.gitignore       |    3 
 ChangeLog        | 1391 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 Makefile.am      |   11 
 XI.h             |   13 
 XI2.h            |  181 +++
 XI2proto.h       |  976 +++++++++++++++++++++
 XI2proto.txt     | 1677 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 XInput.h         | 1280 ---------------------------
 XIproto.h        | 1038 +++++++++++-----------
 XIproto.txt      | 2542 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 configure.ac     |    8 
 debian/changelog |   18 
 debian/control   |    8 
 13 files changed, 7272 insertions(+), 1874 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 38f5ad315284fc8be8ce2e71021aad9417f38a53
Author: Timo Aaltonen <tjaal...@cc.hut.fi>
Date:   Fri Nov 20 17:37:14 2009 +0200

    Update the changelogs.

diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index c966570..bbfc73e 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
+commit 34a9ab1151fb7b35a371cc98a34a20993816f78a
+Author: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net>
+Date:   Fri Oct 2 11:38:12 2009 +1000
+    inputproto 2.0
+    Signed-off-by: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net>
+commit 0470d29c1e690f3784ca1a42f6d27aa322f9b37a
+Author: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net>
+Date:   Thu Oct 1 16:47:11 2009 +1000
+    Add XIproto.txt
+    This is the XI protocol specification document that used to be in 
+    It's now moved here, and if it ever sees updates, the updates will only
+    apply to here.
+    Signed-off-by: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net>
+commit bda99e7e5ac528aaa08664b21f0380db67bd2ac2
+Author: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net>
+Date:   Fri Oct 2 11:31:13 2009 +1000
+    Require macros 1.3 for XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS
+    Signed-off-by: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net>
 commit 472309905a66245c9fd420ef64716ec630216323
 Author: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net>
 Date:   Fri Aug 21 14:25:51 2009 +1000
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index f429d9e..28dc2d1 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
-x11proto-input ( UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+x11proto-input (2.0-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+  [ Julien Cristau ]
   * Add Depends on x11proto-core-dev.
+  [ Timo Aaltonen ]
+  * New upstream release.
  -- Julien Cristau <jcris...@debian.org>  Sat, 12 Sep 2009 14:58:22 +0200
 x11proto-input ( experimental; urgency=low

commit 34a9ab1151fb7b35a371cc98a34a20993816f78a
Author: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net>
Date:   Fri Oct 2 11:38:12 2009 +1000

    inputproto 2.0
    Signed-off-by: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net>

diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
index 5c43cca..1052dc2 100644
--- a/configure.ac
+++ b/configure.ac
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-AC_INIT([InputProto], [], 
+AC_INIT([InputProto], [2.0], 
 AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([foreign dist-bzip2])
 # Require xorg-macros: XORG_DEFAULT_OPTIONS

commit 0470d29c1e690f3784ca1a42f6d27aa322f9b37a
Author: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net>
Date:   Thu Oct 1 16:47:11 2009 +1000

    Add XIproto.txt
    This is the XI protocol specification document that used to be in xorg-docs.
    It's now moved here, and if it ever sees updates, the updates will only
    apply to here.
    Signed-off-by: Peter Hutterer <peter.hutte...@who-t.net>

diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
index f41d768..85ca02f 100644
--- a/Makefile.am
+++ b/Makefile.am
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ pkgconfig_DATA = inputproto.pc
 EXTRA_DIST = inputproto.pc.in
-EXTRA_DIST += ChangeLog XI2proto.txt
+EXTRA_DIST += ChangeLog XI2proto.txt XIproto.txt
 .PHONY: ChangeLog
diff --git a/XIproto.txt b/XIproto.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20cc02a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/XIproto.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2542 @@
+           X11 Input Extension Protocol Specification
+                      Version 1.0
+                   X Consortium Standard
+                 X Version 11, Release 6.8
+               Mark Patrick, Ardent Computer
+               George Sachs, Hewlett-Packard
+                      Version 1.5
+                    Peter Hutterer
+   Copyright © 1989, 1990, 1991 by Hewlett-Packard Company and
+   Ardent Computer
+   Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
+   documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
+   granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this
+   permission notice appear in all copies. Ardent and
+   Hewlett-Packard make no representations about the suitability
+   for any purpose of the information in this document. It is
+   provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Copyright
+   © 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992 X Consortium
+   Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+   obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+   files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without
+   restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+   copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+   sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+   Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+   conditions:
+   The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+   included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+   Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X
+   Consortium shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to
+   promote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software
+   without prior written authorization from the X Consortium. X
+   Window System is a trademark of The Open Group.
