.gitignore                         |    3 
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 specs/xfs/FSlib.doc                |  222 
 specs/xfs/design.ms                | 1498 
 specs/xtrans/Xtrans.mm             |  789 
 189 files changed, 4193 insertions(+), 282700 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit df2c2f9b91f2a6a7708e2760d2ec45ce2efa002b
Author: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersm...@sun.com>
Date:   Sun Oct 25 14:59:41 2009 -0700

    xorg-docs 1.5 (X11R7.5)
    Signed-off-by: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersm...@sun.com>

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 9371ff9..06867ad 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ dnl
 dnl  Process this file with autoconf to create configure.
-AC_INIT([xorg-docs], [], 
+AC_INIT([xorg-docs], [1.5], 
 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign dist-bzip2])
 # Require xorg-macros 1.3 or later: XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS

commit f40bbed9f92dfd86168facdb874663aa0de63395
Author: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersm...@sun.com>
Date:   Sun Oct 25 14:52:57 2009 -0700

    Migrate to xorg macros 1.3 & XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS
    Signed-off-by: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersm...@sun.com>

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 71f68f8..9371ff9 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ AC_PREREQ([2.57])
 AC_INIT([xorg-docs], [], 
 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign dist-bzip2])
-m4_ifndef([XORG_MACROS_VERSION], [AC_FATAL([must install xorg-macros 1.2 or 
later before running autoconf/autogen])])
+# Require xorg-macros 1.3 or later: XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS
+         [m4_fatal([must install xorg-macros 1.3 or later before running 
@@ -49,15 +51,11 @@ AC_ARG_ENABLE(html, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-html],
                 [Build HTML versions of documents (default: disabled)]),
                 [BUILD_HTMLDOC=$enableval], [BUILD_HTMLDOC=no])
diff --git a/man/general/Makefile.am b/man/general/Makefile.am
index 462e64c..ebdd71d 100644
--- a/man/general/Makefile.am
+++ b/man/general/Makefile.am
@@ -53,6 +53,6 @@ MAN_SUBSTS = \
-       sed $(MAN_SUBSTS) < $< > $@
+       $(AM_V_GEN)$(SED) $(MAN_SUBSTS) < $< > $@
 EXTRA_DIST = $(miscman_PRE)
