debian/changelog      |    5 -
 debian/xsfbs/ |    4 
 debian/xsfbs/ |  239 --------------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 244 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit d9b7cc7e635953b46a42d96882679c0144c20b2f
Author: David Nusinow <>
Date:   Wed Aug 26 23:27:13 2009 -0400

    Update xsfbs to 5693792171d885769e58dcccc053c08b11acd12a

diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 38437c2..82680b3 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -7,7 +7,10 @@ xkeyboard-config (1.6-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
   * Don't install base.xml in /etc/X11/xkb.  Modifying this creates more
     problems than it solves (closes: #497341).
- -- David Nusinow <>  Tue, 25 Aug 2009 12:56:16 -0400
+  [ David Nusinow ]
+  * Update xsfbs to 5693792171d885769e58dcccc053c08b11acd12a
+ -- David Nusinow <>  Wed, 26 Aug 2009 23:27:13 -0400
 xkeyboard-config (1.6-1) unstable; urgency=low

commit 5693792171d885769e58dcccc053c08b11acd12a
Author: Julien Cristau <>
Date:   Wed Aug 26 18:53:36 2009 +0200 no need for shlibs.local

diff --git a/debian/xsfbs/ b/debian/xsfbs/
index f0f8953..1f86848 100755
--- a/debian/xsfbs/
+++ b/debian/xsfbs/
@@ -265,10 +265,6 @@ $(STAMP_DIR)/genscripts: $(STAMP_DIR)/stampdir
        #                                    debian/*.prerm
-# Generate the shlibs.local file.
-       cat debian/*.shlibs >$@
 SERVERMINVERS = $(shell cat /usr/share/xserver-xorg/serverminver 2>/dev/null)
 VIDEOABI = $(shell cat /usr/share/xserver-xorg/videoabiver 2>/dev/null)
 INPUTABI = $(shell cat /usr/share/xserver-xorg/inputabiver 2>/dev/null)

commit 1f858adff1ce2687cf542dd9b69b81137412f8a4
Author: Julien Cristau <>
Date:   Wed Aug 26 18:47:09 2009 +0200 remove unused reject_whitespace function

diff --git a/debian/xsfbs/ b/debian/xsfbs/
index b3f4bbe..45acd59 100644
--- a/debian/xsfbs/
+++ b/debian/xsfbs/
@@ -93,22 +93,6 @@ reject_nondigits () {
-reject_whitespace () {
-  # syntax: reject_whitespace [ operand ]
-  #
-  # scan operand (typically a shell variable whose value cannot be trusted) for
-  # whitespace characters and barf if any are found
-  if [ -n "$1" ]; then
-    # does the operand contain any whitespace?
-    if expr "$1" : "[[:space:]]" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-      # can't use die(), because I want to avoid forward references
-      echo "$THIS_PACKAGE $THIS_SCRIPT error: reject_whitespace() encountered" 
-           "possibly malicious garbage \"$1\"" >&2
-    fi
-  fi
 reject_unlikely_path_chars () {
   # syntax: reject_unlikely_path_chars [ operand ... ]

commit 0dd71e12416aa7dc60ed68af8127e04609b125f4
Author: Julien Cristau <>
Date:   Wed Aug 26 18:23:53 2009 +0200 remove unused find_culprits function

diff --git a/debian/xsfbs/ b/debian/xsfbs/
index 7dbb196..b3f4bbe 100644
--- a/debian/xsfbs/
+++ b/debian/xsfbs/
@@ -199,53 +199,6 @@ usage_error () {
-find_culprits () {
-  local f p dpkg_info_dir possible_culprits smoking_guns bad_packages package \
-    msg
-  reject_whitespace "$1"
-  message "Searching for overlapping packages..."
-  dpkg_info_dir=/var/lib/dpkg/info
-  if [ -d $dpkg_info_dir ]; then
-    if [ "$(echo $dpkg_info_dir/*.list)" != "$dpkg_info_dir/*.list" ]; then
-      possible_culprits=$(ls -1 $dpkg_info_dir/*.list | egrep -v \
-        "(xbase-clients|x11-common|xfs|xlibs)")
-      if [ -n "$possible_culprits" ]; then
-        smoking_guns=$(grep -l "$1" $possible_culprits || true)
-        if [ -n "$smoking_guns" ]; then
-          bad_packages=$(printf "\\n")
-          for f in $smoking_guns; do
-            # too bad you can't nest parameter expansion voodoo
-            p=${f%*.list}      # strip off the trailing ".list"
-            package=${p##*/}   # strip off the directories
-            bad_packages=$(printf "%s\n%s" "$bad_packages" "$package")
-          done
-          msg=$(cat <<EOF
-The following packages appear to have file overlaps with the X.Org packages;
-these packages are either very old, or in violation of Debian Policy.  Try
-upgrading each of these packages to the latest available version if possible:
-for example, with the command "apt-get install".  If no newer version of a
-package is available, you will have to remove it; for example, with the command
-"apt-get remove".  If even the latest available version of the package has
-this file overlap, please file a bug against that package with the Debian Bug
-Tracking System.  You may want to refer the package maintainer to section 12.8
-of the Debian Policy manual.
-          message "$msg"
-          message "The overlapping packages are: $bad_packages"
-        else
-          message "no overlaps found."
-        fi
-      fi
-    else
-      message "cannot search; no matches for $dpkg_info_dir/*.list."
-    fi
-  else
-    message "cannot search; $dpkg_info_dir does not exist."
-  fi
 font_update () {

