Oliver Grawert wrote: "this has nothing to do with the bug at all"

As far as getting a good work-around until this bug is resolved, yes, it does :)

"our metapackages dont work that way, i doubt we can do it anyway"

???  AFAIK, any debian package can have "or" requirements; consider apache2 
which according to Synaptic:

Depends: apache2-mpm-worker (=2.0.55-4) | apache2-mpm-prefork (= 2.0.55-4) | 
apache2-mpm-perchild (= 2.0.55-4)

"note also that xscreensaver was sceduled to be demoted to universe and in fact 
is only in main as a xubuntu dependency"

Well, its nice and convenient that it hasn't been demoted yet, so that the 
change to ubuntu-desktop can be made ;)

Also might I suggest that xscreensaver shouldn't be demoted until after this 
bug is fixed :)

I will file a bug on ubuntu-desktop momentarily.

no 'Settings' button in gnome-screensaver

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