* Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org> [2010-01-16 21:22:17 CET]:
> On Sat, Jan 16, 2010 at 21:13:10 +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> > > File the bug upstream at bugs.freedesktop.org,
> > 
> >  That would include creating an account in there, which just doesn't
> > scale from a user's point of view. Such requests rather result in issues
> > not getting filed instead of having them noticed. It would be pretty
> > helpful if the poeple that actually do know the way where and how
> > upstream wants their bugs could forward it. It differs from project to
> > project and I'm not really interested in dig around again and again
> > everywhere.  :/
> Actually, it scales a whole lot better than having 1 package maintainer
> deal with 1000 bugs and figure out what every submitter wants on their
> own.  Since I don't know what this bug is about, I'm not going to be
> submitting it upstream.

 From what I know there isn't just one package maintainer (I see four
people listed in the Uploaders field) and there aren't 1000 bugs
(actually there are 17 in this source package).

 If the problem is to not understand the problem, then pretty please,
don't let it lie around for almost a year and never ask for having it
explained more clearly. And no, digging around for how upstream likes to
receive their bugs, in which system and where, doesn't scale when there
are people that actually know that information first hand from their
maintainer work.

 I try to explain the issue again, hopefully clearly enough: In German
keyboard layout, AltGr-q gives you an @. AltGr is the right alt key.
This works perfectly in urxvt-unicode and in gvim. It though does *not*
work in pidgin or firefox, they just receive the plain q. Those are just
two applications from either side of the problem, there are more, it's
not limited only to those but are meant as an example.

> > > and either try to track it down or hope it doesn't sit around and grow
> > > idle there too.
> > 
> >  I am willing to try to track it down if someone could actually tell me
> > where and how to start off with. See this as an offer to track it down,
> > but I'm running out of ideas and tries to work around. Things are
> > changing in big in xorg these days, I still need to dig through the
> > bugreports about the tap button issues to be able to find out what I
> > seemingly am doing wrong at that edge too to get back tapping...

 THe offer still stands.

> > > FWIW the kbd driver is not used on linux in testing and unstable (by
> > > default), so if the bug is still reproducible there it should probably
> > > be reassigned to xserver-xorg-core.
> > 
> >  Reassigning it then. Just out of curiosity, isn't that the group of
> > people? :)

 Sorry, missed both Ccing cont...@bugs directly (bounced the message
now) and wrote "isn't that the *same* group of people", forgot the same
in that sentence.


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