On Mon, 1 Feb 2010 23:34:15 +0100 Francesco Poli wrote:

> BTW, I noticed that I don't experience the same problem change on
> another box with Intel graphics, Debian testing and the same Xorg
> version.
> However, that other box has not yet been rebooted since the xorg upgrade
> (even though X was restarted).

Update: after a reboot, I experience the same problem on that other box
(that is to say, console behaves as configured after the boot, but
changes resolution and displays 'toilet -f future' symbols as a mess of
characters, after starting X).

> Moreover on that other box (where I
> do not experience console resolution changes) I still have hal installed
> because of dependencies/recommendations, while on the box where I see
> console resolution changes, I no longer have hal installed.

Please forget what I said about hal: its presence does not apparently
have any influence on the reported problem.

Once again, please someone help me!
This bug is currently really annoying.

 Need some pdebuild hook scripts?
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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