Thank you.  I could not figure out which combination of commands to send
appsteamcli. I had tried status and validate without success.  Here is
the requested output:

manager@Jenkins:~$ sudo appstreamcli refresh --verbose --force
[sudo] password for manager: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Refreshing AppStream cache
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Reading: /var/cache/app-info/xmls/fwupd.xml
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: plan.desktop was 
already added with the same priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: flcheckers.desktop was 
already added with the same priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: flblocks.desktop was 
already added with the same priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: flsudoku.desktop was 
already added with the same priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'libreoffice-startcenter.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'libreoffice-math.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'eog.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'display-im6.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'libreoffice-draw.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'libreoffice-impress.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'display-im6.q16.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'libreoffice-writer.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'org.gnome.FileRoller.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'libreoffice-base.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'libreoffice-calc.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'gimp.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'chromium-browser.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'tracker-preferences.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'tracker-needle.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: eog.desktop was already 
added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'update-manager.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'gnome-session-properties.desktop' 
with data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'upstart-monitor.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'fcitx-configtool.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'fcitx.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: 
libreoffice-startcenter.desktop was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: 
libreoffice-writer.desktop was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'nm-connection-editor.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'software-properties-gtk.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'software-properties-gnome.desktop' 
with data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'software-properties-drivers.desktop' 
with data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'gnome-sudoku.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'xdiagnose.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: 
org.gnome.FileRoller.desktop was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'gnome-system-monitor.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'gnome-system-monitor-kde.desktop' 
with data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: 
libreoffice-math.desktop was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'gnome-calculator.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'vino-preferences.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'vim.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-wacom-panel.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-keyboard-panel.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-sound-panel.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-bluetooth-panel.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-user-accounts-panel.desktop' 
with data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-color-panel.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-network-panel.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-mouse-panel.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-region-panel.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-universal-access-panel.desktop' 
with data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-datetime-panel.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'unity-appearance-panel.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'org.gnome.Calendar.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: display-im6.q16.desktop 
was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'gvim.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'im-config.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'ubiquity.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: 
libreoffice-impress.desktop was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: display-im6.desktop was 
already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: 
libreoffice-calc.desktop was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: 
libreoffice-draw.desktop was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'language-selector.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'org.gnome.font-viewer.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: 
libreoffice-base.desktop was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: 
chromium-browser.desktop was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'ubiquity-kdeui.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'brasero.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'ubuntu-mate-software.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'ubuntu-mate-welcome.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'gufw.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'abiword.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'mscore.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'comix.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'bat.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'org.gnome.Contacts.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'htop.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'owncloud.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: pidgin.desktop was 
already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'org.gnome.taquin.desktop' with data 
of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'evolution-bogofilter' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'evolution-spamassassin' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: 
tracker-preferences.desktop was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: tracker-needle.desktop 
was already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'virt-manager.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'org.gnome.Maps.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'boinc-manager.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'mplayer.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'CMake.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'lshw-gtk.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'ccsm.desktop' with data of higher 
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'evolution.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'org.gnome.Documents.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'org.gnome.Books.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Detected colliding ids: gimp.desktop was 
already added with a higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'light-locker-settings.desktop' with 
data of higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Replaced 'virtualbox.desktop' with data of 
higher priority.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'gnome-calculator.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'software-properties-gnome.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'ubuntu-mate-welcome.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'update-manager.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'virt-manager.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-keyboard-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-mouse-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'org.gnome.Maps.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-universal-access-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'CMake.desktop': The 
component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'im-config.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'flightgear.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-sound-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'gnome-system-monitor.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'software-properties-gtk.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'scribus.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'org.gnome.Documents.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-info-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'libreoffice-impress.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: zathura-pdf-poppler.desktop extends 
zathura.desktop, but zathura.desktop was not found.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-wacom-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'ccsm.desktop': The 
component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'fcitx-configtool.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'libreoffice-writer.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'tracker-needle.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'vino-preferences.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'light-locker-settings.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'supertux2.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'language-selector.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'gnome-session-properties.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'org.gnome.Software': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'gnome-sudoku.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'bat.desktop': The 
component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-datetime-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-network-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'libreoffice-startcenter.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-color-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'org.gnome.taquin.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'libreoffice-base.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'nm-connection-editor.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-screen-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'lshw-gtk.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'libreoffice-math.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'ubiquity.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'display-im6.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'mplayer.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'ubiquity-kdeui.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'org.gnome.Nautilus.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'evolution.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'htop.desktop': The 
component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'gufw.desktop': The 
component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'xdiagnose.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'org.gnome.FileRoller.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-region-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-bluetooth-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-user-accounts-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'brasero.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'mscore.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'libreoffice-calc.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'gvim.desktop': The 
component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'display-im6.q16.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'gimp.desktop': The 
component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'org.gnome.Contacts.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'pidgin.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'org.gnome.font-viewer.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'chromium-browser.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'owncloud.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'gnome-system-monitor-kde.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'eog.desktop': The 
component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'fcitx.desktop': The 
component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'virtualbox.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'unity-appearance-panel.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'org.gnome.Calendar.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'software-properties-drivers.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'org.gnome.Books.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'ubuntu-mate-software.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'vim.desktop': The 
component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'libreoffice-draw.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'abiword.desktop': 
The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'upstart-monitor.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'boinc-manager.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'tracker-preferences.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 'comix.desktop': The 
component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: WARNING: Skipped component 
'PlayOnLinux.desktop': The component is invalid.
** (appstreamcli:32754): DEBUG: Removing old rebuild-dir from previous database 
AppStream cache update completed, but some metadata was ignored due to errors.

