packet, and that we only see one
+       """
+       global dup_found
+       icmp = packet.getlayer(sp.ICMP)
+       if not icmp:
+               return False
+       raw = packet.getlayer(sp.Raw)
+       if not raw:
+               return False
+       if raw.load != PAYLOAD_MAGIC:
+               return False
+       dup_found = dup_found + 1
+       return False
 def check_ping_request(args, packet):
        if args.ip6:
                return check_ping6_request(args, packet)
@@ -96,6 +117,35 @@ def check_ping6_request(args, packet):
        return True
+def check_ping_reply(args, packet):
+       return check_ping4_reply(args, packet)
+def check_ping4_reply(args, packet):
+       """
+       Check that this is a reply to the ping request we sent
+       """
+       dst_ip =[0]
+       ip = packet.getlayer(sp.IP)
+       if not ip:
+               return False
+       if ip.src != dst_ip:
+               return False
+       icmp = packet.getlayer(sp.ICMP)
+       if not icmp:
+               return False
+       if sp.icmptypes[icmp.type] != 'echo-reply':
+               return False
+       raw = packet.getlayer(sp.Raw)
+       if not raw:
+               return False
+       if raw.load != PAYLOAD_MAGIC:
+               return False
+       return True
 def ping(send_if, dst_ip, args):
        ether = sp.Ether()
        ip = sp.IP(dst=dst_ip)
@@ -105,6 +155,9 @@ def ping(send_if, dst_ip, args):
        if args.send_tos:
                ip.tos = int(args.send_tos[0])
+       if args.fromaddr:
+               ip.src = args.fromaddr[0]
        req = ether / ip / icmp / raw
        sp.sendp(req, iface=send_if, verbose=False)
@@ -113,6 +166,9 @@ def ping6(send_if, dst_ip, args):
        ip6 = sp.IPv6(dst=dst_ip)
        icmp = sp.ICMPv6EchoRequest(data=sp.raw(PAYLOAD_MAGIC))
+       if args.fromaddr:
+               ip.src = args.fromaddr[0]
        req = ether / ip6 / icmp
        sp.sendp(req, iface=send_if, verbose=False)
@@ -170,12 +226,18 @@ def main():
                help='The interface through which the packet(s) will be sent')
        parser.add_argument('--recvif', nargs=1,
+               help='The interface on which to expect the ICMP echo request')
+       parser.add_argument('--replyif', nargs=1,
                help='The interface on which to expect the ICMP echo response')
+       parser.add_argument('--checkdup', nargs=1,
+               help='The interface on which to expect the duplicated ICMP 
        parser.add_argument('--ip6', action='store_true',
                help='Use IPv6')
        parser.add_argument('--to', nargs=1,
                help='The destination IP address for the ICMP echo request')
+       parser.add_argument('--fromaddr', nargs=1,
+               help='The source IP address for the ICMP echo request')
        # TCP options
        parser.add_argument('--tcpsyn', action='store_true',
@@ -204,6 +266,15 @@ def main():
                sniffer = Sniffer(args, checkfn)
+       replysniffer = None
+       if not args.replyif is None:
+               checkfn=check_ping_reply
+               replysniffer = Sniffer(args, checkfn, recvif=args.replyif[0])
+       dupsniffer = None
+       if args.checkdup is not None:
+               dupsniffer = Sniffer(args, check_dup, recvif=args.checkdup[0])
        if args.tcpsyn:
                tcpsyn(args.sendif[0],[0], args)
@@ -212,6 +283,11 @@ def main():
                        ping(args.sendif[0],[0], args)
+       if dupsniffer:
+               dupsniffer.join()
+               if dup_found != 1:
+                       sys.exit(1)
        if sniffer:
@@ -220,5 +296,13 @@ def main():
+       if replysniffer:
+               replysniffer.join()
+               if replysniffer.foundCorrectPacket:
+                       sys.exit(0)
+               else:
+                       sys.exit(1)
 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/tests/sys/netpfil/common/ 
index 58df32cce276..200ac750dd7f 100644
--- a/tests/sys/netpfil/common/
+++ b/tests/sys/netpfil/common/
@@ -30,11 +30,14 @@ import threading
 import scapy.all as sp
 class Sniffer(threading.Thread):
-       def __init__(self, args, check_function):
+       def __init__(self, args, check_function, recvif=None):
                self._args = args
-               self._recvif = args.recvif[0]
+               if recvif is not None:
+                       self._recvif = recvif
+               else:
+                       self._recvif = args.recvif[0]
                self._check_function = check_function
                self.foundCorrectPacket = False
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