Hello dear maintainers,
Lightdm, as configured under Debian, never remembers the names
of users. So you have to retype your username each time you log in or edit the
/etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf file and modify the line #greeter-hide-users=false by
removing the # symbol in front.
The problem is that with each new installation, I have to redo this
modification, which is tedious for me in the long run, as it is for other users
I presume...
Would you be so kind as to enable by default the greeter-hide-users=false
parameter during installation of Debian so that you don't have to retype your
username each time, or do you have to manually modify this line after each
installation, which is somewhat tedious in the long run ?
Thanking you in advance for making life easier for Debian users.
I wish you a very happy holiday season.