+   Copyright © 2008 by Peter Hutterer
+   Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
+   obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
+   files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
+   restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
+   copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or
+   sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
+   Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
+   conditions:
+   The above copyright notice and this permission notice
+   (including the next paragraph) shall be included in all copies
+   or substantial portions of the Software.
+1. Input Extension Overview
+   This document defines an extension to the X11 protocol to
+   support input devices other than the core X keyboard and
+   pointer. An accompanying document defines a corresponding
+   extension to Xlib (similar extensions for languages other than
+   C are anticipated). This first section gives an overview of the
+   input extension. The next section defines the new protocol
+   requests defined by the extension. We conclude with a
+   description of the new input events generated by the additional
+   input devices.
+   This document only describes the behaviour of servers supporting 
+   up to the X Input Extension 1.5. For servers supporting the X 
+   Input Extensions 2.0, see XI2proto.txt. New clients are discouraged
+   from using this protocol specification. Instead, the use of XI 2.x 
+   is recommended.
+1.1 Design Approach
+   The design approach of the extension is to define requests and
+   events analogous to the core requests and events. This allows
+   extension input devices to be individually distinguishable from
+   each other and from the core input devices. These requests and
+   events make use of a device identifier and support the
+   reporting of n-dimensional motion data as well as other data
+   that is not reportable via the core input events.
+1.2 Core Input Devices
+   The X server core protocol supports two input devices: a
+   pointer and a keyboard. The pointer device has two major
+   functions. First, it may be used to generate motion information
+   that client programs can detect. Second, it may also be used to
+   indicate the current location and focus of the X keyboard. To
+   accomplish this, the server echoes a cursor at the current
+   position of the X pointer. Unless the X keyboard has been
+   explicitly focused, this cursor also shows the current location
+   and focus of the X keyboard. The X keyboard is used to generate
+   input that client programs can detect.
+   In servers supporting XI 1.4 and above, the core pointer and
+   the core keyboard are virtual devices that do not represent a
+   physical device connected to the host computer.
+   In servers supporting XI 2.0 and above, there may be multiple 
+   core pointers and keyboards. Refer to XI2proto.txt for more 
+   information.
+   The X keyboard and X pointer are referred to in this document
+   as the core devices, and the input events they generate
+   (KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and
+   MotionNotify) are known as the core input events. All other
+   input devices are referred to as extension input devices and
+   the input events they generate are referred to as extension
+   input events.
+   In servers supporting only XI 1.x, this input extension does
+   not change the behavior or functionality of the core input
+   devices, core events, or core protocol requests, with the
+   exception of the core grab requests. These requests may affect
+   the synchronization of events from extension devices. See the
+   explanation in the section titled "Event Synchronization and
+   Core Grabs".
+   Selection of the physical devices to be initially used by the
+   server as the core devices is left implementation-dependent.
+   Requests are defined that allow client programs to change which
+   physical devices are used as the core devices.
+1.3 Extension Input Devices
+   The input extension v1.x controls access to input devices other
+   than the X keyboard and X pointer. It allows client programs to
+   select input from these devices independently from each other
+   and independently from the core devices.
+   A client that wishes to access a specific device must first
+   determine whether that device is connected to the X server.
