Package: xserver-xorg
Version: 1:7.4+4
Severity: minor


With version 1.49 of console-setup (it migrated to testing today) it is 
no longer required for xserver-xorg to depend on console-setup (>= 1.29) 
| console-setup-mini (>= 1.29).  Instead it can depend on the new 
package keyboard-configuration.  This would allow the Debian users to 
use X Window without console-setup.

Instead of /etc/default/console-setup you should now source 
/etc/default/keyboard.  Please, reassign a clone of this bug if some 
hal-related package needs to be changed.  The file 
/etc/default/console-setup will not exist if the users have installed 
keyboard-configuration but haven't installed console-setup and 

Anton Zinoviev

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