commit b6c6eceec66066ebac16c85cc75bfa8a4f6cf58a
Author: Julien Cristau <>
Date:   Wed Aug 26 18:23:06 2009 +0200 remove unused maplink function

diff --git a/debian/xsfbs/ b/debian/xsfbs/
index f869274..7dbb196 100644
--- a/debian/xsfbs/
+++ b/debian/xsfbs/
@@ -199,37 +199,6 @@ usage_error () {
-maplink () {
-  # returns what symlink should point to; i.e., what the "sane" answer is
-  # Keep this in sync with the debian/*.links files.
-  # This is only needed for symlinks to directories.
-  #
-  # XXX: Most of these look wrong in the X11R7 world and need to be fixed.
-  # If we've stopped using this function, fixing it might enable us to 
-  # it again and catch more errors.
-  case "$1" in
-    /etc/X11/xkb/compiled) echo /var/lib/xkb ;;
-    /etc/X11/xkb/xkbcomp) echo /usr/X11R6/bin/xkbcomp ;;
-    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults) echo /etc/X11/app-defaults ;;
-    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fs) echo /etc/X11/fs ;;
-    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/lbxproxy) echo /etc/X11/lbxproxy ;;
-    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/proxymngr) echo /etc/X11/proxymngr ;;
-    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rstart) echo /etc/X11/rstart ;;
-    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/twm) echo /etc/X11/twm ;;
-    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xdm) echo /etc/X11/xdm ;;
-    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit) echo /etc/X11/xinit ;;
-    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb) echo /etc/X11/xkb ;;
-    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xserver) echo /etc/X11/xserver ;;
-    /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xsm) echo /etc/X11/xsm ;;
-    /usr/bin/X11) echo ../X11R6/bin ;;
-    /usr/bin/rstartd) echo ../X11R6/bin/rstartd ;;
-    /usr/include/X11) echo ../X11R6/include/X11 ;;
-    /usr/lib/X11) echo ../X11R6/lib/X11 ;;
-    *) internal_error "maplink() called with unknown path \"$1\"" ;;
-  esac
 find_culprits () {
   local f p dpkg_info_dir possible_culprits smoking_guns bad_packages package \

commit 8eb3d6a5ce9964876e48ea56048f1a5135ef4f28
Author: Julien Cristau <>
Date:   Wed Aug 26 18:21:34 2009 +0200 remove unused analyze_path

diff --git a/debian/xsfbs/ b/debian/xsfbs/
index 4461b1a..f869274 100644
--- a/debian/xsfbs/
+++ b/debian/xsfbs/
@@ -230,32 +230,6 @@ maplink () {
-analyze_path () {
-  # given a supplied set of pathnames, break each one up by directory and do an
-  # ls -dl on each component, cumulatively; i.e.
-  # analyze_path /usr/X11R6/bin -> ls -dl /usr /usr/X11R6 /usr/X11R6/bin
-  # Thanks to Randolph Chung for this clever hack.
-  local f g
-  while [ -n "$1" ]; do
-    reject_whitespace "$1"
-    g=
-    message "Analyzing $1:"
-    for f in $(echo "$1" | tr / \  ); do
-      if [ -e /$g$f ]; then
-        ls -dl /$g$f /$g$f.dpkg-* 2> /dev/null || true
-        g=$g$f/
-      else
-        message "/$g$f: nonexistent; directory contents of /$g:"
-        ls -l /$g
-        break
-      fi
-    done
-    shift
-  done
 find_culprits () {
   local f p dpkg_info_dir possible_culprits smoking_guns bad_packages package \