diff --git a/sgmlrules.in b/sgmlrules.in
index ca9c53f..def4aa9 100644
--- a/sgmlrules.in
+++ b/sgmlrules.in
@@ -32,28 +32,28 @@ if BUILD_TXTDOC
        @rm -f $@
-       $(MAKE_TEXT) $<
+       $(AM_V_GEN)$(MAKE_TEXT) $<
        @rm -f $@
-       $(MAKE_PDF) $<
+       $(AM_V_GEN)$(MAKE_PDF) $<
        @rm -f $@
-       $(MAKE_PS) $<
+       $(AM_V_GEN)$(MAKE_PS) $<
        @rm -f $@
-       $(MAKE_HTML) -u $<
+       $(AM_V_GEN)$(MAKE_HTML) -u $<
 # x11docdir is expected to be defined by the including file.

commit 570e2ff8736bbc977085c5b3e47d159d4dffd90b
Author: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersm...@sun.com>
Date:   Sat Oct 24 00:06:05 2009 -0700

    More updates to Release Notes for X11R7.5
    - Try to explain the katamari & modules better in the introduction
    - Add section about build system changes
    - Add VPDAU to DRI2 description
    - Move driver list after new feature list & server overview
    - Update driver list for new & dropped drivers, add missing man page links
    - Drop out-of-date XDarwin description
    - Drop out-of-date warning that window managers don't support Xinerama
    - Move DGA 2.0 to deprecated features section
    - Add notes about changes to C-A-B default & blackroot/nocursor (-retro)
    - Drop description of Luxi fonts that duplicates fonts.sgml
    - Add note about new default font directory & compression options
    - Update CID font support section to state it's been removed
    - Add to removed features section: fontcache extension, libXaw8 (Xprint),
      kdrive servers (Xvesa and friends)
    - Add to future removals: HAL input device support, Xsdl, DGA 2.0
    - Updates to contributor lists
    - Change from DocBook/SGML 4.2 to DocBook/XML 4.3
    Signed-off-by: Alan Coopersmith <alan.coopersm...@sun.com>

diff --git a/sgml/RELNOTES.sgml b/sgml/RELNOTES.sgml
index 7cad050..d7516ac 100644
--- a/sgml/RELNOTES.sgml
+++ b/sgml/RELNOTES.sgml
@@ -1,54 +1,100 @@
-<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.2//EN" [
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"
+                      "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd";
 <!ENTITY % defs SYSTEM "X11/defs.ent"> %defs;
+  <articleinfo>
-<title>Release Notes for X11R&relvers;</title>
+    <title>Release Notes for X11R&relvers;</title>
-<corpauthor><ulink url="http://www.x.org/wiki/XorgFoundation";>
-The X.Org Foundation
+    <corpauthor>
+      <ulink url="http://www.x.org/wiki/XorgFoundation";>
+       The X.Org Foundation
+      </ulink>
+    </corpauthor>
+    <pubdate>&reldate;</pubdate>
+    <abstract>
-These release notes contains information about features and their status
-in the X.Org Foundation X11R&relvers; release.
+      <para>
+       These release notes contains information about features and their
+       status in the X.Org Foundation X11R&relvers; release.
+      </para>
+    </abstract>
+  </articleinfo>
-<title>Introduction to the X11R&relvers; Release</title>
+  <sect1>
+    <title>Introduction to the X11R&relvers; Release</title>
-This release is the &whichfullrel; modular release of the X Window System.
-The next full release will be X11R&nextrelvers; and is expected in
+    <para>
+      This release is the &whichfullrel; modular release of the
+      <productname>X Window System</productname>.
+      The next full release will be X11R&nextrelvers; and is expected in
+      &nextfullreldate;.
+    </para>
-For help with how to build and develop in the modular tree see the <ulink
-URL="http://wiki.x.org/wiki/ModularDevelopersGuide";> Modular Developer's
-Guide</ulink> in the X.Org wiki.
+    <para>
+      Unlike X11R1 through X11R6.9, X11R7.x releases are not built from one
+      monolithic source tree, but many individual modules.   These modules
+      are distributed as individual source code releases, and each one is
+      released when it is ready, instead of only when the overall window
+      system is ready for release.  The X11R7.x releases are made by
+      &ldquo;rolling up&rdquo; the individual module releases into a
+      collection that is often affectionately called the
+      &ldquo;<foreignphrase>katamari</foreignphrase>&rdquo; by the developers.
+    </para>
-We encourage you to submit bug fixes and enhancements to
-freedesktop.org's <ulink URL="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/";>
-bug tracking system</ulink> using the xorg product, and to
-discuss them on <email>x...@lists.freedesktop.org</email>.
-More details on patch submission and review process are available on the
-<ulink url="http://www.x.org/wiki/Development/Documentation/SubmittingPatches";>
-SubmittingPatches</ulink> page of the X.Org wiki.
+    <para>
+      The X11R&relvers; release does not include all of the software
+      formerly included in the previous X Window System releases.
+      It is designed to be a reasonable baseline from which to start
+      when building the window system for the first time for a new
+      installation, distribution, or package set.  It does not provide
+      a full desktop environment, expecting a more feature rich set of
+      applications to be installed from one of the several excellent
+      desktop environments available for the X Window System.  The
+      X.Org developers continue to maintain and produce new releases
+      of much of the software that was formerly in the main window
+      system releases but is no longer included in the katamari
+      releases, including many of the Athena Widgets desktop
+      applications that were provided as samples in previous window
+      system versions.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      Once their window system build is established, most builders watch for
+      announcements of individual module updates on the <ulink
+       url="http://lists.freedesktop.org/mailman/listinfo/xorg-announce";
+       >xorg-announce mailing list</ulink> and update to those as needed.