+   This is done through the ListInputDevices request, which will
+   return a list of all devices that can be opened by the X
+   server. A client can then open one or more of these devices
+   using the OpenDevice request, specify what events they are
+   interested in receiving, and receive and process input events
+   from extension devices in the same way as events from the X
+   keyboard and X pointer. Input events from these devices are of
+   extension types ( DeviceKeyPress, DeviceKeyRelease,
+   DeviceButtonPress, DeviceButtonRelease, DeviceMotionNotify,
+   etc.) and contain a device identifier so that events of the
+   same type coming from different input devices can be
+   distinguished.
+   Any kind of input device may be used as an extension input
+   device. Extension input devices may have 0 or more keys, 0 or
+   more buttons, and may report 0 or more axes of motion. Motion
+   may be reported as relative movements from a previous position
+   or as an absolute position. All valuators reporting motion
+   information for a given extension input device must report the
+   same kind of motion information (absolute or relative).
+   This extension is designed to accommodate new types of input
+   devices that may be added in the future. The protocol requests
+   that refer to specific characteristics of input devices
+   organize that information by input classes. Server implementors
+   may add new classes of input devices without changing the
+   protocol requests. Input classes are unique numbers registered
+   with the X Consortium. Each extension input device may support
+   multiple input classes.
+   In XI 1.x, all extension input devices are treated like the
+   core X keyboard in determining their location and focus. The
+   server does not track the location of these devices on an
+   individual basis, and therefore does not echo a cursor to
+   indicate their current location. Instead, their location is
+   determined by the location of the core X pointer. Like the core
+   X keyboard, some may be explicitly focused. If they are not
+   explicitly focused, their focus is determined by the location
+   of the core X pointer.
+   Most input events reported by the server to a client are of
+   fixed size (32 bytes). In order to represent the change in
+   state of an input device the extension may need to generate a
+   sequence of input events. A client side library (such as Xlib)
+   will typically take these raw input events and format them into
+   a form more convenient to the client.
+1.4 Event Classes
+   In the core protocol a client registers interest in receiving
+   certain input events directed to a window by modifying that
+   window's event-mask. Most of the bits in the event mask are
+   already used to specify interest in core X events. The input
+   extension specifies a different mechanism by which a client can
+   express interest in events generated by this extension.
+   When a client opens a extension input device via the OpenDevice
+   request, an XDevice structure is returned. Macros are provided
+   that extract 32-bit numbers called event classes from that
+   structure, that a client can use to register interest in
+   extension events via the SelectExtensionEvent request. The
+   event class combines the desired event type and device id, and
+   may be thought of as the equivalent of core event masks.
+1.5 Input Classes
+   Some of the input extension requests divide input devices into
+   classes based on their functionality. This is intended to allow
+   new classes of input devices to be defined at a later time
+   without changing the semantics of these requests. The following
+   input device classes are currently defined:
+   KEY
+          The device reports key events.
+          The device reports button events.
+          The device reports valuator data in motion events.
+          The device reports proximity events.
+          The device can be focused and reports focus events.
+          The device supports feedbacks.
+          The ChangeDeviceNotify, DeviceMappingNotify, and
+          DeviceStateNotify macros may be invoked passing the
+          XDevice structure returned for this device.
+   Each extension input device may support multiple input classes.
+   Additional classes may be added in the future. Requests that
+   support multiple input classes, such as the ListInputDevices
+   function that lists all available input devices, organize the
+   data they return by input class. Client programs that use these
+   requests should not access data unless it matches a class
+   defined at the time those clients were compiled. In this way,
+   new classes can be added without forcing existing clients that
+   use these requests to be recompiled.
+2. Requests
+   Extension input devices are accessed by client programs through
+   the use of new protocol requests. This section summarizes the
+   new requests defined by this extension. The syntax and type
+   definitions used below follow the notation used for the X11
+   core protocol.
