The branch main has been updated by pkelsey:


commit ca7005f1893d199b7c28d5b159e1bdbb55e74543
Author:     Patrick Kelsey <>
AuthorDate: 2021-04-26 04:25:59 +0000
Commit:     Patrick Kelsey <>
CommitDate: 2021-04-26 05:06:34 +0000

    iflib: Improve mapping of TX/RX queues to CPUs
    iflib now supports mapping each (TX,RX) queue pair to the same CPU
    (default), to separate CPUs, or to a pair of physical and logical CPUs
    that share the same L2 cache.  The mapping mechanism supports unequal
    numbers of TX and RX queues, with the excess queues always being
    mapped to consecutive physical CPUs.  When the platform cannot
    distinguish between physical and logical CPUs, all are treated as
    physical CPUs.  See the comment on get_cpuid_for_queue() for the
    entire matrix.
    The following device-specific tunables influence the mapping process:
    dev.<device>.<unit>.iflib.core_offset       (existing)
    dev.<device>.<unit>.iflib.separate_txrx     (existing)
    dev.<device>.<unit>.iflib.use_logical_cores (new)
    The following new, read-only sysctls provide visibility of the mapping
    When an iflib driver allocates TX softirqs without providing reference
    RX IRQs, iflib now binds those TX softirqs to CPUs using the above
    mapping mechanism (that is, treats them as if they were TX IRQs).
    Previously, such bindings were left up to the grouptaskqueue code and
    thus fell outside of the iflib CPU mapping strategy.
    Reviewed by:    kbowling
    Tested by:      olivier, pkelsey
    MFC after:      3 weeks
    Differential Revision:
 sys/net/iflib.c  | 454 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 sys/sys/cpuset.h |   1 +
 2 files changed, 294 insertions(+), 161 deletions(-)

diff --git a/sys/net/iflib.c b/sys/net/iflib.c
index fc0814d0fc19..faf58917c96b 100644
--- a/sys/net/iflib.c
+++ b/sys/net/iflib.c
@@ -195,6 +195,8 @@ struct iflib_ctx {
        uint16_t ifc_sysctl_core_offset;
 #define        CORE_OFFSET_UNSPECIFIED 0xffff
        uint8_t  ifc_sysctl_separate_txrx;
+       uint8_t  ifc_sysctl_use_logical_cores;
+       bool     ifc_cpus_are_physical_cores;
        qidx_t ifc_sysctl_ntxds[8];
        qidx_t ifc_sysctl_nrxds[8];
@@ -725,7 +727,7 @@ struct cpu_offset {
        SLIST_ENTRY(cpu_offset) entries;
        cpuset_t        set;
        unsigned int    refcount;
-       uint16_t        offset;
+       uint16_t        next_cpuid;
 static struct mtx cpu_offset_mtx;
 MTX_SYSINIT(iflib_cpu_offset, &cpu_offset_mtx, "iflib_cpu_offset lock",
@@ -4682,41 +4684,291 @@ iflib_rem_pfil(if_ctx_t ctx)
+ * Advance forward by n members of the cpuset ctx->ifc_cpus starting from
+ * cpuid and wrapping as necessary.
+ */
+static unsigned int
+cpuid_advance(if_ctx_t ctx, unsigned int cpuid, unsigned int n)
+       unsigned int first_valid;
+       unsigned int last_valid;
+       /* cpuid should always be in the valid set */
+       MPASS(CPU_ISSET(cpuid, &ctx->ifc_cpus));
+       /* valid set should never be empty */
+       MPASS(!CPU_EMPTY(&ctx->ifc_cpus));
+       first_valid = CPU_FFS(&ctx->ifc_cpus) - 1;
+       last_valid = CPU_FLS(&ctx->ifc_cpus) - 1;
+       n = n % CPU_COUNT(&ctx->ifc_cpus);
+       while (n > 0) {
+               do {
+                       cpuid++;
+                       if (cpuid > last_valid)
+                               cpuid = first_valid;
+               } while (!CPU_ISSET(cpuid, &ctx->ifc_cpus));
+               n--;
+       }
+       return (cpuid);
+#if defined(SMP) && defined(SCHED_ULE)
+extern struct cpu_group *cpu_top;              /* CPU topology */
+static int
+find_child_with_core(int cpu, struct cpu_group *grp)
+       int i;
+       if (grp->cg_children == 0)
+               return -1;
+       MPASS(grp->cg_child);
+       for (i = 0; i < grp->cg_children; i++) {
+               if (CPU_ISSET(cpu, &grp->cg_child[i].cg_mask))
+                       return i;
+       }
+       return -1;
+ * Find an L2 neighbor of the given CPU or return -1 if none found.  This
+ * does not distinguish among multiple L2 neighbors if the given CPU has
+ * more than one (it will always return the same result in that case).
