Jonathan Protzenko <> (16/03/2010):
> If I start with LVDS open and VGA plugged in, I get 800x600 on both
> screens (and the /dev/tty1 console is 1024x600).
> If I start with LVDS *closed* (before KMS loads) and VGA plugged in,
> I get 1920x1200 on VGA, nothing on LVDS even if I open it
> afterwards, and the system console is 1920x1200 too (that's pretty
> great, so that's what I usually do after I press the "power on"
> button: I immediately close the lid).

Nice to see it's more or less working fine for you. Is the
“buggy/open-lid” behaviour still happening with 2.6.32-4-$arch? Just
wondering since there should be some more KMS fixes in that one, which
might fix this.


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