+2.1 Getting the Extension Version
+   The GetExtensionVersion request returns version information
+   about the input extension.
+                       GetExtensionVersion
+                               name: STRING
+                       =>
+                               present: BOOL
+                               protocol-major-version: CARD16
+                               protocol-minor-version: CARD16
+   The protocol version numbers returned indicate the version of
+   the input extension supported by the target X server. The
+   version numbers can be compared to constants defined in the
+   header file XI.h. Each version is a superset of the previous
+   versions.
+   The name must be the name of the Input Extension as defined 
+   in the header file XI.h.
+2.2 Listing Available Devices
+   A client that wishes to access a specific device must first
+   determine whether that device is connected to the X server.
+   This is done through the ListInputDevices request, which will
+   return a list of all devices that can be opened by the X
+   server.
+                   ListInputDevices
+                   =>
+                   input-devices: ListOfDeviceInfo
+   where
+                   DEVICEINFO:
+                           [type: ATOM
+                            id: CARD8
+                            num_classes: CARD8
+                            use: {IsXKeyboard, IsXPointer, IsXExtensionPointer,
+                                  IsXExtensionKeyboard, IsExtensionDevice}
+                            info: LISTofINPUTINFO
+                            name: STRING8]
+                   KEYINFO:
+                           [class: CARD8
+                            length: CARD8
+                            min-keycode: KEYCODE
+                            max-keycode: KEYCODE
+                            num-keys: CARD16]
+                   BUTTONINFO:
+                           [class: CARD8
+                            length: CARD8
+                            num-buttons: CARD16]
+                   VALUATORINFO:
+                           [class: CARD8
+                            length: CARD8
+                            num_axes: CARD8
+                            mode: SETofDEVICEMODE
+                            motion_buffer_size: CARD32
+                            axes: LISTofAXISINFO]
+                   AXISINFO:
+                           [resolution: CARD32
+                            min-val: CARD32
+                            max-val: CARD32]
+                   DEVICEMODE: {Absolute, Relative}
+   Errors: None
+   This request returns a list of all devices that can be opened
+   by the X server, including the core X keyboard and X pointer.
+   Some implementations may open all input devices as part of X
+   initialization, while others may not open an input device until
+   requested to do so by a client program.
+   The information returned for each device is as follows:
+   type
+          The type field is of type Atom and indicates the nature
+          of the device. Clients may determine device types by
+          invoking the XInternAtom request passing one of the
+          names defined in the header file XI.h. The following
+          names have been defined to date:
+                                      MOUSE
+                                      TABLET
+                                      KEYBOARD
+                                      TOUCHSCREEN
+                                      TOUCHPAD
+                                      BUTTONBOX
+                                      BARCODE
+                                      KNOB_BOX
+                                      TRACKBALL
+                                      QUADRATURE
+                                      SPACEBALL
+                                      DATAGLOVE
+                                      EYETRACKER
+                                      CURSORKEYS
+                                      FOOTMOUSE
+                                      ID_MODULE
+                                      ONE_KNOB
+                                      NINE_KNOB
+                                      JOYSTICK
+   id
+          The id is a small cardinal value in the range 0-128 that
+          uniquely identifies the device. It is assigned to the
+          device when it is initialized by the server. Some
+          implementations may not open an input device until
+          requested by a client program, and may close the device
+          when the last client accessing it requests that it be
+          closed. If a device is opened by a client program via
+          XOpenDevice, then closed via XCloseDevice, then opened
+          again, it is not guaranteed to have the same id after
+          the second open request.
+   num_classes
+          The num_classes field is a small cardinal value in the
+          range 0-255 that specifies the number of input classes
+          supported by the device for which information is
+          returned by ListInputDevices. Some input classes, such
+          as class Focus and class Proximity do not have any
+          information to be returned by ListInputDevices.