You received this bug notification because you are a member of Desktop
Packages, which is subscribed to appstream in Ubuntu.

  apt-get update returns "AppStream cache update completed, but some
  metadata was ignored due to errors." periodically

Status in appstream package in Ubuntu:

Bug description:
  Periodically I get emails from a machine with the subject:

  Cron <root@Jenkins> if [ -x /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all ]; then
  /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all update 7200 12 >/dev/null; elif [ -x
  /etc/munin/plugins/apt ]; then /etc/munin/plugins/apt update 7200 12
  >/dev/null; fi

  And a body of:

  AppStream cache update completed, but some metadata was ignored due to

  I have a machine monitored by Munin.  One of the plugins used on that machine 
is /etc/munin/plugins/apt which periodically counts the number of packets that 
can be upgraded.  This is achieved by a crontab entry installed from the 
package which looks like this:

  # cron-jobs for munin-node


  # If the APT plugin is enabled, update packages databases approx. once
  # an hour (12 invokations an hour, 1 in 12 chance that the update will
  # happen), but ensure that there will never be more than two hour (7200
  # seconds) interval between updates..
  */5 * * * *     root if [ -x /etc/munin/plugins/apt_all ]; then 
/etc/munin/plugins/apt_all update 7200 12 >/dev/null; elif [ -x 
/etc/munin/plugins/apt ]; then /etc/munin/plugins/apt update 7200 12 
>/dev/null; fi

  For many months everything has been running smoothly.  On the 23rd November 
2016 I started getting the "AppStream cache update completed, but some metadata 
was ignored due to errors." messages at a rate of about ten a day.  

  I did a quick Google search which turned up a handful of bugs from earlier 
this year, such as 
  Bug1575248.  That is marked as Fixed Released though, so I am raising this 
new bug.

  If there are any further diagnostic details I can provide, please let
  me know.

  ProblemType: Bug
  DistroRelease: Ubuntu 16.04
  Package: appstream 0.9.4-1ubuntu1
  ProcVersionSignature: Ubuntu 4.4.0-47.68-generic 4.4.24
  Uname: Linux 4.4.0-47-generic x86_64
  ApportVersion: 2.20.1-0ubuntu2.1
  Architecture: amd64
  Date: Thu Nov 24 09:57:18 2016
  InstallationDate: Installed on 2013-05-08 (1295 days ago)
  InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 13.10 "Saucy Salamander" - Alpha amd64 (20130508)
   -- Logs begin at Wed 2016-11-23 19:25:01 GMT, end at Thu 2016-11-24 09:57:24 
GMT. --
   Nov 24 02:22:17 hostname systemd-tmpfiles[27330]: 
[/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/var.conf:14] Duplicate line for path "/var/log", ignoring.
   PATH=(custom, no user)
  SourcePackage: appstream
  UpgradeStatus: Upgraded to xenial on 2016-08-24 (91 days ago)

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