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On Thu, May 21, 2009 at 19:58:16 +0200, Євгеній Мещеряков wrote:

> When using okular from KDE4 to view PDFs amount of memory used by
> X process (VIRT as reported by top) rises from initial ~150m to
> values where system becomes virtually unusable (machine has 2G RAM,
> I saw values as high as 1800m). This causes a lot of swap activity,
> sometimes display corruption in KDE programs (wrong colors, some bitmaps
> that should not be there, bad fonts rendering...).
> This is easy reproduced with UXA. One just needs to open long PDF
> file with okular and scroll it for some time. Memory usage rises quiet 
> fast and does not go down when okular is closed. Sometimes it helps 
> to open several files simultaneously.
> With EXA this is harder to reproduce. Amount of memory does not rise so fast.
> Opening several files simultaneously helps. And VIRT does not go down
> when files are closed.
> I think this is bug in intel driver because when I asked someone to try
> to reproduce this bug on a machine with radeon graphics, VIRT values
> were always below 1000m and restored to ca 730m after closing okular's.
Євгеній, can you still reproduce this with the current X stack (and
kernel) in sid?  If so, please report the bug upstream to
bugs.freedesktop.org, following the instructions at

Thanks for your report!


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