Hello to all,

I seemed to have the same problem as reported by other people here. The 
keyboard all of a sudden stopped working altogether, while the mouse 
functioned normally.

A few observations:
- Ctrl-Alt-F1 did NOT work
- Using the mouse I could go to another gnome session (under a different 
user). This session dit NOT have ANY problem.
- Logging out and in of the affected session did NOT help
- restarting the laptop did NOT help
- plugging in an USB keyboard did NOT help

Unfortunately preventing the gnome-screensaver from starting did also not 
make any difference.

- Kernel version: 2.6.26-2-686

x version:
xserver-xorg/lenny uptodate 1:7.3+20
xserver-xorg-core/lenny uptodate 2:1.4.2-10.lenny2
xserver-xorg-input-all/lenny uptodate 1:7.3+20

gnome version:
gnome-core/lenny uptodate 1:2.22.2~5

As the problem seemed related to the configuration of a specific user 
(although I was just using Firefox when my keyboard stopped, not 
installing or configuring or changing anything) I tried to look at all the 
processes started on the one hand for the user with the problem, on the 
other hand for the user that could just use the keyboard. There did not 
seem to be a big difference. I did disable the gnome weather applet, and 
after that nearly everything that was automatically started in gnome, but 
to no avail. For reference I include the list of processes started for 
both users at the end of this mail.

Then I deleted the following user files / directories - to no avail:

When the problem remained I deleted the following files / directories. 
That SOLVED the problem, albeit at the cost of some customization:
seaside.im (was owned by root)

Well, a little bit rough not to try these deletions one by one, especially 
considering that I do not know what all these are for, but then I had to 
go on working.....

User having problem:

portier-laptop-01:~# ps --user openeyedev
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 3862 ?        00:00:00 gconfd-2
 3864 ?        00:00:00 gnome-keyring-d
 3868 ?        00:00:00 gnome-session
 3917 ?        00:00:00 dbus-launch
 3918 ?        00:00:00 dbus-daemon
 3924 ?        00:00:00 seahorse-agent
 3927 ?        00:00:00 gnome-settings-
 3948 ?        00:00:00 metacity
 3949 ?        00:00:00 gnome-panel
 3951 ?        00:00:00 nautilus
 3958 ?        00:00:00 bonobo-activati
 3963 ?        00:00:00 python
 3969 ?        00:00:00 gnome-vfs-daemo
 3975 ?        00:00:00 kerneloops-appl
 3976 ?        00:00:00 nm-applet
 3977 ?        00:00:00 gnome-volume-ma
 3978 ?        00:00:00 gnome-power-man
 3986 ?        00:00:00 python
 4004 ?        00:00:00 fast-user-switc
 4006 ?        00:00:00 trashapplet
 4008 ?        00:00:00 gnome-keyboard-
 4010 ?        00:00:00 gweather-applet
 4012 ?        00:00:00 mapping-daemon
 4032 ?        00:00:00 gnome-terminal
 4034 ?        00:00:00 gnome-pty-helpe
 4035 pts/0    00:00:00 bash

User NOT having problem:

portier-laptop-01:~# ps --user rportier
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
 4086 ?        00:00:00 gconfd-2
 4088 ?        00:00:00 gnome-keyring-d
 4089 ?        00:00:00 gnome-session
 4138 ?        00:00:00 dbus-launch
 4139 ?        00:00:00 dbus-daemon
 4145 ?        00:00:00 seahorse-agent
 4148 ?        00:00:00 gnome-settings-
 4169 ?        00:00:00 metacity
 4170 ?        00:00:01 gnome-panel
 4173 ?        00:00:00 nautilus
 4179 ?        00:00:00 bonobo-activati
 4181 ?        00:00:00 gnome-vfs-daemo
 4199 ?        00:00:00 python
 4203 ?        00:00:00 kerneloops-appl
 4205 ?        00:00:00 nm-applet
 4206 ?        00:00:00 gnome-power-man
 4207 ?        00:00:00 gnome-volume-ma
 4211 ?        00:00:00 python
 4221 ?        00:00:00 mapping-daemon
 4229 ?        00:00:00 trashapplet
 4233 ?        00:00:00 gnome-keyboard-
 4234 ?        00:00:00 fast-user-switc
 4246 ?        00:00:00 gnome-terminal
 4249 ?        00:00:00 gnome-pty-helpe
 4250 pts/1    00:00:00 bash
 4317 ?        00:00:30 lnotes
 4318 ?        00:00:00 nsdexec
 4323 ?        00:00:00 sametime_idlemo
 4331 ?        00:00:16 notes2
 4422 ?        00:00:02 taskldr
 4478 ?        00:00:00 firefox
 4490 ?        00:00:00 run-mozilla.sh
 4496 ?        00:00:23 firefox-bin
 4630 ?        00:00:00 evolution-data-
 4660 ?        00:00:00 evolution-alarm

Kind regards,

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