Control: tags -1 moreinfo unreproducible On Sat, 17 Nov 2018 19:47:03 -0500 Awtul <> wrote: > I have inserted 'false' instead of 'true' in > '/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.xfce.thunar.policy' > > ( <annotate key="org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.allow_gui">false</annotate> ) > > but thunar still won't open as root via 'pkexec'.
As long as the value of this key is nonempty, the application is allowed access to DISPLAY and XAUTHORITY environment variables (even if it's set to false, 0 or the likes). When it's empty, `pkexec` will still offer a dialog and proceed as usual, but the calling program (Thunar, in our case) won't be able to start due to not having access to those two environment variables. The diagnostic message will look like this: > thunar: Failed to initialize Xfconf: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 > $DISPLAY "Won't open" doesn't say much. Do you have the root account set up? Does `pkexec` have the setuid set: check with `stat -c %A /usr/bin/pkexec`? Does it show the dialog at least? Can you enter the password? Can you run non-GUI or other apps with pkexec? Have you modified the policy file? You may try `apt reinstall thunar`. This will return your local modifications to defaults. The policy was added 7 years ago and hasn't been changed since. Tagging as unreproducible for now.