+      The X.Org Foundation currently releases the X Window System
+      katamari releases approximately once a year, but many modules,
+      especially the X servers and drivers, are updated more frequently
+      between those releases.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      For help with how to build and develop in the modular tree see the
+      <ulink url="http://wiki.x.org/wiki/ModularDevelopersGuide";>Modular
+       Developer's Guide</ulink> in the X.Org wiki.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      We encourage you to submit bug fixes and enhancements to
+      freedesktop.org's <ulink url="https://bugs.freedesktop.org/";>
+       bug tracking system</ulink> using the xorg product, and to
+      discuss them on <email>x...@lists.freedesktop.org</email>.
+      More details on patch submission and review process are available on the
+      <ulink
+       url="http://www.x.org/wiki/Development/Documentation/SubmittingPatches";>
+       SubmittingPatches</ulink> page of the X.Org wiki.
+    </para>
 The release numbering is based on the original MIT X numbering system.
@@ -172,9 +218,11 @@ The next section describes what is new in the latest 
            buffers with an X drawable.  It is a essentially a helper
            extension to support implementation of direct rendering
-           The main consumer of this extension will be a direct
+           The first consumer of this extension is a direct
            rendering OpenGL driver, but the DRI2 extension is not
-           designed to be OpenGL specific.  Direct rendering
+           designed to be OpenGL specific.  Work is underway to
+           utilize DRI2 for the Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix
+           (<acronym>VPDAU</acronym>) as well.    Direct rendering
            implementations of OpenVG, Xv, cairo and other graphics
            APIs should find the functionality exposed by this
            extension helpful and hopefully sufficient.
@@ -196,10 +244,91 @@ The next section describes what is new in the latest 
+  </sect1>
-    <title>Drivers</title>
+  <sect1>
+    <title>Overview of X11R&relvers;</title>
+    <para>
+      On most platforms, X11R&relvers; has a single hardware-driving
+      X server binary called <command>Xorg</command>.  This binary can
+      dynamically load the video drivers, input drivers, and other modules
+      that are needed.
+      <command>Xorg</command> has currently has support for Linux, Solaris,
+      and some BSD OSs on Alpha, PowerPC, IA-64, AMD64, Intel x86, Sparc,
+      and MIPS platforms.
+    </para>
+    <para>
+      Additional specialized X server binaries may be found depending on
+      the platform and build configuration, including:
+      <glosslist>
+       <glossentry>
+         <glossterm><command>Xdmx</command></glossterm>
+         <glossdef><para>
+           is a proxy X server that uses one or more other X servers as its
+           display devices.  It provides multi-head X functionality for
+           displays that might be located on different machines.
+         </para></glossdef>
+       </glossentry>
+       <glossentry>
+         <glossterm><command>Xnest</command></glossterm>
+         <glossdef><para>
+           is a nested X server, that operates as both an X client and X
+           server.  <command>Xnest</command> is a client of the real server
+           which manages windows and graphics requests on its behalf.
+           <command>Xnest</command> is a server to its own clients, and
+           manages windows and graphics requests on their behalf.
+           To these clients, it appears to be a conventional server.
+         </para></glossdef>
+       </glossentry>
+       <glossentry>
+         <glossterm><command>Xephyr</command></glossterm>
+         <glossdef><para>
+             is a X server that outputs to a window on a pre-existing
+             &ldquo;host&rdquo; X display.  Unlike <command>Xnest</command>
+             which is an X proxy, and thus limited to the capabilities of
+             the host X server, <command>Xephyr</command> is a full X server
+             which uses the host X server window as a
+             &ldquo;framebuffer&rdquo; via fast SHM XImages.
+         </para></glossdef>
+       </glossentry>
+       <glossentry>
+         <glossterm><command>Xvfb</command></glossterm>
+         <glossdef><para>
+           is a virtual framebuffer X server that can run on machines with
+           no display hardware and no physical input devices.  It emulates
+           a dumb framebuffer using virtual memory.
