It is finally upon us gentleman. The end of this monstrous beast of a project is in sight. Without further ado, here is what will be expected from all of you for Milestone 6 - The Final Frontier
Zach - Your primary job will be head bug fixer/feature tweaker. You will need to make sure that all of our applications run as smoothly as possible before they are sent out. Also, you will need to work on the few remaining features that have yet to be implemented, such as the storage system. Doug - My primary responsibilities will be as head tester. I will be in charge of all testing that gets done (system, beta, usability) and also make sure that the test results get to the necessary people so that we can adapt our applications accordingly. I will also be in charge of the installation procedure, and I will be helping Zach with the bug fixes/feature implementation as well. Ian - Your tasks will involve making sure that the Sleuths scenarios get done and polished to perfection. I'd also like to put you in charge of the documentation. This includes the user manual and everything that is on the wiki. Everything needs to be reviewed and made consistent (i.e. no more references to Bunny Frogger, use cases actually match what the software does, etc.). Andy - For milestone 6, you will be required to make sure that all of the question sets are completed and *accurate*. This is especially important because without good questions it doesn't matter how good the games are. You should attempt to get as much of the math book as possible converted into sets, as well as any vocabulary lists we recieve. I would also like for you to keep in contact with Ian and assist him with the documentation as he needs it. Tom - We need you to do some more work with the avatars. They need to be included into the main interface of sleuths, and we also you to create a content reward system that keeps track of which scenarios a user has completed in their account file and offer them a reward for their avatar for finished scenarios. Making/finding new graphics for the avatars should also be a priority. Finally, I'd like for you to review the GUI/interface for all of the games (but especially sleuths) and tweak it to perfection. EVERYONE will be required to use our applications and report bugs to the tracker as they occur. Bugs will also be assigned to everyone and you will be expected to be responsible for those as well. If you have any issues with what you've been assigned LET US KNOW SOONER RATHER THAN LATER. I don't mind stepping in to help someone that needs it but if you wait until a week before finals to do so, I'm going to be one unhappy programmer. You don't want that. We've come extremely far and we are so close to putting this mammoth project out into the wild. Let's make the final push and make sure that we're putting out the best product we possibly can!
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