+   use
+          The use field specifies how the device is currently
+          being used. If the value is IsXKeyboard, the device is
+          currently being used as the X keyboard. If the value is
+          IsXPointer, the device is currently being used as the X
+          pointer. If the value is IsXExtensionPointer, the device
+          is available for use as an extension pointer. If the value
+          is IsXExtensionKeyboard, the device is available for use as
+          and extension keyboard.
+          Older versions of XI report all extension devices as
+          IsXExtensionDevice.
+   name
+          The name field contains a pointer to a null-terminated
+          string that corresponds to one of the defined device
+          types.
+   InputInfo
+          InputInfo is one of: KeyInfo, ButtonInfo or
+          ValuatorInfo. The first two fields are common to all
+          three:
+        class
+                The class field is a cardinal value in the range
+                0-255. It uniquely identifies the class of input
+                for which information is returned.
+        length
+                The length field is a cardinal value in the range
+                0-255. It specifies the number of bytes of data
+                that are contained in this input class. The length
+                includes the class and length fields.
+          The remaining information returned for input class
+          KEYCLASS is as follows:
+        min_keycode
+                min_keycode is of type KEYCODE. It specifies the
+                minimum keycode that the device will report. The
+                minimum keycode will not be smaller than 8.
+        max_keycode
+                max_keycode is of type KEYCODE. It specifies the
+                maximum keycode that the device will report. The
+                maximum keycode will not be larger than 255.
+        num_keys
+                num_keys is a cardinal value that specifies the
+                number of keys that the device has.
+          The remaining information returned for input class
+          BUTTONCLASS is as follows:
+        num_buttons
+                num_buttons is a cardinal value that specifies the
+                number of buttons that the device has.
+          The remaining information returned for input class
+          VALUATORCLASS is as follows:
+        mode
+                mode is a constant that has one of the following
+                values: Absolute or Relative. Some devices allow
+                the mode to be changed dynamically via the
+                SetDeviceMode request.
+        motion_buffer_size
+                motion_buffer_size is a cardinal number that
+                specifies the number of elements that can be
+                contained in the motion history buffer for the
+                device.
+        axes
+                The axes field contains a pointer to an AXISINFO
+                struture.
+          The information returned for each axis reported by the
+          device is:
+        resolution
+                The resolution is a cardinal value in
+                counts/meter.
+        min_val
+                The min_val field is a cardinal value in that
+                contains the minimum value the device reports for
+                this axis. For devices whose mode is Relative, the
+                min_val field will contain 0.
+        max_val
+                The max_val field is a cardinal value in that
+                contains the maximum value the device reports for
+                this axis. For devices whose mode is Relative, the
+                max_val field will contain 0.
+2.3 Enabling Devices
+   Client programs that wish to access an extension device must
+   request that the server open that device. This is done via the
+   OpenDevice request.
+                   OpenDevice
+                           id: CARD8
+                   =>
+                   DEVICE:
+                           [device_id: XID
+                            num_classes: INT32
+                            classes: LISTofINPUTCLASSINFO]
+                   INPUTCLASSINFO:
+                            [input_class: CARD8
+                            event_type_base: CARD8]
+   Errors: Device
+   This request returns the event classes to be used by the client
+   to indicate which events the client program wishes to receive.
+   Each input class may report several event classes. For example,
+   input class Keys reports DeviceKeyPress and DeviceKeyRelease
+   event classes. Input classes are unique numbers registered with
+   the X Consortium. Input class Other exists to report event
+   classes that are not specific to any one input class, such as
+   DeviceMappingNotify, ChangeDeviceNotify, and DeviceStateNotify.
+   The information returned for each device is as follows:
+   device_id
+          The device_id is a number that uniquely identifies the
+          device.
+   num_classes
+          The num_classes field contains the number of input
+          classes supported by this device.
+   For each class of input supported by the device, the
+   InputClassInfo structure contains the following information:
+   input_class
+          The input_class is a small cardinal number that
+          identifies the class of input.