+ */
+static int
+find_l2_neighbor(int cpu)
+       struct cpu_group *grp;
+       int i;
+       grp = cpu_top;
+       if (grp == NULL)
+               return -1;
+       /*
+        * Find the smallest CPU group that contains the given core.
+        */
+       i = 0;
+       while ((i = find_child_with_core(cpu, grp)) != -1) {
+               /*
+                * If the smallest group containing the given CPU has less
+                * than two members, we conclude the given CPU has no
+                * L2 neighbor.
+                */
+               if (grp->cg_child[i].cg_count <= 1)
+                       return (-1);
+               grp = &grp->cg_child[i];
+       }
+       /* Must share L2. */
+       if (grp->cg_level > CG_SHARE_L2 || grp->cg_level == CG_SHARE_NONE)
+               return -1;
+       /*
+        * Select the first member of the set that isn't the reference
+        * CPU, which at this point is guaranteed to exist.
+        */
+       for (i = 0; i < CPU_SETSIZE; i++) {
+               if (CPU_ISSET(i, &grp->cg_mask) && i != cpu)
+                       return (i);
+       }
+       /* Should never be reached */
+       return (-1);
+static int
+find_l2_neighbor(int cpu)
+       return (-1);
+ * CPU mapping behaviors
+ * ---------------------
+ * 'separate txrx' refers to the separate_txrx sysctl
+ * 'use logical' refers to the use_logical_cores sysctl
+ * 'INTR CPUS' indicates whether bus_get_cpus(INTR_CPUS) succeeded
+ *
+ *  separate     use     INTR
+ *    txrx     logical   CPUS   result
+ * ---------- --------- ------ ------------------------------------------------
+ *     -          -       X     RX and TX queues mapped to consecutive physical
+ *                              cores with RX/TX pairs on same core and excess
+ *                              of either following
+ *     -          X       X     RX and TX queues mapped to consecutive cores
+ *                              of any type with RX/TX pairs on same core and
+ *                              excess of either following
+ *     X          -       X     RX and TX queues mapped to consecutive physical
+ *                              cores; all RX then all TX
+ *     X          X       X     RX queues mapped to consecutive physical cores
+ *                              first, then TX queues mapped to L2 neighbor of
+ *                              the corresponding RX queue if one exists,
+ *                              otherwise to consecutive physical cores
+ *     -         n/a      -     RX and TX queues mapped to consecutive cores of
+ *                              any type with RX/TX pairs on same core and 
+ *                              of either following
+ *     X         n/a      -     RX and TX queues mapped to consecutive cores of
+ *                              any type; all RX then all TX
+ */
+static unsigned int
+get_cpuid_for_queue(if_ctx_t ctx, unsigned int base_cpuid, unsigned int qid,
+    bool is_tx)
+       if_softc_ctx_t scctx = &ctx->ifc_softc_ctx;
+       unsigned int core_index;
+       if (ctx->ifc_sysctl_separate_txrx) {
+               /*
+                * When using separate CPUs for TX and RX, the assignment
+                * will always be of a consecutive CPU out of the set of
+                * context CPUs, except for the specific case where the
+                * context CPUs are phsyical cores, the use of logical cores
+                * has been enabled, the assignment is for TX, the TX qid
+                * corresponds to an RX qid, and the CPU assigned to the
+                * corresponding RX queue has an L2 neighbor.
+                */
+               if (ctx->ifc_sysctl_use_logical_cores &&
+                   ctx->ifc_cpus_are_physical_cores &&
+                   is_tx && qid < scctx->isc_nrxqsets) {
+                       int l2_neighbor;
+                       unsigned int rx_cpuid;
+                       rx_cpuid = cpuid_advance(ctx, base_cpuid, qid);
+                       l2_neighbor = find_l2_neighbor(rx_cpuid);
+                       if (l2_neighbor != -1) {
+                               return (l2_neighbor);
+                       }
+                       /*
+                        * ... else fall through to the normal
+                        * consecutive-after-RX assignment scheme.