+         </para></glossdef>
+       </glossentry>
+       <glossentry>
+         <glossterm><command>Xquartz</command></glossterm>
+         <glossdef><para>
+           is an X server that interacts with the MacOS X native Aqua window
+           system, displaying windows on the Mac desktop and accepting
+           input from the Mac system devices, allowing X11 applications
+           to be used in a native Mac desktop session.
+         </para></glossdef>
+       </glossentry>
+       <glossentry>
+         <glossterm><command>Xwin</command></glossterm>
+         <glossdef><para>
+           is an X server that runs under the Cygwin environment,
+           interacting with the Microsoft Windows native window
+           system, displaying windows on the Windows desktop and accepting
+           input from the Windows system devices, allowing X11 applications
+           to be used in a native Windows desktop session.
+         </para></glossdef>
+       </glossentry>
+      </glosslist>
+    </para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1>
+    <title>Details of X11R&relvers; components</title>
     <title>Video Drivers</title>
@@ -210,10 +339,10 @@ The next section describes what is new in the latest 
     <informaltable id="drivertables" xreflabel="driver tables">
-        <tgroup Cols="3">
-            <colspec Align="Left" Colsep="1">
-            <colspec Align="Left" Colsep="1">
-            <colspec Align="Left" Colsep="1">
+        <tgroup cols="3">
+            <colspec align="left" colsep="1"></colspec>
+            <colspec align="left" colsep="1"></colspec>
+            <colspec align="left" colsep="1"></colspec>
                 <entry>Driver Name</entry>
@@ -221,235 +350,235 @@ The next section describes what is new in the latest 
                 <entry>Further Information</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">apm</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">apm</literal></entry>
                 <entry>Alliance Pro Motion</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="apm.html">README.apm</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="apm.html">README.apm</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">ark</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">ark</literal></entry>
                 <entry>Ark Logic</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">ast</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">ast</literal></entry>
                 <entry>ASPEED Technology</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">ati</Literal></entry>
-                <entry>ATI Mach64</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="ati.html">README.ati</ulink></entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">chips</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">chips</literal></entry>
                 <entry>Chips &amp; Technologies</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="chips.html">README.chips</ulink>,
-                    <ulink URL="chips.4.html">chips(4)</ulink>
+                <entry><ulink url="chips.html">README.chips</ulink>,
+                    <ulink url="chips.4.html">chips(4)</ulink>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">cirrus</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">cirrus</literal></entry>
                 <entry>Cirrus Logic</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">cyrix</Literal> (*)</entry>
-                <entry>Cyrix MediaGX</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="cyrix.html">README.cyrix</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">fbdev</literal></entry>
+                <entry>Linux framebuffer device</entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="fbdev.4.html">fbdev(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">fbdev</Literal></entry>
-                <entry>Linux framebuffer device</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="fbdev.4.html">fbdev(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">geode</literal> (*)</entry>
+                <entry>AMD Geode GX and LX</entry>
+                <entry>&nbsp;</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">glint</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">glint</literal></entry>
                 <entry>3Dlabs, TI</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="glint.4.html">glint(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="glint.4.html">glint(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">i128</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">i128</literal></entry>
                 <entry>Number Nine</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="I128.html">README.I128</ulink>,
-                    <ulink URL="i128.4.html">i128(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="I128.html">README.I128</ulink>,
+                    <ulink url="i128.4.html">i128(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">i740</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">i740</literal></entry>
                 <entry>Intel i740</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="i740.html">README.i740</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="i740.html">README.i740</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">intel</Literal></entry>
-                <entry>Intel i8xx/i9xx</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="intel.html">README.intel</ulink>,
-                    <ulink URL="intel.4.html">intel(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">imstt</literal></entry>
+                <entry>Integrated Micro Solns</entry>
+                <entry>&nbsp;</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">impact</Literal></entry>
-                <entry>SGI Indigo Impact</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="impact.4.html">impact(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">intel</literal></entry>
+                <entry>Intel i8xx/i9xx</entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="intel.html">README.intel</ulink>,
+                    <ulink url="intel.4.html">intel(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">imstt</Literal></entry>
-                <entry>Integrated Micro Solns</entry>