+   event_type_base
+          The event_type_base is a small cardinal number that
+          specifies the event type of one of the events reported
+          by this input class. This information is not directly
+          used by client programs. Instead, the Device is used by
+          macros that return extension event types and event
+          classes. This is described in the section of this
+          document entitled "Selecting Extension Device Events".
+   The information in the InputClassInfo reflects the state of
+   this device at the time the request was processed.
+   Before it exits, the client program should explicitly request
+   that the server close the device. This is done via the
+   CloseDevice request.
+   A client may open the same extension device more than once.
+   Requests after the first successful one return an additional
+   XDevice structure with the same information as the first, but
+   otherwise have no effect. A single CloseDevice request will
+   terminate that client's access to the device.
+   Closing a device releases any active or passive grabs the
+   requesting client has established. If the device is frozen only
+   by an active grab of the requesting client, the queued events
+   are released when the client terminates.
+   If a client program terminates without closing a device, the
+   server will automatically close that device on behalf of the
+   client. This does not affect any other clients that may be
+   accessing that device.
+                       CloseDevice:
+                               device: DEVICE
+   Errors: Device
+2.4 Changing The Mode Of A Device
+   Some devices are capable of reporting either relative or
+   absolute motion data. To change the mode of a device from
+   relative to absolute, use the SetDeviceMode request. The valid
+   values are Absolute or Relative.
+   This request will fail and return DeviceBusy if another client
+   already has the device open with a different mode. It will fail
+   and return AlreadyGrabbed if another client has the device
+   grabbed. The request will fail with a BadMatch error if the
+   requested mode is not supported by the device.
+                       SetDeviceMode
+                               device:DEVICE
+                               mode: {Absolute, Relative}
+                       =>
+                               status: {Success, DeviceBusy, AlreadyGrabbed}
+   Errors: Device, Match, Mode
+2.5 Initializing Valuators on an Input Device
+   Some devices that report absolute positional data can be
+   initialized to a starting value. Devices that are capable of
+   reporting relative motion or absolute positional data may
+   require that their valuators be initialized to a starting value
+   after the mode of the device is changed to Absolute. To
+   initialize the valuators on such a device, use the
+   SetDeviceValuators request.
+                   SetDeviceValuators
+                           device: DEVICE
+                           first_valuator: CARD8
+                           num_valuators: CARD8
+                           valuators: LISTOFINT32
+                   =>
+                           status: {Success, AlreadyGrabbed}
+   Errors: Length, Device, Match, Value
+   This request initializes the specified valuators on the
+   specified extension input device. Valuators are numbered
+   beginning with zero. Only the valuators in the range specified
+   by first_valuator and num_valuators are set. If the number of
+   valuators supported by the device is less than the expression
+   first_valuator + num_valuators, a Value error will result.
+   If the request succeeds, Success is returned. If the specifed
+   device is grabbed by some other client, the request will fail
+   and a status of AlreadyGrabbed will be returned.
+2.6 Getting Input Device Controls
+                   GetDeviceControl
+                           device: DEVICE
+                           control: XID
+                   =>
+                   controlState: {DeviceState}
+   where
+                   DeviceState: DeviceResolutionState
+   Errors: Length, Device, Match, Value
+   This request returns the current state of the specified device
+   control. The device control must be supported by the target
+   server and device or an error will result.
+   If the request is successful, a pointer to a generic
+   DeviceState structure will be returned. The information
+   returned varies according to the specified control and is
+   mapped by a structure appropriate for that control.
+   GetDeviceControl will fail with a BadValue error if the server
+   does not support the specified control. It will fail with a
+   BadMatch error if the device does not support the specified
+   control.