commit 1d0081bdf60944d8ef0935a531dfbcc5f01739c5
Author: Julien Cristau <>
Date:   Wed Aug 26 18:20:11 2009 +0200 remove unused check_symlinks_and_{bomb,warn}

diff --git a/debian/xsfbs/ b/debian/xsfbs/
index 781826f..4461b1a 100644
--- a/debian/xsfbs/
+++ b/debian/xsfbs/
@@ -303,115 +303,6 @@ EOF
-check_symlink () {
-  # syntax: check_symlink symlink
-  #
-  # See if specified symlink points where it is supposed to.  Return 0 if it
-  # does, and 1 if it does not.
-  #
-  # Primarily used by check_symlinks_and_warn() and check_symlinks_and_bomb().
-  local symlink
-  # validate arguments
-  if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
-    usage_error "check_symlink() called with wrong number of arguments;" \
-                "expected 1, got $#"
-  fi
-  symlink="$1"
-  if [ "$(maplink "$symlink")" = "$(readlink "$symlink")" ]; then
-    return 0
-  else
-    return 1
-  fi
-check_symlinks_and_warn () {
-  # syntax: check_symlinks_and_warn symlink ...
-  #
-  # For each argument, check for symlink sanity, and warn if it isn't sane.
-  #
-  # Call this function from a preinst script in the event $1 is "upgrade" or
-  # "install".
-  local errmsg symlink
-  # validate arguments
-  if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
-    usage_error "check_symlinks_and_warn() called with wrong number of" \
-                "arguments; expected at least 1, got $#"
-  fi
-  while [ -n "$1" ]; do
-    symlink="$1"
-    if [ -L "$symlink" ]; then
-      if ! check_symlink "$symlink"; then
-        observe "$symlink symbolic link points to wrong location" \
-                "$(readlink "$symlink"); removing"
-        rm "$symlink"
-      fi
-    elif [ -e "$symlink" ]; then
-      errmsg="$symlink exists and is not a symbolic link; this package cannot"
-      errmsg="$errmsg be installed until this"
-      if [ -f "$symlink" ]; then
-        errmsg="$errmsg file"
-      elif [ -d "$symlink" ]; then
-        errmsg="$errmsg directory"
-      else
-        errmsg="$errmsg thing"
-      fi
-      errmsg="$errmsg is removed"
-      die "$errmsg"
-    fi
-    shift
-  done
-check_symlinks_and_bomb () {
-  # syntax: check_symlinks_and_bomb symlink ...
-  #
-  # For each argument, check for symlink sanity, and bomb if it isn't sane.
-  #
-  # Call this function from a postinst script.
-  local problem symlink
-  # validate arguments
-  if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then
-    usage_error "check_symlinks_and_bomb() called with wrong number of"
-                "arguments; expected at least 1, got $#"
-  fi
-  while [ -n "$1" ]; do
-    problem=
-    symlink="$1"
-    if [ -L "$symlink" ]; then
-      if ! check_symlink "$symlink"; then
-        problem=yes
-        warn "$symlink symbolic link points to wrong location" \
-             "$(readlink "$symlink")"
-      fi
-    elif [ -e "$symlink" ]; then
-      problem=yes
-      warn "$symlink is not a symbolic link"
-    else
-      problem=yes
-      warn "$symlink symbolic link does not exist"
-    fi
-    if [ -n "$problem" ]; then
-      analyze_path "$symlink" "$(readlink "$symlink")"
-      find_culprits "$symlink"
-      die "bad symbolic links on system"
-    fi
-    shift
-  done
 font_update () {

commit 8f72294ada477f003888b6776883c1dd98289f3f
Author: Julien Cristau <>
Date:   Wed Jun 3 03:37:37 2009 +0200

    Kill custom readlink function
    This was needed for very, very old versions of debianutils.
    Closes: #498890

diff --git a/debian/xsfbs/ b/debian/xsfbs/
index 197eb74..781826f 100644
--- a/debian/xsfbs/
+++ b/debian/xsfbs/
@@ -303,16 +303,6 @@ EOF
-# we require a readlink command or shell function
-if ! which readlink > /dev/null 2>&1; then
-  message "The readlink command was not found.  Please install version" \
-          "1.13.1 or later of the debianutils package."
-  readlink () {
-    # returns what symlink in $1 actually points to
-    perl -e '$l = shift; exit 1 unless -l $l; $r = readlink $l; exit 1 unless 
$r; print "$r\n"' "$1"
-  }
 check_symlink () {
   # syntax: check_symlink symlink

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