+                        *
+                        * Note that we are assuming that all RX queue CPUs
+                        * have an L2 neighbor, or all do not.  If a mixed
+                        * scenario is possible, we will have to keep track
+                        * separately of how many queues prior to this one
+                        * were not able to be assigned to an L2 neighbor.
+                        */
+               }
+               if (is_tx)
+                       core_index = scctx->isc_nrxqsets + qid;
+               else
+                       core_index = qid;
+       } else {
+               core_index = qid;
+       }
+       return (cpuid_advance(ctx, base_cpuid, core_index));
 static uint16_t
 get_ctx_core_offset(if_ctx_t ctx)
        if_softc_ctx_t scctx = &ctx->ifc_softc_ctx;
        struct cpu_offset *op;
-       uint16_t qc;
-       uint16_t ret = ctx->ifc_sysctl_core_offset;
+       cpuset_t assigned_cpus;
+       unsigned int cores_consumed;
+       unsigned int base_cpuid = ctx->ifc_sysctl_core_offset;
+       unsigned int first_valid;
+       unsigned int last_valid;
+       unsigned int i;
-       if (ret != CORE_OFFSET_UNSPECIFIED)
-               return (ret);
+       first_valid = CPU_FFS(&ctx->ifc_cpus) - 1;
+       last_valid = CPU_FLS(&ctx->ifc_cpus) - 1;
-       if (ctx->ifc_sysctl_separate_txrx)
-               qc = scctx->isc_ntxqsets + scctx->isc_nrxqsets;
-       else
-               qc = max(scctx->isc_ntxqsets, scctx->isc_nrxqsets);
+       if (base_cpuid != CORE_OFFSET_UNSPECIFIED) {
+               /*
+                * Align the user-chosen base CPU ID to the next valid CPU
+                * for this device.  If the chosen base CPU ID is smaller
+                * than the first valid CPU or larger than the last valid
+                * CPU, we assume the user does not know what the valid
+                * range is for this device and is thinking in terms of a
+                * zero-based reference frame, and so we shift the given
+                * value into the valid range (and wrap accordingly) so the
+                * intent is translated to the proper frame of reference.
+                * If the base CPU ID is within the valid first/last, but
+                * does not correspond to a valid CPU, it is advanced to the
+                * next valid CPU (wrapping if necessary).
+                */
+               if (base_cpuid < first_valid || base_cpuid > last_valid) {
+                       /* shift from zero-based to first_valid-based */
+                       base_cpuid += first_valid;
+                       /* wrap to range [first_valid, last_valid] */
+                       base_cpuid = (base_cpuid - first_valid) %
+                           (last_valid - first_valid + 1);
+               }
+               if (!CPU_ISSET(base_cpuid, &ctx->ifc_cpus)) {
+                       /*
+                        * base_cpuid is in [first_valid, last_valid], but
+                        * not a member of the valid set.  In this case,
+                        * there will always be a member of the valid set
+                        * with a CPU ID that is greater than base_cpuid,
+                        * and we simply advance to it.
+                        */
+                       while (!CPU_ISSET(base_cpuid, &ctx->ifc_cpus))
+                               base_cpuid++;
+               }
+               return (base_cpuid);
+       }
+       /*
+        * Determine how many cores will be consumed by performing the CPU
+        * assignments and counting how many of the assigned CPUs correspond
+        * to CPUs in the set of context CPUs.  This is done using the CPU
+        * ID first_valid as the base CPU ID, as the base CPU must be within
+        * the set of context CPUs.
+        *
+        * Note not all assigned CPUs will be in the set of context CPUs
+        * when separate CPUs are being allocated to TX and RX queues,
+        * assignment to logical cores has been enabled, the set of context
+        * CPUs contains only physical CPUs, and TX queues are mapped to L2
+        * neighbors of CPUs that RX queues have been mapped to - in this
+        * case we do only want to count how many CPUs in the set of context
+        * CPUs have been consumed, as that determines the next CPU in that
+        * set to start allocating at for the next device for which
+        * core_offset is not set.