-                <entry>&nbsp;</entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">mach64</literal></entry>
+                <entry>ATI Mach64</entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="ati.html">README.ati</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">mga</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">mga</literal></entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="mga.4.html">mga(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="mga.4.html">mga(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">neomagic</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">neomagic</literal></entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="neomagic.4.html">neomagic(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="neomagic.4.html">neomagic(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">newport</Literal> (-)</entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">newport</literal> (-)</entry>
                 <entry>SGI Newport</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="newport.html">README.newport</ulink>,
-                    <ulink URL="newport.4.html">newport(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="newport.html">README.newport</ulink>,
+                    <ulink url="newport.4.html">newport(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">nsc</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">nsc</literal></entry>
                 <entry>National Semiconductor</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="nsc.4.html">nsc(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="nsc.4.html">nsc(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">nv</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">nv</literal></entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="nv.4.html">nv(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="nv.4.html">nv(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">ati</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">r128</literal></entry>
                 <entry>ATI Rage128</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="r128.html">README.r128</ulink>,
-                       <ulink URL="r128.4.html">r128(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="r128.html">README.r128</ulink>,
+                       <ulink url="r128.4.html">r128(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">radeon</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">radeon</literal></entry>
                 <entry>ATI Radeon</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="radeon.4.html">radeon(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="radeon.4.html">radeon(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">rendition</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">rendition</literal></entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="rendition.html">README.rendition</ulink>,
-                    <ulink URL="rendition.4.html">rendition(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="rendition.html">README.rendition</ulink>,
+                    <ulink url="rendition.4.html">rendition(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">s3</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">s3</literal></entry>
                 <entry>S3 (not ViRGE or Savage)</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">s3virge</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">s3virge</literal></entry>
                 <entry>S3 ViRGE</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="s3virge.html">README.s3virge</ulink>,
-                    <ulink URL="s3virge.4.html">s3virge(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="s3virge.html">README.s3virge</ulink>,
+                    <ulink url="s3virge.4.html">s3virge(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">savage</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">savage</literal></entry>
                 <entry>S3 Savage</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="savage.4.html">savage(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="savage.4.html">savage(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">siliconmotion</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">siliconmotion</literal></entry>
                 <entry>Silicon Motion</entry>
-                <entry><ulink 
+                <entry><ulink 
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">sis</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">sis</literal></entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="SiS.html">README.SiS</ulink>,
-                    <ulink URL="sis.4.html">sis(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="SiS.html">README.SiS</ulink>,
+                    <ulink url="sis.4.html">sis(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">sisusb</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">sisusb</literal></entry>
                 <entry>SiS USB</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="sisusb.4.html">sisusb(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="sisusb.4.html">sisusb(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">sunbw2</Literal> (+)</entry>
-                <entry>Sun bw2</entry>
-                <entry>&nbsp;</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">suncg14</Literal> (+)</entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">suncg14</literal> (+)</entry>
                 <entry>Sun cg14</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">suncg3</Literal> (+)</entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">suncg3</literal> (+)</entry>
                 <entry>Sun cg3</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">suncg6</Literal> (+)</entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">suncg6</literal> (+)</entry>
                 <entry>Sun GX and Turbo GX</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">sunffb</Literal> (+)</entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">sunffb</literal> (+)</entry>
                 <entry>Sun Creator/3D, Elite 3D</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">sunleo</Literal> (+)</entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">sunleo</literal> (+)</entry>
