I have the same problem - it occurs when I try to delete the some stuff
from Ogre (the game making SDK). I posted the result of ls -alR
~/.Trash/ at http://pastebin.com/728364

The error is recurring, at least when attempting to delete from
nautilus. I can provide any more information if needed.

Note: There is also another problem with my trash which won't let me
delete (or even acknowlege the deletion) a couple of files. The links
dcpp and ldcpp (referended in top of the list command) don't seem to
want to be deleted at all - pressing del or using the context menu
doesn't bring up that dialog box, and an attempt to select multiple
files to delete including those two fails. They also have a red cross
and a yellow padlock emblem - I have no idea if this is related to the
other bug here.

when emptying the trash you get a fake permission error message

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