+   Supported device controls and the information returned for them
+   include:
+                   DEVICE_RESOLUTION:
+                       [control: CARD16
+                       length: CARD16
+                       num_valuators: CARD8
+                       resolutions: LISTofCARD32
+                       min_resolutions: LISTofCARD32
+                       max_resolutions: LISTofCARD32]
+   This device control returns a list of valuators and the range
+   of valid resolutions allowed for each. Valuators are numbered
+   beginning with 0. Resolutions for all valuators on the device
+   are returned. For each valuator i on the device, resolutions[i]
+   returns the current setting of the resolution,
+   min_resolutions[i] returns the minimum valid setting, and
+   max_resolutions[i] returns the maximum valid setting.
+   When this control is specified, XGetDeviceControl will fail
+   with a BadMatch error if the specified device has no valuators.
+                   ChangeDeviceControl:
+                           device: DEVICE
+                           XID: controlId
+                           control: DeviceControl
+   where
+                   DeviceControl: DeviceResolutionControl
+                   =>
+                           status: {Success, DeviceBusy, AlreadyGrabbed}
+   Errors: Length, Device, Match, Value
+   ChangeDeviceControl changes the specifed device control
+   according to the values specified in the DeviceControl
+   structure. The device control must be supported by the target
+   server and device or an error will result.
+   The information passed with this request varies according to
+   the specified control and is mapped by a structure appropriate
+   for that control.
+   ChangeDeviceControl will fail with a BadValue error if the
+   server does not support the specified control. It will fail
+   with a BadMatch error if the server supports the specified
+   control, but the requested device does not. The request will
+   fail and return a status of DeviceBusy if another client
+   already has the device open with a device control state that
+   conflicts with the one specified in the request. It will fail
+   with a status of AlreadyGrabbed if some other client has
+   grabbed the specified device. If the request succeeds, Success
+   is returned. If it fails, the device control is left unchanged.
+   Supported device controls and the information specified for
+   them include:
+                   DEVICE_RESOLUTION:
+                           [control: CARD16
+                            length: CARD16
+                            first_valuator: CARD8
+                            num_valuators: CARD8
+                            resolutions: LISTofCARD32]
+   This device control changes the resolution of the specified
+   valuators on the specified extension input device. Valuators
+   are numbered beginning with zero. Only the valuators in the
+   range specified by first_valuator and num_valuators are set. A
+   value of -1 in the resolutions list indicates that the
+   resolution for this valuator is not to be changed.
+   num_valuators specifies the number of valuators in the
+   resolutions list.
+   When this control is specified, XChangeDeviceControl will fail
+   with a BadMatch error if the specified device has no valuators.
+   If a resolution is specified that is not within the range of
+   valid values (as returned by XGetDeviceControl) the request
+   will fail with a BadValue error. If the number of valuators
+   supported by the device is less than the expression
+   first_valuator + num_valuators, a BadValue error will result.
+   If the request fails for any reason, none of the valuator
+   resolutions will be changed.
+   ChangeDeviceControl causes the server to send a DevicePresence
+   event to interested clients.
+2.7 Selecting Extension Device Events
+   Extension input events are selected using the
+   SelectExtensionEvent request.
+                   SelectExtensionEvent
+                           interest: LISTofEVENTCLASS
+                           window: WINDOW
+   Errors: Window, Class, Access
+   This request specifies to the server the events within the
+   specified window which are of interest to the client. As with
+   the core XSelectInput function, multiple clients can select
+   input on the same window.
+   XSelectExtensionEvent requires a list of event classes. An
+   event class is a 32-bit number that combines an event type and
+   device id, and is used to indicate which event a client wishes
+   to receive and from which device it wishes to receive it.
+   Macros are provided to obtain event classes from the data
+   returned by the XOpenDevice request. The names of these macros
+   correspond to the desired events, i.e. the DeviceKeyPress is
+   used to obtain the event class for DeviceKeyPress events. The
+   syntax of the macro invocation is:
+                    DeviceKeyPress (device, event_type, event_class);
+                        device: DEVICE
+                        event_type: INT
+                        event_class: INT
+   The value returned in event_type is the value that will be
+   contained in the event type field of the XDeviceKeyPressEvent
+   when it is received by the client. The value returned in
+   event_class is the value that should be passed in making an
+   XSelectExtensionEvent request to receive DeviceKeyPress events.
