Julien Cristau wrote:
Hi Brian,

the following bug was reported against the mesa 7.0.3 package in Debian.
The relevant code doesn't seem to have changed in master.  Could you
take a look?


On Tue, Jul  7, 2009 at 17:50:06 +0100, roger wrote:

It appears that mesa 7.0.3, crashes with some application in amd64 mode.

Weh I traced this into mesa I found the wrapper was only fetching the
dispatch table thru _gl_DispatchTSD - although it had not been setup correctly
- (The magic was 0) .
I compared this gdb trace to the same application which does not crash on
i386 and found that this _gl_DispatchTSD was also not set up on entry to the
wrapper in i386 mode.

Comparing the i386 code and the dispatch documentation shows that the
wrapper ought to be testing _glapi_Dispatch for NULL before getting the
dispatch table from the TSD info.

The attached patch changes the wrapper generator script to create code
which this extra check - and avoids unnecessary calls to pthread_getspecific()

Obviously this root cause of the segv could be an OpenGL programming
issue but it is confusing that the behaviour changes between architectures.

--- a/src/mesa/glapi/gl_x86-64_asm.py   2009-07-06 20:51:52.000000000 +0100
+++ b/src/mesa/glapi/gl_x86-64_asm.py   2009-07-06 22:17:59.000000000 +0100
@@ -166,7 +166,11 @@
                print ''
                print '\t.p2align\t4,,15'
                print '_x86_64_get_dispatch:'
-               print '\tmovq\t_gl_DispatchTSD(%rip), %rdi'
+               print '\tmovq\t_glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax'
+               print '\ttestq\t%rax,%rax'
+               print '\tje\t1f'
+               print '\tret'
+               print '1:\tmovq\t_gl_DispatchTSD(%rip), %rdi'
                print '\tjmp\tpthread_getspeci...@plt'
                print ''
                print '#elif defined(THREADS)'


I don't know why, but with this patch and a re-generated x86-64/glapi_x86-64.S file, I get a run-time unresolved symbol:

glxinfo: symbol lookup error: /home/brian/mesa/lib64/libGL.so.1: undefined symbol: gl_dispatch_stub_776

Here's the local diff to my tree vs Mesa/git/master. Any ideas? I don't have time right now to investigate.