                 <entry>Sun Leo (ZX)</entry>
-                <Literal remap="tt">suntcx</Literal> (+)</entry>
+                <literal remap="tt">suntcx</literal> (+)</entry>
                 <entry>Sun TCX</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">tdfx</Literal></entry>
-                <entry>3Dfx</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="tdfx.4.html">tdfx(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">tdfx</literal></entry>
+                <entry>3Dfx Voodoo Banshee, 3, 4 &amp; 5</entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="tdfx.4.html">tdfx(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">tga</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">tga</literal></entry>
                 <entry>DEC TGA</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="DECtga.html">README.DECtga</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="DECtga.html">README.DECtga</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">trident</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">trident</literal></entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="trident.4.html">trident(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="trident.4.html">trident(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">tseng</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">tseng</literal></entry>
                 <entry>Tseng Labs</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">v4l</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">v4l</literal></entry>
-                <entry>&nbsp;</entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="v4l.4.html">v4l(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">vesa</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">vesa</literal></entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="vesa.4.html">vesa(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="vesa.4.html">vesa(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">vmware</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">vmware</literal></entry>
                 <entry>VMware guest OS</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="vmware.4.html">vmware(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="vmware.4.html">vmware(4)</ulink></entry>
-            <row>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">voodoo</Literal></entry>
-                <entry>3Dfx Voodoo</entry>
-                <entry>&nbsp;</entry>
+           <row>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">voodoo</literal></entry>
+                <entry>3Dfx Voodoo 1 &amp; 2</entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="voodoo.4.html">voodoo(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">wsfb</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">wsfb</literal></entry>
                 <entry>Workstation Framebuffer</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="wsfb.4.html">wsfb(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="wsfb.4.html">wsfb(4)</ulink></entry>
+            </row>
+            <row>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">xgi</literal></entry>
+                <entry>XGI</entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="xgi.4.html">xgi(4)</ulink></entry>
+            </row>
+            <row>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">xgixp</literal></entry>
+                <entry>XGI XP</entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="xgixp.4.html">xgixp(4)</ulink></entry>
@@ -468,12 +597,6 @@ The next section describes what is new in the latest 
     Drivers marked with (-) are for Linux/mips only.
-    <para>
-    Darwin/Mac OS X uses IOKit drivers and does not use the module loader
-    drivers listed above. Further information can be found in <ulink
-    URL="Darwin.html"> README.Darwin</ulink>.
-    </para>
@@ -486,10 +609,10 @@ The next section describes what is new in the latest 
-        <tgroup Cols="3">
-            <colspec Align="Left" Colsep="1">
-            <colspec Align="Left" Colsep="1">
-            <colspec Align="Left" Colsep="1">
+        <tgroup cols="3">
+            <colspec align="left" colsep="1"></colspec>
+            <colspec align="left" colsep="1"></colspec>
+            <colspec align="left" colsep="1"></colspec>
                 <entry>Driver Name</entry>
@@ -497,79 +620,49 @@ The next section describes what is new in the latest 
                 <entry>Further Information</entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">acecad</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">acecad</literal></entry>
                 <entry>Acecad Flair</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="aiptek.4.html">acecad(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="aiptek.4.html">acecad(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">aiptek(*)</Literal></entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">aiptek(*)</literal></entry>
                 <entry>Aiptek USB tablet</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="aiptek.4.html">aiptek(4)</ulink></entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">elographics</Literal></entry>
-                <entry>EloGraphics</entry>
-                <entry>&nbsp;</entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">evdev(*)</Literal></entry>
-                <entry>EvDev</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="evdev.4.html">evdev(4)</ulink></entry>
-            </row>
-            <row>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">fpit</Literal></entry>
-                <entry>Fujitsu Stylistic Tablet PCs</entry>
-                <entry><ulink URL="fpit.4.html">fpit(4)</ulink></entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="aiptek.4.html">aiptek(4)</ulink></entry>
-                <entry><Literal remap="tt">hyperpen</Literal></entry>
-                <entry>Aiptek HyperPen 6000</entry>
-                <entry>&nbsp;</entry>
+                <entry><literal remap="tt">evdev(*)</literal></entry>
+                <entry>Linux kernel EvDev</entry>
+                <entry><ulink url="evdev.4.html">evdev(4)</ulink></entry>

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