Marcello - yes indeed. For me it is worst with spreadsheets, where I copy a lot of data regularly. For instance when keeping a record of regular measurements, I copy the previous item's formulae each time. I only started to realise that a lot of my sheets were corrupted in early April.
With text I usually realise it is wrong quite quickly. With data and formulae it can be much less obvious. I was, once, in the IT business, so am not reluctant to get involved with reporting issues, and am also happy to test. Unfortunately I don't know nearly enough about modern systems to be able to debug or fix them (now where's that GA SPC 16/50?). I fail to understand why this is not being regarded as a critical bug. I hope that spreadsheets on Ubuntu are not ever being used for important stuff, are they? -- You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Desktop Bugs, which is subscribed to mutter in Ubuntu. Title: copy/paste still sometimes fails in LibreOffice on mutter 3.36.2 To manage notifications about this bug go to: -- desktop-bugs mailing list