diff --git a/src/mesa/glapi/gl_x86-64_asm.py b/src/mesa/glapi/gl_x86-64_asm.py
index f36ad3a..f5d30c9 100644
--- a/src/mesa/glapi/gl_x86-64_asm.py
+++ b/src/mesa/glapi/gl_x86-64_asm.py
@@ -166,7 +166,11 @@ class PrintGenericStubs(gl_XML.gl_print_base):
                print ''
                print '\t.p2align\t4,,15'
                print '_x86_64_get_dispatch:'
-               print '\tmovq\t_gl_DispatchTSD(%rip), %rdi'
+               print '\tmovq\t_glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax'
+               print '\ttestq\t%rax,%rax'
+               print '\tje\t1f'
+               print '\tret'
+               print '1:\tmovq\t_gl_DispatchTSD(%rip), %rdi'
                print '\tjmp\tpthread_getspeci...@plt'
                print ''
                print '#elif defined(THREADS)'
diff --git a/src/mesa/x86-64/glapi_x86-64.S b/src/mesa/x86-64/glapi_x86-64.S
index 44179ab..b65856c 100644
--- a/src/mesa/x86-64/glapi_x86-64.S
+++ b/src/mesa/x86-64/glapi_x86-64.S
@@ -73,7 +73,11 @@ _x86_64_get_dispatch:
        .p2align        4,,15
-       movq    _gl_DispatchTSD(%rip), %rdi
+       movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
+       testq   %rax,%rax
+       je      1f
+       ret
+1:     movq    _gl_DispatchTSD(%rip), %rdi
        jmp     pthread_getspeci...@plt
 #elif defined(THREADS)
@@ -29277,12 +29281,88 @@ GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_773):
        .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_773), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_773)
        .p2align        4,,15
+       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_774)
+       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_774), @function
+       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_774))
+#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)
+       call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
+       movq    6192(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+#elif defined(PTHREADS)
+       pushq   %rdi
+       pushq   %rsi
+       pushq   %rdx
+       call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
+       popq    %rdx
+       popq    %rsi
+       popq    %rdi
+       movq    6192(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+       movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
+       testq   %rax, %rax
+       je      1f
+       movq    6192(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+       pushq   %rdi
+       pushq   %rsi
+       pushq   %rdx
+       call    _glapi_get_dispatch
+       popq    %rdx
+       popq    %rsi
+       popq    %rdi
+       movq    6192(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */
+       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_774), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_774)
+       .p2align        4,,15
+       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_775)
+       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_775), @function
+       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_775))
+#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)
+       call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
+       movq    6200(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+#elif defined(PTHREADS)
+       pushq   %rdi
+       pushq   %rsi
+       pushq   %rdx
+       call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
+       popq    %rdx
+       popq    %rsi
+       popq    %rdi
+       movq    6200(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+       movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
+       testq   %rax, %rax
+       je      1f
+       movq    6200(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+       pushq   %rdi
+       pushq   %rsi
+       pushq   %rdx
+       call    _glapi_get_dispatch
+       popq    %rdx
+       popq    %rsi
+       popq    %rdi
+       movq    6200(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */
+       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_775), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_775)
+       .p2align        4,,15
        .globl  GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT)
        .type   GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT), @function
 #if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)
        call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
-       movq    6192(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6208(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #elif defined(PTHREADS)
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29296,13 +29376,13 @@ GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6192(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6208(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
        testq   %rax, %rax
        je      1f
-       movq    6192(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6208(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29316,7 +29396,7 @@ GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6192(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6208(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */
        .size   GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT), 
@@ -29327,37 +29407,113 @@ GL_PREFIX(FramebufferTextureLayerEXT):
 #if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)
        call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
-       movq    6200(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6216(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #elif defined(PTHREADS)
        pushq   %rdi
        call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6200(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6216(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
        testq   %rax, %rax
        je      1f
-       movq    6200(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6216(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        pushq   %rdi
        call    _glapi_get_dispatch
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6200(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6216(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */
        .size   GL_PREFIX(ProvokingVertexEXT), .-GL_PREFIX(ProvokingVertexEXT)
        .p2align        4,,15
-       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_776)
-       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_776), @function
-       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_776))
+       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778)
+       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778), @function
+       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778))
 #if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)
        call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
-       movq    6208(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6224(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+#elif defined(PTHREADS)
+       pushq   %rdi
+       pushq   %rsi
+       pushq   %rdx
+       call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
+       popq    %rdx
+       popq    %rsi
+       popq    %rdi
+       movq    6224(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+       movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
+       testq   %rax, %rax
+       je      1f
+       movq    6224(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+       pushq   %rdi
+       pushq   %rsi
+       pushq   %rdx
+       call    _glapi_get_dispatch
+       popq    %rdx
+       popq    %rsi
+       popq    %rdi
+       movq    6224(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */
+       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778)
+       .p2align        4,,15
+       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779)
+       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779), @function
+       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779))
+#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)
+       call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
+       movq    6232(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+#elif defined(PTHREADS)
+       pushq   %rdi
+       pushq   %rsi
+       pushq   %rdx
+       call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
+       popq    %rdx
+       popq    %rsi
+       popq    %rdi
+       movq    6232(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+       movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
+       testq   %rax, %rax
+       je      1f
+       movq    6232(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+       pushq   %rdi
+       pushq   %rsi
+       pushq   %rdx
+       call    _glapi_get_dispatch
+       popq    %rdx
+       popq    %rsi
+       popq    %rdi
+       movq    6232(%rax), %r11
+       jmp     *%r11
+#endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */
+       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779)
+       .p2align        4,,15
+       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780)
+       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780), @function
+       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780))
+#if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)
+       call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
+       movq    6240(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #elif defined(PTHREADS)
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29371,13 +29527,13 @@ GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_776):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6208(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6240(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
        testq   %rax, %rax
        je      1f
-       movq    6208(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6240(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29391,19 +29547,19 @@ GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_776):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6208(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6240(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */
-       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_776), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_776)
+       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780)
        .p2align        4,,15
-       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_777)
-       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_777), @function
-       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_777))
+       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_781)
+       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_781), @function
+       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_781))
 #if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)
        call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
-       movq    6216(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6248(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #elif defined(PTHREADS)
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29417,13 +29573,13 @@ GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_777):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6216(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6248(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
        testq   %rax, %rax
        je      1f
-       movq    6216(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6248(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29437,19 +29593,19 @@ GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_777):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6216(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6248(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */
-       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_777), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_777)
+       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_781), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_781)
        .p2align        4,,15
-       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778)
-       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778), @function
-       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778))
+       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_782)
+       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_782), @function
+       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_782))
 #if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)
        call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
-       movq    6224(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6256(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #elif defined(PTHREADS)
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29463,13 +29619,13 @@ GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6224(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6256(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
        testq   %rax, %rax
        je      1f
-       movq    6224(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6256(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29483,19 +29639,19 @@ GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6224(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6256(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */
-       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_778)
+       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_782), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_782)
        .p2align        4,,15
-       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779)
-       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779), @function
-       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779))
+       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_783)
+       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_783), @function
+       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_783))
 #if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)
        call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
-       movq    6232(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6264(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #elif defined(PTHREADS)
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29505,13 +29661,13 @@ GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6232(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6264(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
        testq   %rax, %rax
        je      1f
-       movq    6232(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6264(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29521,19 +29677,19 @@ GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6232(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6264(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */
-       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_779)
+       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_783), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_783)
        .p2align        4,,15
-       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780)
-       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780), @function
-       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780))
+       .globl  GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_784)
+       .type   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_784), @function
+       HIDDEN(GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_784))
 #if defined(GLX_USE_TLS)
        call    _x86_64_get_dispa...@plt
-       movq    6240(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6272(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #elif defined(PTHREADS)
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29543,13 +29699,13 @@ GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6240(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6272(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        movq    _glapi_Dispatch(%rip), %rax
        testq   %rax, %rax
        je      1f
-       movq    6240(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6272(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
        pushq   %rdi
@@ -29559,10 +29715,10 @@ GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780):
        popq    %rdx
        popq    %rsi
        popq    %rdi
-       movq    6240(%rax), %r11
+       movq    6272(%rax), %r11
        jmp     *%r11
 #endif /* defined(GLX_USE_TLS) */
-       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_780)
+       .size   GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_784), .-GL_PREFIX(_dispatch_stub_784)
        .globl GL_PREFIX(ArrayElementEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(ArrayElementEXT), 
        .globl GL_PREFIX(BindTextureEXT) ; .set GL_PREFIX(BindTextureEXT), 

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