Le jeudi 23 novembre 2006 à 23:19 +0000, Schattenglanz a écrit :
> hi, 
> i´ve installed gaim-dbg, but there is no readme.txt or so, which
> describe what schould i do now... if it´s difficult maybe you know
> someone who can give me a short german descrpition. If not, englich is
> ok, too... 
> by the way, I know the translation of "coredump" but i´ve "no idea"
> about the correct meaning... I´m not an IT spezialist, but i hope i can
> help...

Nothing special to do, just wait to get the crash and attach the new
crash file to the bug. 

The backtrace (the functions listed by your bug) lacked details, they
will have them once that package is installed

The coredump is a binary which contains details of the crash and can be
used by the debug. Apport gives you the option to attach it to the bug
or to use a light version (what you attached to the bug apparently).

ICQ data tranfer

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