Hi Mark,

Mark Borst <m...@borst.org> (01/03/2010):
> After a resume from suspend, the gpu (945GM) often crashes. Earlier
> I got an X screen back, with mouse moving, but no other actions
> possible. Then I could still switch to VT1 and reboot the box. I
> hoped it would be fixed with newer kernels, so I eagerly upgraded
> recently, up till now when I'm running 2.6.33.

thanks for trying this. :)

> However, the problem hasn't stopped.

While this is sad, that's good to know.

If you have a few more minutes, it'd be very nice if you could report
this bug on upstream's bugzilla following instructions at [1], Cc'ing
me, so that I can mark this bug as forwarded there.

 1. http://intellinuxgraphics.org/how_to_report_bug.html

What could be of some help to make sure you're getting almost all
messages: ssh from another box, install the various libdrm*dbg,
*-intel-dbg, -core-dbg, and attach X inside gdb. This might help you
get a backtrace if X is segfaulting and if no other traces of that are



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