+        */
+       CPU_ZERO(&assigned_cpus);
+       for (i = 0; i < scctx->isc_ntxqsets; i++)
+               CPU_SET(get_cpuid_for_queue(ctx, first_valid, i, true),
+                   &assigned_cpus);
+       for (i = 0; i < scctx->isc_nrxqsets; i++)
+               CPU_SET(get_cpuid_for_queue(ctx, first_valid, i, false),
+                   &assigned_cpus);
+       CPU_AND(&assigned_cpus, &ctx->ifc_cpus);
+       cores_consumed = CPU_COUNT(&assigned_cpus);
        SLIST_FOREACH(op, &cpu_offsets, entries) {
                if (CPU_CMP(&ctx->ifc_cpus, &op->set) == 0) {
-                       ret = op->offset;
-                       op->offset += qc;
+                       base_cpuid = op->next_cpuid;
+                       op->next_cpuid = cpuid_advance(ctx, op->next_cpuid,
+                           cores_consumed);
                        MPASS(op->refcount < UINT_MAX);
-       if (ret == CORE_OFFSET_UNSPECIFIED) {
-               ret = 0;
+       if (base_cpuid == CORE_OFFSET_UNSPECIFIED) {
+               base_cpuid = first_valid;
                op = malloc(sizeof(struct cpu_offset), M_IFLIB,
                    M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO);
                if (op == NULL) {
                            "allocation for cpu offset failed.\n");
                } else {
-                       op->offset = qc;
+                       op->next_cpuid = cpuid_advance(ctx, base_cpuid,
+                           cores_consumed);
                        op->refcount = 1;
                        CPU_COPY(&ctx->ifc_cpus, &op->set);
                        SLIST_INSERT_HEAD(&cpu_offsets, op, entries);
@@ -4724,7 +4976,7 @@ get_ctx_core_offset(if_ctx_t ctx)
-       return (ret);
+       return (base_cpuid);
 static void
@@ -4855,7 +5107,9 @@ iflib_device_register(device_t dev, void *sc, 
if_shared_ctx_t sctx, if_ctx_t *ct
        if (bus_get_cpus(dev, INTR_CPUS, sizeof(ctx->ifc_cpus), &ctx->ifc_cpus) 
!= 0) {
                device_printf(dev, "Unable to fetch CPU list\n");
                CPU_COPY(&all_cpus, &ctx->ifc_cpus);
-       }
+               ctx->ifc_cpus_are_physical_cores = false;
+       } else
+               ctx->ifc_cpus_are_physical_cores = true;
        MPASS(CPU_COUNT(&ctx->ifc_cpus) > 0);
@@ -5970,128 +6224,6 @@ iflib_irq_alloc(if_ctx_t ctx, if_irq_t irq, int rid,
        return (_iflib_irq_alloc(ctx, irq, rid, filter, handler, arg, name));
-#ifdef SMP
-static int
-find_nth(if_ctx_t ctx, int qid)
-       cpuset_t cpus;
-       int i, cpuid, eqid, count;
-       CPU_COPY(&ctx->ifc_cpus, &cpus);
-       count = CPU_COUNT(&cpus);
-       eqid = qid % count;
-       /* clear up to the qid'th bit */
-       for (i = 0; i < eqid; i++) {
-               cpuid = CPU_FFS(&cpus);
-               MPASS(cpuid != 0);
-               CPU_CLR(cpuid-1, &cpus);
-       }
-       cpuid = CPU_FFS(&cpus);
-       MPASS(cpuid != 0);
-       return (cpuid-1);
-#ifdef SCHED_ULE
-extern struct cpu_group *cpu_top;              /* CPU topology */
-static int
-find_child_with_core(int cpu, struct cpu_group *grp)
-       int i;
-       if (grp->cg_children == 0)
-               return -1;
-       MPASS(grp->cg_child);
-       for (i = 0; i < grp->cg_children; i++) {
-               if (CPU_ISSET(cpu, &grp->cg_child[i].cg_mask))
-                       return i;
-       }
-       return -1;
- * Find the nth "close" core to the specified core
- * "close" is defined as the deepest level that shares
- * at least an L2 cache.  With threads, this will be
- * threads on the same core.  If the shared cache is L3
- * or higher, simply returns the same core.
