So from testing the 2009-07-24 image, it's undefined which session gets booted into. I've sometimes gotten mythbuntu.desktop picked, other times xterm.desktop and other times xfce.desktop.
So the only workaround that I can see with the current package is to ship gnome.desktop in mythbuntu-default-settings and divert gnome.desktop if it's already on the system. -- I think the best solution is to have gdm look for something like "default.desktop" that's provided by the alternatives system and defaults to gnome.desktop but that xfce, mythbuntu and others can register with. This prevents having to put the information in custom.conf, but still lets derivatives pick their session defaults. -- Unable to change the default session for GDM You received this bug notification because you are a member of Ubuntu Desktop Bugs, which is subscribed to gdm in ubuntu. -- desktop-bugs mailing list