tag 546838 upstream fixed-upstream

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 22:32:45 -0500, da...@fries.net wrote:

> The command `xset s reset` will reset the X server screensaver to
> reset the timer for the screensaver and dpms.  If the display is
> already on, it should do nothing as far as the hardware goes.  In the
> SISVGABlankScreen routine it requires as reset to update the register,
> but that will disrupt the VGA signal and cause the monitor to resync
> leaving the screen blank for a couple seconds.  I have a program that
> wants to keep the screensaver from coming on, but allow normal
> operation when it isn't running.
> I included a patch to only reset and write the register if the value
> changed.
Thanks for the patch, I've applied it upstream:

The fix should make its way into the debian package soon.


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