- */
-static int
-find_close_core(int cpu, int core_offset)
-       struct cpu_group *grp;
-       int i;
-       int fcpu;
-       cpuset_t cs;
-       grp = cpu_top;
-       if (grp == NULL)
-               return cpu;
-       i = 0;
-       while ((i = find_child_with_core(cpu, grp)) != -1) {
-               /* If the child only has one cpu, don't descend */
-               if (grp->cg_child[i].cg_count <= 1)
-                       break;
-               grp = &grp->cg_child[i];
-       }
-       /* If they don't share at least an L2 cache, use the same CPU */
-       if (grp->cg_level > CG_SHARE_L2 || grp->cg_level == CG_SHARE_NONE)
-               return cpu;
-       /* Now pick one */
-       CPU_COPY(&grp->cg_mask, &cs);
-       /* Add the selected CPU offset to core offset. */
-       for (i = 0; (fcpu = CPU_FFS(&cs)) != 0; i++) {
-               if (fcpu - 1 == cpu)
-                       break;
-               CPU_CLR(fcpu - 1, &cs);
-       }
-       MPASS(fcpu);
-       core_offset += i;
-       CPU_COPY(&grp->cg_mask, &cs);
-       for (i = core_offset % grp->cg_count; i > 0; i--) {
-               MPASS(CPU_FFS(&cs));
-               CPU_CLR(CPU_FFS(&cs) - 1, &cs);
-       }
-       MPASS(CPU_FFS(&cs));
-       return CPU_FFS(&cs) - 1;
-static int
-find_close_core(int cpu, int core_offset __unused)
-       return cpu;
-static int
-get_core_offset(if_ctx_t ctx, iflib_intr_type_t type, int qid)
-       switch (type) {
-       case IFLIB_INTR_TX:
-               /* TX queues get cores which share at least an L2 cache with 
the corresponding RX queue */
-               /* XXX handle multiple RX threads per core and more than two 
core per L2 group */
-               return qid / CPU_COUNT(&ctx->ifc_cpus) + 1;
-       case IFLIB_INTR_RX:
-       case IFLIB_INTR_RXTX:
-               /* RX queues get the specified core */
-               return qid / CPU_COUNT(&ctx->ifc_cpus);
-       default:
-               return -1;
-       }
-#define get_core_offset(ctx, type, qid)        CPU_FIRST()
-#define find_close_core(cpuid, tid)    CPU_FIRST()
-#define find_nth(ctx, gid)             CPU_FIRST()
 /* Just to avoid copy/paste */
 static inline int
 iflib_irq_set_affinity(if_ctx_t ctx, if_irq_t irq, iflib_intr_type_t type,
@@ -6099,21 +6231,14 @@ iflib_irq_set_affinity(if_ctx_t ctx, if_irq_t irq, 
iflib_intr_type_t type,
     const char *name)
        device_t dev;
-       int co, cpuid, err, tid;
+       unsigned int base_cpuid, cpuid;
+       int err;
        dev = ctx->ifc_dev;
-       co = ctx->ifc_sysctl_core_offset;
-       if (ctx->ifc_sysctl_separate_txrx && type == IFLIB_INTR_TX)
-               co += ctx->ifc_softc_ctx.isc_nrxqsets;
-       cpuid = find_nth(ctx, qid + co);
-       tid = get_core_offset(ctx, type, qid);
-       if (tid < 0) {
-               device_printf(dev, "get_core_offset failed\n");
-               return (EOPNOTSUPP);
-       }
-       cpuid = find_close_core(cpuid, tid);
-       err = taskqgroup_attach_cpu(tqg, gtask, uniq, cpuid, dev, irq->ii_res,
-           name);
+       base_cpuid = ctx->ifc_sysctl_core_offset;
+       cpuid = get_cpuid_for_queue(ctx, base_cpuid, qid, type == 
+       err = taskqgroup_attach_cpu(tqg, gtask, uniq, cpuid, dev,
+           irq ? irq->ii_res : NULL, name);
        if (err) {
                device_printf(dev, "taskqgroup_attach_cpu failed %d\n", err);
                return (err);
@@ -6202,8 +6327,8 @@ iflib_irq_alloc_generic(if_ctx_t ctx, if_irq_t irq, int 
                return (0);
        if (tqrid != -1) {
-               err = iflib_irq_set_affinity(ctx, irq, type, qid, gtask, tqg,
-                   q, name);
+               err = iflib_irq_set_affinity(ctx, irq, type, qid, gtask, tqg, q,
