Sounds good, Ian.

(Sorry, couldn't resist!)
[] On Behalf Of Ian Crotty 
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 8:31 PM
Subject: Re: [Destiny] Peer Reviews

I believe Zach and Doug have covered everything that needed to be said.  I 
don't have much to add to the proceedings.  I work with Zach and see him 
literally every day almost all day so we have had enough time to chat and 
discuss matters as well as go over design concepts.

I do apologize for not getting back to you Tom when you sent me the e-mail 
about Sleuths.  However, it was 4 days before the MS was due and at that point 
it was mostly ready.  I only required mild tweeking and making sure that my 
functions did exactly what I wanted them to.  I'll follow this e-mail with 
response to the assignments one and let you (Tom) know what I have in mind for 
Sleuths and what needs to be done.

Ian Crotty
UTS Hardware Technician
Ball State University

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 3:16 PM, Zach Elko 
<<>> wrote:

I'll address you in this e-mail, Andy:

On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 2:14 PM, Andy Elsten 
<<>> wrote:
I also understand your frustrations with me. My actions were not the best with 
the whole hashing function. I feel as a team all of our communicating has 
drastically dropped this semester and that worries me. I want to get pass this 
class like the rest of you and I want to produce the best project possible. I 
know meeting on a regular weekly basis isn't possible given all of our 
schedules but I don't think one meeting a week before the milestone worked out 
very well.

My main issue with you this milestone was your lack of effort in regards to 
your assignment: bug tracking. You were assigned this task a few days before 
our meeting, and had it brought up to you at the meeting. Then, 3 weeks later, 
when we as a class were assigned a bug  tracking assignment, you were the only 
person in our group who did not complete it on time. By my count, you tracked 
only 3 bugs in over 3 weeks of time. To say that is unacceptable is an 
understatement, but I think you realize that. Bug tracking is *vital* to the 
success of this project. We will be scrambling to get everything done on time, 
and the more bugs that get found now as opposed to during the last milestone 
will help us tremendously.

Aside from that, my other issue is that you had essentially no communication 
through the entire milestone. After you were assigned your bug tracking task, 
you disappeared and I didn't see any activity from you until about 3 weeks 
later. This manifested itself in that last semester you always did the 
presentations for class and some documentation. This semester, you never asked 
if you should do that again or anything, so it had to be done by other members 
of the group who also had coding tasks to do. I'm not saying it was spelled out 
to you that you were "responsible" for it, but you had done it in the past and 
it appeared you just assumed you weren't going to do it this milestone.

Morals of the story: Volunteer yourself and ask if anything needs done. Also, 
do the task you are assigned and take it seriously. Our project is only as good 
as the bugs we've fixed before we release it. Bug tracking may not be coding, 
but the coding is next to worthless if it is broken, and only extensive 
play-testing is going to find those bugs.


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Doug Shook 
<<>> wrote:
Hello everyone.  After our little mini-discussion about peer reviews in the 
hall after class I felt that we didn't quite get everything across the best way 
possible.  This email is primarily intended to justify why I (and I'm only 
speaking for myself) gave out peer reviews in the way that I did, and what can 
be done for those who wish to improve.  I'm sending this to the whole mailing 
list so that we can get everyone's feedback and hopefully decide on a solution 
as a team.

Tom, last semester you were criticized for your lack of communication, and it 
continued even after I brought it to your attention.  I remember one point last 
semester when I had fixed some bugs in your avatar code.  You then committed 
over them after we had told you so many times to always update before you make 
any changes.  I sent an (understandably upset) email to you about what you did 
and didn't receive any reply.  I have to say that your behavior in that 
situation pretty much turned me off to ever trying to help you again.  I've 
seen some attempts on your part to rectify the communication issue but they 
always seem half hearted.  Sending me an email that your assignment won't be 
done until a few hours before its due doesn't really do much good at all, 
especially when you had over a week to do it.

Andy, last time I wrote out an email like this I brought up the fact that you 
were assigned to write a hashing function, which didn't get finished.  
Afterwards you did finish the hashing function, but it wasn't helpful to us at 
all.  There was no way it would've worked with the Login Window that we had, 
and in fact after a few minutes of inspection it was pretty clear to see that 
you ripped a huge chunk of code you found from google and added a few lines to 
it.  Something similar happened with the unit tests, which you blatantly copied 
from my own unit tests.  Its not so much the code "borrowing" that I mind as it 
is that you couldn't even take the time to figure out how to adapt the code you 
borrowed so that it actually did what it was supposed to.  I wouldn't have even 
minded THAT so much if you would've found me or Zach or anyone and asked us how 
to do it correctly instead of just hoping that it would since it worked for 
something else.

Finally, I'd like to discuss the assigned tasks given to the two of you.  The 
only reason any tasks were assigned to the two of you in the first place is 
because of the fear that myself and others have had about what would happen if 
you attempted to work on certain parts of the project.  Given the above 
behaviors I don't think that you could blame anyone for not trusting you to do 
things properly, and on a project such as this that's REALLY important.  If you 
want one of us to keep telling you what to work on I can continue to do so, but 
no one ever tells me what to work on.  I've been keeping up with this project 
since day one and I know what has and hasn't been finished.  If for some reason 
I'm not sure then I'll ask someone, or just check it myself.  As senior 
computer science students I don't think that this is too much to ask.

I'm truly sorry to have to be writing another one of these emails.  Its just as 
unpleasant for me as I'm sure it is for you, and I hope that neither of you 
take it personally.  I also hope that you weren't truly surprised at the grades 
you got, however, and if you were then I ask you this: how much stuff on the 
repo can you honestly say you contributed to?  I, for one, am proud of my work, 
and I don't think it would be right to give equal credit to those who 
contributed less, period.

All of that being said, I am willing to ignore everything that has occurred in 
the past and start anew.  There is still so much work to be done and it will be 
much easier if we have your help.  So us!

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