+   For DeviceButtonPress events, the client may specify whether or
+   not an implicit passive grab should be done when the button is
+   pressed. If the client wants to guarantee that it will receive
+   a DeviceButtonRelease event for each DeviceButtonPress event it
+   receives, it should specify the DeviceButtonPressGrab event
+   class as well as the DeviceButtonPress event class. This
+   restricts the client in that only one client at a time may
+   request DeviceButtonPress events from the same device and
+   window if any client specifies this class.
+   If any client has specified the DeviceButtonPressGrab class,
+   any requests by any other client that specify the same device
+   and window and specify DeviceButtonPress or
+   DeviceButtonPressGrab will cause an Access error to be
+   generated.
+   If only the DeviceButtonPress class is specified, no implicit
+   passive grab will be done when a button is pressed on the
+   device. Multiple clients may use this class to specify the same
+   device and window combination.
+   A client may also specify the DeviceOwnerGrabButton class. If
+   it has specified both the DeviceButtonPressGrab and the
+   DeviceOwnerGrabButton classes, implicit passive grabs will
+   activate with owner_events set to True. If only the
+   DeviceButtonPressGrab class is specified, implicit passive
+   grabs will activate with owner_events set to False.
+   The client may select DeviceMotion events only when a button is
+   down. It does this by specifying the event classes
+   Button1Motion through Button5Motion, or ButtonMotion. An input
+   device will only support as many button motion classes as it
+   has buttons.
+2.8 Determining Selected Events
+   To determine which extension events are currently selected from
+   a given window, use GetSelectedExtensionEvents.
+                   GetSelectedExtensionEvents
+                           window: WINDOW
+                   =>
+                           this-client: LISTofEVENTCLASS
+                           all-clients: LISTofEVENTCLASS
+   Errors: Window
+   This request returns two lists specifying the events selected
+   on the specified window. One list gives the extension events
+   selected by this client from the specified window. The other
+   list gives the extension events selected by all clients from
+   the specified window. This information is equivalent to that
+   returned by your-event-mask and all-event-masks in a
+   GetWindowAttributes request.
+2.9 Controlling Event Propagation
+   Extension events propagate up the window hierarchy in the same
+   manner as core events. If a window is not interested in an
+   extension event, it usually propagates to the closest ancestor
+   that is interested, unless the dont_propagate list prohibits
+   it. Grabs of extension devices may alter the set of windows
+   that receive a particular extension event.
+   Client programs may control extension event propagation through
+   the use of the following two requests.
+   XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList adds an event to or deletes an
+   event from the do_not_propagate list of extension events for
+   the specified window. This list is maintained for the life of
+   the window, and is not altered if the client terminates.
+                   ChangeDeviceDontPropagateList
+                           window: WINDOW
+                           eventclass: LISTofEVENTCLASS
+                           mode: {AddToList, DeleteFromList}
+   Errors: Window, Class, Mode
+   This function modifies the list specifying the events that are
+   not propagated to the ancestors of the specified window. You
+   may use the modes AddToList or DeleteFromList.
+                   GetDeviceDontPropagateList
+                           window: WINDOW
+                           Errors: Window
+                   =>
+                           dont-propagate-list: LISTofEVENTCLASS
+   This function returns a list specifying the events that are not
+   propagated to the ancestors of the specified window.
+2.10 Sending Extension Events
+   One client program may send an event to another via the
+   XSendExtensionEvent function.
+   The event in the XEvent structure must be one of the events
+   defined by the input extension, so that the X server can
+   correctly byte swap the contents as necessary. The contents of
+   the event are otherwise unaltered and unchecked by the X server

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