+                   name);
                if (err)
                        return (err);
        } else {
@@ -6216,6 +6341,7 @@ iflib_irq_alloc_generic(if_ctx_t ctx, if_irq_t irq, int 
 iflib_softirq_alloc_generic(if_ctx_t ctx, if_irq_t irq, iflib_intr_type_t 
type, void *arg, int qid, const char *name)
+       device_t dev;
        struct grouptask *gtask;
        struct taskqgroup *tqg;
        gtask_fn_t *fn;
@@ -6247,14 +6373,11 @@ iflib_softirq_alloc_generic(if_ctx_t ctx, if_irq_t irq, 
iflib_intr_type_t type,
                panic("unknown net intr type");
-       if (irq != NULL) {
-               err = iflib_irq_set_affinity(ctx, irq, type, qid, gtask, tqg,
-                   q, name);
-               if (err)
-                       taskqgroup_attach(tqg, gtask, q, ctx->ifc_dev,
-                           irq->ii_res, name);
-       } else {
-               taskqgroup_attach(tqg, gtask, q, NULL, NULL, name);
+       err = iflib_irq_set_affinity(ctx, irq, type, qid, gtask, tqg, q, name);
+       if (err) {
+               dev = ctx->ifc_dev;
+               taskqgroup_attach(tqg, gtask, q, dev, irq ? irq->ii_res : NULL,
+                   name);
@@ -6736,6 +6859,9 @@ iflib_add_device_sysctl_pre(if_ctx_t ctx)
        SYSCTL_ADD_U8(ctx_list, oid_list, OID_AUTO, "separate_txrx",
                       CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &ctx->ifc_sysctl_separate_txrx, 0,
                       "use separate cores for TX and RX");
+       SYSCTL_ADD_U8(ctx_list, oid_list, OID_AUTO, "use_logical_cores",
+                     CTLFLAG_RDTUN, &ctx->ifc_sysctl_use_logical_cores, 0,
+                     "try to make use of logical cores for TX and RX");
        /* XXX change for per-queue sizes */
        SYSCTL_ADD_PROC(ctx_list, oid_list, OID_AUTO, "override_ntxds",
@@ -6780,6 +6906,9 @@ iflib_add_device_sysctl_post(if_ctx_t ctx)
                queue_node = SYSCTL_ADD_NODE(ctx_list, child, OID_AUTO, namebuf,
                    CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, "Queue Name");
                queue_list = SYSCTL_CHILDREN(queue_node);
+               SYSCTL_ADD_INT(ctx_list, queue_list, OID_AUTO, "cpu",
+                              CTLFLAG_RD,
+                              &txq->ift_task.gt_cpu, 0, "cpu this queue is 
bound to");
                SYSCTL_ADD_QUAD(ctx_list, queue_list, OID_AUTO, "txq_dequeued",
@@ -6862,6 +6991,9 @@ iflib_add_device_sysctl_post(if_ctx_t ctx)
                queue_node = SYSCTL_ADD_NODE(ctx_list, child, OID_AUTO, namebuf,
                    CTLFLAG_RD | CTLFLAG_MPSAFE, NULL, "Queue Name");
                queue_list = SYSCTL_CHILDREN(queue_node);
+               SYSCTL_ADD_INT(ctx_list, queue_list, OID_AUTO, "cpu",
+                              CTLFLAG_RD,
+                              &rxq->ifr_task.gt_cpu, 0, "cpu this queue is 
bound to");
                if (sctx->isc_flags & IFLIB_HAS_RXCQ) {
                        SYSCTL_ADD_U16(ctx_list, queue_list, OID_AUTO, 
diff --git a/sys/sys/cpuset.h b/sys/sys/cpuset.h
index c48a0440d808..1a96bb4766ce 100644
--- a/sys/sys/cpuset.h
+++ b/sys/sys/cpuset.h
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
 #define        CPU_OR_ATOMIC(d, s)             BIT_OR_ATOMIC(CPU_SETSIZE, d, s)
 #define        CPU_COPY_STORE_REL(f, t)        BIT_COPY_STORE_REL(CPU_SETSIZE, 
f, t)
 #define        CPU_FFS(p)                      BIT_FFS(CPU_SETSIZE, p)
+#define        CPU_FLS(p)                      BIT_FLS(CPU_SETSIZE, p)
 #define        CPU_COUNT(p)                    ((int)BIT_COUNT(CPU_SETSIZE, p))
 #define        CPUSET_FSET                     BITSET_FSET(_NCPUWORDS)
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